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Cultural Profiles And Leadership Within Organizations

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Cultural profiles and leadership within organizations


The cultural profile of organizations has a level of complexity developed, and even more when analyzed from the point of view of leadership, in which all subjectivities are unified and associated through reciprocities, which allow the development of social relations, cultural and economic for the benefit of the organization’s success.

This is how the present study focuses on how the cultural profile is related to leadership within organizations, as well as leadership as a main factor within the transformations of this. For this.

Cultural profiles and leadership within organizations where to be a leader within the organization than more demanding for both social, cultural, historical and technological changes have been innovating little by little, where we need to know howLeaders work in characteristics such as guiding, persuading, convincing and motivating their followers so that they meet goals and standards desired by organizations.

These calls leaders must be willing to change both in their essence and in the form of how they execute their activity, which will allow developing questions that help answer these changes satisfactorily.

While cultural profiles such as innovation and design to establish characteristics of organizations, so it is palpated that the more innovated the best open organizations will be the environment, being receptive and taking into account human quality and mutual feeling.

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At present, the perspectives of organizations are changing, considering that they are seen as an open, flexible and dynamic system, which has a constant interaction with other subsystems, in which the personnel are organized according to the goals, objectives, resources, resourceseconomic, technological and structural, with the aim of being able to compete in later years (Gómez, 2012).

Certainly the context of these organizations has encountered different changes, mainly influenced by the leadership that exists within these, since it is considered as a dynamic factor, which conditioned the development and performance of the same by modifying the perspectives of behaviorof personnel in their work and access to individuals and groups that develop in different ways (Contreras & Barbosa, 2014).

On the other hand, it has allowed a society to be generated in which the current economy is a strategic element, which makes it possible not only the development of the organization but also the proper management of the leaders so that they manage to propose new dynamics thatmeet the demands and achieve a transformation that is flexible to the changes without presenting complications to face them.

In this sense, the operational aspects used in the market demands have had great relevance around the visualization of the organizations’ brand, with the objective of achieving greater positioning in it, however, talent managementHuman has begun by exposing added value that can positively influence the positioning and results of the organization, as long as they are handled and modified adaptability to its environment (Camarena, 2016).

Thus, the leadership of the cultural profiles of organizations is recognized as a factor of importance for analysis, since to generate changes it is important that different competences in human capital that are recognized today are required,And therefore, it requires leaders with different forms of work and motivation to transform the conditions of the organization that are disseminated in different areas in society.

In the first instance, over the last years in general, leaders must not only presuppose communicative elements for the organization’s articulation, since it is essential that learning factors be established, through which the leader is capableto identify the needs of learning in relation to their performance and role in the face of the organization.

In an eventually, organizations have more and more personnel, because the organization consists of people from different cultures, races and training processes, giving way to diversity which can be negative as it increases the conflict and minimizes thecohesion. Making prevailing the need to seek as such diversity can influence positively and that the functions and results are not compromised.

This will allow the increase in satisfaction, and at the same time the improvement of the management of the human contingent, attending to all members to increase satisfaction in the staff, independently,.

In the second instance, learning to the organized knowledge has become a very important aspect for the future of organizations, considering the continuous changes of socio -economic conditions, which shows that organizations need to function and produceMore efficient way to maintain, since it is currently not enough for knowledge and growth to have, since it is required that the organization question and produce new knowledge in order to innovate products and services to respond to market demands

Reasons why organizational learning associated with cultural profiles and leadership part of the deepening of knowledge and subsequently establishes the level of knowledge necessary for the organization. Therefore, these characteristics press constant innovation, making it necessary to find ways to face and solve problems with greater agility and originality. On the other hand, learning from the organizational condition is an aspect that has been constantly being developed, so it can be conceived as learning in threcnic or social terms

The first is characterized by an effective processing of the interpretation and response to both internal and external information of the organization, which focuses on interventions based on the measurement of results, which implies the use of tools for compilationof data and where new ideas generate effective solutions with agility. As for the social process, it focuses on the way in which the leader attributes work experiences, as a way of social interaction, which allows the solution of alginas limitations.

In this way, the technical and social part of the cultural profile of the organization finds these values that imply forms of change, among these new forms of work, organizational changes, association and social structure that generates transformations in organizations in a genuine way andconstant.

In general, the way in which the leader adapts the changes made in the learning processes influence the profiles of the organization to the point that they are effective. Therefore, organizations require learning as a collective of people to increase their knowledge and possibilities of action, to Persians that there are several reasons for learning not to always generate improvements. However, the various factors that generate motivation in the leader will be considered as elements prone to generate different actions that explain behaviors in the social sphere, highlighting the essential factors for the cultural profile to maintain harmony with leadership, which they mention:

  • Achievement motivation: cares about the scope and overcoming of excellence or improvement of staff’s work performance to differentiate it as a competitiveness factor.
  • Affiliation: He cares about maintaining close and friendly personal relationships, to prevent harmony from breaking.
  • Motivation of power: cares about influencing and causing an impact against others (Rojas, 2016).


In this way, motivation stands out as one of the most important achievements for the success of the organization, because the most effective leaders are those that are mainly motivated by power, so that they create conditions in which the staff takesThe initiative and contributes effectively to the organization, in addition to functionality in terms of relationship (Montoya, 2017).

Therefore, the cultural profile seen from the perspective of personalized leadership, allows to achieve satisfaction in the organization, constantly demanding broad levels of maturity and self-control. Certainly, power is recognized as a social and organizational relationship, which is linked to leadership, but without leaving aside the possibility that leadership affects not only the cultural profile of the organization but also in society.

Thus, the recent trend in organizations is the allocation of more responsibilities for important activities to teams. In many cases, the teams have the necessary power to make decisions that previously made individual managers. As the resource increases to the teams, leadership research also increases and obtain an efficient organizational profile that allows its continuous development (Peralta & Veloso Besio, 2007).

The cultural profile should be oriented to be innovative and contrast it with the cultural profile, designed to establish the character of organizations. According to the results of the study, innovative companies are open to the environment and are customer oriented;They are perceptual, extroverted and intuitive;They are based on feeling, and emphasize human quality.

The outgoing cultural profile of innovative companies is related to management and organizational practices, asDecisions, agile communication preferably orally, search for interarean collaboration and, in general, do not hesitate to seek external advice of consultants and experts 

The cultural profile with a predominance of feeling, related to the most innovative companies, is characterized by strongly strengthened management practices in values and in the development of people, for the concern to achieve the commitment and loyalty of their workers and for giving them equal importanceto efficiency and harmony between the actors of the organization.


While leadership takes into account the leader within smart organizations, taking as a starting point the effects and circumstances that have generated social, cultural, historical and technological changes in recent years around the world. Therefore, it is necessary to know how leaders operate in terms of their ability to influence, persuade and motivate their followers. Leadership, within smart organizations, demands changes in both their essence and in their form of execution, according to the informational maelstrom and the changing reality.

Assertivity and change are presented as fundamental pillars on which the organizational leader is erected to face the contingency and arbitrariness that arise. In this sense, it is pertinent to raise questions about the changes that the leader must develop in smart organizations (Ruiz & Naranjo, 2013).

Leaders use communication to influence others, so they need to have good skills in this area. Formal authority affects communication and, in the long run, performance. Managers use communications to supervise and reinforce performance standards;They share the information. Information processing is so important that organizations are designed as means to meet the requirements of such processing, which are generated by interdependent activities (Lussier & Achua, 2016).  

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