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Critical thinking about Film & Theater studies

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Frankenstein Film Review
The idea of the ‘return or repression’ is generally fundamental to Gothic fiction, and particularly Gothic horror. Very closely related with the concept that the repressed usually attempt to rise to the sensible mind is the notion of the ‘Other.’Generally, ‘Otherness’ is a depictive figure of the thing that the prevailing ideology considers a danger to the status quo. Maintaining the current status exclusively depends on the repression as well as suppression of the concepts that run parallel to that particular ideology, and that possess the potential of instigating violence, rebellion and even disorder into the daily life’s structure. Frankenstein is a good example of the manner in which the repressed can be overwhelmed rather than integrated for ultimate change into a traditional copy of itself. By identifying the ‘Other’ as a monster that should be destroyed, the society is in a better position of discrediting its link to the common consciousness; it is very easy to battle a foreign agent as compared to one that is home-based (Doherty 56). The creature in Frankenstein exists as a colleague of the distinctive Christian milieu whereby they were scripted, and the search for the creature with the aim or destroying it epitomizes an attempt by those communities to manage and then crush their parts that are considered dangerous, which have been suppressed and repressed for long.
Repression is a prerequisite for the society’s growth and development, however, it is easy to create a thing like surplus of repression, not for the sake of developing community but for the controlling and containing of development.

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The subject to repression varies from one society to another. The creation of Frankenstein turns to be of fear and dread since his monstrous and strange exhibition is basically linked to the wicked way that it was made (Frank 67). Fantastical views as regards evolution and God’s nature apparently evident as part of the dislike that the creature received.
Each time the name Frankenstein comes up, people or the society really have different feelings or opinions. Did the society create a monster in him, or it was just his nature?The answer is that Frankenstein never made himself and did not have any control or powers over his features. He was so into the creation of his experiment and did not even think of what the consequences would be.
In history, it is regrettable that societies have always disregarded individuals who appear to be different from others. Such people are not offered equal opportunities as their counterparts, and this compels them get out of their comfort zone and try so hard in order to accomplish their goals.From the start, Frankenstein was an outcast judging from his looks. Although he is a fictional figure, his story of oppression and discrimination is evident in the society today. The world today is a place where the role of an individual in the society is determined by his or her race. Discrimination is real in the society today and it is practiced everyday in towns, schools and even in the places of work.
The major question that many people have been asking is the reason why individuals or different races but similar qualities are given such different treatment in the society. This culture of discrimination is always exhibited in all aspects of life. Some of the major areas that experience discrimination include health insurance, housing, equality in jobs and education, as the minorities suffer a lot at the expense of the majority. When the society exerts so much pressure on the minorities to either join the majorities or stay on their own, it makes them bitter such that they decide to resort to extreme measures in an attempt to make their presence be felt in the community.
Just Frankenstein who resorted to violence and murder, the majority of these same individuals who are also discriminated venture into such activities. However, it is unfortunate that such behaviors help them make money and get noticed by the society, hence achieving their goals. We should not actually blame them because if the society is not in a position of giving them the life that they desire just because of the color of their skin, then the only option left for them is turning to violent lives because they must also live a good life. The increase in the cases of discrimination does not only affect the minorities who are the major culprits but also the majority who are in control. This is because by pushing the minorities into violent crimes, it means that the majorities are the targets and this also makes their lives as difficult as their counterparts.
It is the hope of many people that with all the present multi-culture workshops together with classes to the workforce, that there would be an end to this scourge once and for all (Vieira 98). Individuals should be taught to be more accommodating and lenient to each other, and even work together. It does not pay to treat someone like an outcast in the society, thus making them feel like a monster. Frankenstein had to experience the problems of the present day world although he was just a fictional character. This is a mistake that nobody or society should repeat because if individuals had taken their good time to understand Frankenstein, and look beyond his physical appearance, he might not have been compelled to venture into the miserable life of terror.
Works Cited
Doherty, Thomas Patrick. Pre-Code Hollywood: Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema 1930-1934. New York: Columbia University Press 1999. Print.
Frank Cawson, The Monsters in the Mind: the Face of Evil in Myth, Literature, and Everyday Life,England: Book Guild. 1995. Print.
Vieira, Mark A., Sin in Soft Focus. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2003. Print.

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