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Team coaching: the company's keys "There are no special awards for those who arrive alone to the goal" - Coaching since its inception has been the promoter of human capit...

Standards and regulations for horizontal property Introduction The noise such as those indicated below: (festivities, music and the installation of industrial machinery, animals, a...

Social Services and Socio -health crisis with communities Before the socio-health crisis by the COVID-19, emerging needs that require efficient and comprehensive solutions, not onl...

Smart ambulances could help save more lives It is likely that most people should depend on the attention of an ambulance from time to time throughout their lives. But in......

Six lessons of the work The Little Prince   The Little Prince is one of the works of literature that despite the passage of time, because 76 years ago of......

Short summary about abortion and the right to life Abortion is the interruption and premature end of pregnancy naturally or voluntarily, made before the fetus can survive outside t...

Sense and sensitivity that Jane Eyre demonstrates in the face of his opponents Jane Eyre proves to be a woman capable of governing the world if she wanted it, but......

Qualitative research and views The investigation lies in ordered processes that are aimed at investigating, analyzing and interpreting one or more phenomena; In order to discover h...

Personality theories based on the Sigmund Freud model Introduction What is understood by personality is the set of relatively consistent forms of relating to people and situations ...

People with auditory disabilities Introduction Hearing disability Hearing disability is not usually as common as visual disability, however, if possible in some people, hearing imp...

Obstacles of Dental Bioengineering Introduction For several centuries, the human being has tried to restore the functions affected by dental loss by replacing these organs with art...

Not one less: one every 30 hours Femicide is a word that has been used largely in Latin America. In a book about femicide they define it as ‘the misogynist......

Northern Ireland and Paramilitary Group Introduction With the signing of the Peace Agreement in 1998 in the Republic of Northern Ireland, and demobilizations and leaves total weapo...

Non -traditional fruits exports Introduction Non -traditional fruits exports between January and March. According to him (Central Bank of Ecuador, S.F.) (ECB) Non -traditional expo...

Medical point of view of abortion, risks and situation in Mexico The attitudes of doctors who represent the trained sector closest to the daily reality of induced abortion have bee...

Literary work: The art of war Introduction Next, I will briefly give my point of view and having considered what makes us known the literary work "The art of war",......

Life expectancy and organ donation Introduction. Organ donation is an altruistic gesture that can save one or more lives when one no longer needs organs. And there are currently th...

Interpersonal communication in companies Introduction. Communication has become one of the most important directive skills. More and more organizations encourage the training of th...

Influence of criminological sciences in Mexico Introduction Criminology in Mexico has a variety of influences, so that this science is not developed as it should and is not conside...

Importance of communication as a basic element of sociability   Communication is a basic element generating sociability, it is through it that man nourishes and preserves his char...

How to promote adolescents resilience It is a fact that difficult problems and situations cannot always be avoided, which, in addition, is not recommended. Adolescence is a particu...

How to determine a literary genre in famous works In academic fields, there is a whole complexity when taking the Bible as literature and therefore, among scientists there is the.....

High school observation Introduction On the first practices visit at high school was too satisfactory I said it personally, since I could realize many things that I had not noticed...

Hannah Arendt articulated violence Within the framework of my integrative work in an instance of colloquium by indirect promotion in the area of ​​Political Science, I have dec...

General perspective of neuroplasticity mechanisms   Without a doubt over the years, the human being has discovered the possibilities of his body among which are transformations an...

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Funeral services and mortuary health police regulations Introduction. The regulations regarding what we call funeral services is abundant, on the one hand, due to the large number ...

Fiscal implications and Boers War Introduction Fiscal regulation in the EU has mainly affected the manifestations of direct and indirect imposition related to the single market to ...

Fahrenheit 451 and the obstacles to society's happiness In Fahrenheit 451 we tell the story of a man, Guy Montag. At first, our protagonist enjoys his firefighter profession, but i...

Electric skate The new transport for adults Introduction At first glance it may seem that the electric motor scooter is a transport vehicle only for the fun of the little......

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Drug prevention to individuals Introduction In primary prevention, the drug dependence or harmful behavior is preceded, and the action aims to avoid the manifestation of these. In ...

Differences between male and female soccer For the performance of the work we have used a mixed methodology, since in terms of the data extracted from articles and bibliographic el...

Cultivate love for reading: one of the challenges of modern times Reading is fascinating, it is a safe door towards knowledge and ingenuity. This is wonderful, however, making the ...

Critical thinking about Matrix Is reality real? Question that has always aroused restlessness in relation to the subject with the world. And so, there is another followed question,...

Contract: Legal Agreement for a common benefit Introduction Personally, indicating that concurrent desires do not matter this legal fact, but a different class that he calls 'colle...

Conflict management and emotions Introduction According to Fernández-Bascal and Palmero, they mention that emotions are a process that is activated when our brain detects some dif...

Columbus's trips and loss commercial route Columbus's trips begin after having fallen out of favor on their third trip, Kings Fernando and Isabel had never questioned Columbus as a...

Catalan nationalism and its importance for culture Catalan nationalism is a nationalism without a state, a type of nationalism of the periphery, occurs in regions such as Catalan o...

Brexit's impact on sport When we hear about Brexit, the focus rests on economic, social and, above all, political issues. However, the controversial project would also strongly imp...

Break with the routine and cheer up Introduction If you are a usual corridor, you may be constantly looking for new challenges and decide to carry out your training on......

Basic concepts about emotional intelligence Basic concepts Intelligence Intelligence throughout history has allowed the human being to survive in various situations or factors that...

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