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Earth’S Science According To Pahom

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Earth’s science according to Pahom


Written in 1886, by León Tolstói, how much land a man needs? It is a parable about the ambition of man. It is about a farmer named Pahom who begins without having any land extension and in the end ends up blinded by ambition. The more land you have more you want and get to your own family. This story is set in a field and has Pahom as the protagonist, also has their family, the Bashirs, some merchants and the devil who dumbs to Pahom and makes the greed grow and never grows and never satisfied with anything.


It is about a farmer who was called Pahom had his whole life working honestly to support his family, but he had no own land so he would always remain in poverty and very often thought how different it would be if he had his own lands inThat listens to a conversation of his sister -in.

Pahom began to think that he was right that if he had many lands he would not be afraid of the devil himself, he heard him and said that he would give him many lands and he would have it under his power. Near where he lived there was a woman who had a lot of land and Pahom listened to that she was selling them and a neighbor would buy land so I speak with her wife and tomatón borrowed and they also bought now Pahom owned her own lands also afterOne year with the harvest and Pahom had paid his debts.

One day a foreigner stopped near Casa was pahom and told him about another land where he had been working.

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Pahom sold everything and undertook the trip with his family and everything was as the foreigner had said. At the same time Pahom felt insufficient with what he had because, although he lived comfortably sometimes he had to do without some things to save. A seller who passed by comments on a distant land where he had bought many more hectares for less than he had paid.

Pahom was filled again and determined to undertake a trip. He was already at a point that did not settle for anything. Pahom left his family in charge of the land and undertook the trip. When I arrived at the place he saw that it was as described and I talk about buying the land. A thousand rubles per day and could have all the land that could have.

Pahom got up early on the day of the deal, had a dream where the devil is laughing and was glad of his fall, no more attention came to him, the time came and he began to travel the whole earth, later began to feel tired,But he continued could not lose all that land almost arriving at the sun Pahom hastened to get where he had begun, but shortly before Pahom arrived he died of fatigue. His servant buried him, 2 meters from his head was all that Pahom needed.

Critical comment

The story talks about a farmer named Pahom that he begins with the greed of wanting to have many lands then gets more and more, but no land is enough it is being tempted by Satan and every time he had a lot of land alwaysI wanted more

This story leaves us a teaching, because it talks about the greed of man and how to fill his eyes with wealth and not enjoying life. How much land a man needs is equal to how much money a person needs. Because in the end nothing is wearing and we will all stop at the same place. 


Pahom spent all that time worried about how much war was going to get and the more land he had, the more he wanted and the greedy his eyes blinded. He lost to his family in the search for money, just as the devil tempted Pahom.

We see the importance of family, enjoy life and not only think about reaping fruits that will only serve in a material way. That when we leave any of that we will take. We have to concentrate more on the material and how to live life. Live on learning and not just harvest money. 

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