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Free Planet Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Essay on automatic learning INTRODUCTION Today technologies have been put as a very important and special tool for humans, so thanks to them we can efficiently perform our work wor...

Environmental fracking dangers Fracking today is one of the most recurring techniques on our planet for the extraction of non -renewable hydrocarbons, this technique consists of th...

Edible fungi as part of culinary art Introduction From our origins;Fungi have been present in much of our cultures as part of our culinary art. But not all are edible......

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Discovering whether it affects the environment to be vegan In recent times humanity shows more and more interest in saving the planet, and in some way remedy all the damage......

Detention of species extinction on our planet The extinction of wildlife is a process that endangers different ecosystems, because among them there is a fragile balance due to depe...

Deforestation: Nourrobed trees felling Tree logging is caused by the action of humans in which the forest area is ended, deforestation has been moving more and more with the destru...

Defining the concept of biodiversity The term biodiversity emerged basically from two publications of the 80s, made by Lovejoy and North Ymacmanus. Lovejoy, did a study for the Wor...

Day -to -day pollution in the cities of the world Contamination is very common in day to day, but you knew that air is so contaminated that in several cities......

Climatic, harmful change for our planet Climate change is something so harmful to our planet, that it could be considered “a global challenge that has no borders and that to......

Climate change and how it affects whales Introduction It is well known that climate change affects the entire planet, we know its effect on Earth and the oceans, the latter......

CLASSIC AND MODERN THEORIES OF LIGHT Introduction Many people have asked themselves the same question as us what the hell is light? And they have responded in many ways, some......

Chemical solutions in our human body Before starting my essay I will give a brief explanation about what a solution is. A solution is a mixture of two or more......

Burj Khalifa A beautiful place in Dubai Introduction  Today we go up to the highest place in the world, specifically, to the enigmatic Burj Khalifa, a skyscraper that rises over.....

Boreal Aurora: A natural phenomenon Introduction There are spectacular and unique phenomena in the world that enclose thousands of stories and secrets that are worth knowing. Many ...

Book The Little Prince, a classic work   The book of the Little Prince is considered the most important works for the author Antonie de Saint-Exupéry, has already sold more......

Biography of the dihydrogen monoxide molecule in the universe Dihydrogen monoxide is the name that is called the water by the chemical nomenclature. This is composed of two hydroge...

Bilingualism in Primary Education Introduction Although there is a great diversity of languages, English has become the most used language by having 340 million speakers. This is w...

Beauty forms in the world Introduction I think that beauty governs the world, the forms it acquires delight us, they give us life, as if it were an extremely nutritious......

As the geography of Egypt affects culture The geography of each region exerts great influence not only on the landscape, but also on culture. Egypt, whose ancient civilization is t...

Artistic murals in different countries The great murals painted in the cities have become authentic works of art. It is an urban art not lacking controversies and conflicting origi...

Argumentative Review - Book and Film In this new installment we are presented with a remastering of the classic movieThis new installment is coupled to the new Canon of Akira......

An expanding universe according to DR. Luis Rodriguez   The book makes us doubt what the universe is actually, makes the image we have of "universe" change completely, s...

A birthday with Avengers Introduction All parents enjoy with ideas a birthday celebration of the Avengers, since at that age the simplest things are those that give us said, such.....

ABEL's pacifism, son of the first man on Earth Within the Catholic Bible are two characters that marked humanity in a crucial way, which are Cain and Abel, descendants of......

PROJECT PROPOSAL Name: Course: Date: Project Proposal Project Topic: Viable interventions for Reducing Global Warming and its Impacts on Global Climatic Patterns Environmental Prob...

Name Instructor Course Date AstromicrobiologyMicroorganisms depend on water, light, minerals, carbon and other elements for survival; they have complicated lives and evolve continu...

Biology Report Student’s Name: Date: Introduction Bacteria were some of the first organisms on our planet. They have evolved over time resulting in a variety of bacteria that are...

ENERGY AND CLIMATE Student’s Name The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor) The Name of the School (University) The City and State Date Earth’s Energy Balance Greenhouse...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Astrology This information form astrology is falsifiable in many aspects. The astrological information lacks factual backing and cannot explain the ...

Name / Course Title / Task # / Date submitted "Genesis" is the first book of the Pentateuch, which tells about the mythological way of creating the universe, the Planet,......

International Relations: Ecocide Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Inclusion of Ecocide into the International Law Ever since Polly Higgins submitted the proposal to inclu...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Company Name: Nike Vision: To help the customers to thrive in a sustainable economy where people, profit, and planet are in the balance. Mission: To...

Student’s Name Instructor’s name Class Name Date USA Men Soccer Team Taking more Money than Women Soccer Team Women engagement in sport is associated with a long history. Ideal...

Part A Agriculture has been the backbone and the primary source of food globally. However, as a result of rapid population increase, improved methods of cultivation are essential t...

Rhetorical Analysis Name: Institutional Affiliation: The strategies use d by the two authors, Reverend Ball and the Sierra Club are different but applicable in many aspects. The re...

Public Health Education He traveled to the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland and compare them to United States Healthcare. The interviews were quite shocking ...

Network Characteristics and Components <Name> <College> <Course> Professor: <> Date: <> Abstract In the field of technology, a network refers to a ser...

Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon that an individual releases into the environment to cause a change in the greenhouse gas quantities and climate cha...

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course number: Date: Deep Impact Film Deep Impact (1998) is a science fiction film about a disastrous event about to happen that will wipe out...

Greek’s Role of Food in the Society and Etiquette Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The history of Greek cuisine dates thousands of years ago and the traditional food in...

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