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Students for the weather: A struggle for change The mobilization of students by the weather is one of the most surprising and hopeful phenomena of recent times. Surprising because ...

Stages in the mediation process in a work context Mediation is the participation of a third in a dispute, that is, someone outside this, therefore they must judge competently and.....

Special Education for Deaf People As we have indicated above there are two ways to guide education in deaf people, and this creates a controversy between oralists and manualists. I...

Society and its vision of gender performativity Introduction: Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and be...

Sexual Education in Mexico: Sexually Transmitted Diseases   The lack of sex education in Mexico is a serious problem that has not been given sufficient importance. Especially, som...

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Sexism and inequality in school education Sexism according to Silvia Chauvin is introduced to our society through culture, each establishes a series of ideas, speeches, practices a...

Science as an important factor in man's life In this research work science will be explained as an important factor in the life of man. Since science has been and......

Science and technology is the best thing that society could ask From the industrial revolution in the 18th century, science has been in progress. Society has won a lot with......

Religious freedom and education in Peru Today, the problem regarding religious freedom based on the course of religion present in the Peruvian educational curriculum arises, becaus...

Reading in the youth of the current era Introduction We are currently in an era where technological advances and globalization govern todayThis knowledge that reads us in books, st...

Punishes as a form of education Introduction Within education is the so -called logical nomo network, which is a framework of logical criteria or norms, which govern the uses of......

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Problems of indigenous peoples Introduction In this essay I intend to make clear some of the problems faced by the original peoples, unable to sustain the lands that are protected....

Prevention of sexual exploitation of women The prevention of the sexual exploitation of women is all that measure that is taken in advance to avoid this type of problem in......

Pregnancy at an early age is considered high risk Pregnancy in adolescents occurs during adolescence between 10 and 19 years of age considering a risk pregnancy, complications in c...

Poverty in Peru today, possible solution alternatives   Poverty is a problem in force in many parts of Peru, to date among other things, the State has not achieved with......

Past knowledge and its importance Today, we have made great advances that in the past could never be imagined, however, the products of the knowledge of the present could not......

Organizations that promote health promotion Introduction There are different national and international organizations (UNESCO, WHO, Council of Europe, Ministry of Education) that a...

News: Podcasting in primary school Introduction Given the poor results obtained in the diagnostic tests of 3rd and 6th grade in the aspects of oral and written understanding and ex...

Misinformation in decision making and how to avoid it How many of you were based on the News Climate Forecast to know how to go dressed in the street? How......

Mexican family in the celebration of the dead Introduction The story presents us with a Mexican family, celebrating the day of the dead, the story is narrated by a family......

Methods and Documents Introduction The documentary explains learning in a public school in a city in Japan. To do this, they recorded for a year the class of Professor Toshiro......

Mayan civilization: causes of extinction of your language Introduction. After understanding that losing the mother tongue, which in this case is the Mayan language, already mention...

Maternal mortality due to early pregnancy “Maternal mortality is one of the main causes of death in adolescents and young people from 15 to 24 years in the region. In......

Intercultural Education: A field in process of consolidation Intercultural education in recent years is an issue that has taken relevance among researchers, the author says that th...

Influence of oral hygiene on the oral health of children Introduction Cleaning is the process that people should opt for the greatest control of factors that exert harmful effects ...

In favor and against historical memory The repercussions of the exhumation in Priarza del Bierzo were immense: ARMH began to receive hundreds of letters, telephone calls and emails...

Inequality in schools between boys and girls Introduction This essay focuses on social inequalities between boys and girls, in addition to a difference especially on children's per...

Importance of gender equality Introduction Would you keep the initial proposal to program in curricula to work gender equality transversely? Why? We understand by transverse elemen...

Importance of business models before an entrepreneurship Introduction A study at the North Private University (UPN), showed that 75% of businesses fail before 3 years, which indica...

Illegal abortion in the Criminal Code of Peru When talking about abortion we refer to the termination of a pregnancy, in Peru the Criminal Code considers all forms of abortion......

Identity, tolerance and exclusion Discrimination is the unequal and exclusive treatment of groups and individuals for their belonging to a group or by the assumption of belonging t...

How to help our little ones to speak in public An exhibition in class, a representation at school, an oral exam ... and your child is afraid to speak in......

How art in education helps us discover Being present in schools, I have realized the linking of the image to artistic education, which is also found in the streets, as......

Homophobia as rejection and discomfort towards the LGBTQ community Homophobia is fear, distrust, hatred and discomfort to people who are part of the LGBTQ community. This behavior ...

History of education during the government of Jorge Ubico in Guatemala  How does Jorge Ubico influence Guatemalan education?   It is said that education, at the time of Jorge Ub...

Harassment in schools and their problems Introduction The perspective and individual approach that people have when solving a problem always usually involves an added difficulty to...

Gothic literature and its current proposal Introduction The results thrown by the first diagnostic evaluations in reading comprehension that have been carried out to students who i...

Gender roles in society Introduction Gender roles in different contexts have caused the subordination of both sexes before society. The main transmitters of stereotypes have been g...

From a very young age, day by day, life itself introduces us and teaching values Introduction From a very young age, day by day, life itself introduces us and teaching......

Fight against youth unemployment Unemployment remains one of the fundamental concerns throughout Europe, especially for young people, since without any doubt it is the most vulnera...

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