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censorship and conspiracy about JF Kenndy assasination

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Censorship and Conspiracy about JF Kennedy Assassination.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, nicknamed “Jack” and commonly known as JFK, was born on 29th May 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts (Kroth 3). At the age of 43 years, he was sworn in as the 35th president of the United States of America. At his age, he became the youngest president in US history. From the beginning, his uniqueness preempted some type of a challenge towards his presidency. His run as president was, however, short-lived as he was shot and killed on 22nd November 1963 at 12.20pm (Kroth 10). He was assassinated while making a routine visit in Dallas, Texas through Elm Street in his convertible limousine. This assassination sparked a lot of questions and conspiracy theories on the identity of the shooter, his/her motivation and how he/she managed to do it. Almost fifty years later, many individuals are still unsure of who masterminded this assassination. The paper herein will examine conspiracy theories based on eyewitness accounts, support evidence and contradictions with the aim of proving that Lee Harvey Oswald may not have been solely responsible for this act, but might have been working with other conspirators.
Lee Harvey Oswald, born 18th October 1939, was alleged as the sole assassin that orchestrated the assassination of the president. It was claimed that Oswald was resentful with the US government ever since he was discharged from the country’s Marine Corps. After he was discharged, he traveled to the Soviet Union and attempted to get citizenship there but he was denied.

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He was then forced to return to the US (Kroth 35). He then settled in Dallas, Texas where he planned JF Kennedy’s assassination with other co-conspirators.
The bullet’s angle caused significant controversy. After the president’s assassination, his body underwent the first official human body autopsy. Two autopsies were conducted, one in Parkland Hospital, and the other at Bethesda Naval Hospital. The doctors in Bethesda Hospital stated that the bullets that shot the president made an entry in the upper portion of his neck, and an exit about 2 centimeters over his bow tie (Engdahl 63). On the other hand, Parkland Hospital doctors claimed that the bullet made an entry 2 centimeters over his bow tie and an exit in his lower back (Engdahl 63). The meaning of this is that the gunman would have to be located well above JF Kennedy, a shot that would be impossible to take. Notwithstanding, the Warren Commission, who had been appointed to conduct investigations, completely ignored these autopsy findings by the Parkland Hospital and never highlighted them in their official report (Engdahl 64). The Warren Commission did not stop there, they went ahead and ignored expert opinions, and eyewitness accounts as well as police radio sounds. It was as if the commission had already made up its mind on the shooter; of what purpose is a commission hired to carry out an investigation, but instead ignore vital pieces of evidence? Several eyewitnesses, including Senator Ralph Yarborough, who stated that one could smell the gunpowder as he drove by the grassy knoll (Engdahl 65). Finally, the recordings captured on Dallas Police Department’s radio as well as expert opinion also pointed out that one of the shots that killed the president most probably came from the grassy knoll. As expected, the commission also ignored this evidence.
The common tie between Lee H. Oswald and the assassination was Jack Ruby. Ruby was an owner of a local nightclub with strong ties to the Mafia. He is the man who shot and killed Oswald in Dallas Police Department’s Headquarters. Following this shooting, many question the reason behind Ruby shooting Oswald. Many speculate it was to silence him from revealing vital facts that would link Ruby and the Mafia to the killing of the president. Ruby may have just been utilized as a pawn by the mafia to kill President Kennedy because of meddling with organized crime affairs.
Another theory surrounding President Kennedy’s assassination points to the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). All through World War II, the CIA had a lot of power. The agency’s policies and decision making affected most of the aspects of World War II, from the atomic bomb drop on Japan to key military offenses. After the war, the agency was still responsible for planning the strategies of the US government until it failed to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government. Deeply disappointed by this disaster, the president along with his advisers made a decision that Allen Dulles, the then CIA director, and other high ranking staff would be demoted (Williams). Soon after CIA’s botched maneuver, Dulles and other high ranking staff were fired throwing the CIA into a semi-disarray state (Williams). Following this act, President JF Kennedy vowed to pull out the military personnel who were in Vietnam, ending the government’s involvement in Asia. This decision worried the CIA as they saw that along with the economic implications of the action, having no visible presence in Asia would leave the interest of America vulnerable. Because of these facts, the CIA decided to change the plans of the president at whatever cost, and after President Kennedy declined negotiating with the agency, the stage was set for his assassination.
In conclusion, there is enough evidence to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed involved in the controversial shooting of President JF Kennedy. Nonetheless, there is overwhelming evidence that points out that Oswald did not work alone, giving way to a great conspiracy that changed America forever.
Works Cited.
Engdahl, Sylvia. The John F. Kennedy Assassination. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2011. Print.
Kroth, Jerome A. Conspiracy in Camelot the Complete History of the Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. New York: Algora Pub., 2003. Print.
Williams, Ashley. “Who Shot JFK? 6 Conspiracy Theories.” USA Today. Gannett, 29 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.

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