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How do you plan to positively impact society with your degree from Morgan State

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Plan to Impact the Society Positively
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Plan to Impact the Society Positively
Education is the humankind’s greatest hope and most effective roadmap in the quest to realize sustainable development. Besides shaping an individual’s life, education offers the society with gifts of progress, civilization, and social development. From the distant past, quality of life, material, and spiritual progress, values at individual and social levels have been as a result of education. Morgan State University is one of the most respected scholastic institutions in Maryland, United States. Founded in 1867, Morgan States University has been releasing great minds to the society every year. That is why I have decided to take a degree program in Early Childhood Development from this university. With this degree from Morgan State, I plan to positively impact society by augmenting life chances and promoting sustainability in early childhood and society at large.
My passion kids is natural, and the only way to build it is by having a proper education which will enable me to impact the lives of these kids and ultimately, the society in general. In the contemporary society, survival and development of children in the early years is, undoubtedly, one of the most pressing concerns. Therefore, I plan to support and empower families and communities by ensuring adequate care, stimulation, and protection through enhanced access to health, sanitation, and nutrition.
Numerous streams of research affirm the regular observation that early childhood is a period of active mental and physical growth and change.

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Kids learn to communicate, move, and interact with the world. It is also the time children develop the sense of cultural and personal identity. On the contrary, it is also the riskiest period in one’s life. Negative impacts on the development of a child during this period can be irremediable. The degree program will enable me to have sufficient knowledge and skills in early childhood development. The society will need this knowledge to improve the livelihood of young children positively. So, it will be my duty ensure I teach people what I have learned in the classroom. That will help improve awareness and knowledge about early childhood development.
Children brought up in difficult situations such as wars, severe poverty, disease, and malnutrition, require particular attention. Discernment based on HIV and AIDS status, disability, ethnicity, gender, class and religious affiliations all unsympathetically affect early childhood. Through the degree program, I will be able to improve life chances of such young children through the provision of universal early education centers that combine child care, education, health services, and parenting support. I strongly believe that discrimination can reduce children’s quality of life and survival rates, discourage children from social participation, and undermine their self-esteem and well-being. I hope to have the best education so that I can support the development of young children while recognizing diverse practices and beliefs that shape childhood. Anning, Cullen, and Fleer (2009) connote that service to children is a service to the future of a society. Thus, by impacting lives of young children, I will contribute to the society positively.
Children who live in poor conditions can gain substantially in their emotional, intellectual, physical, and social progress if they obtain proper education, positive interaction, good nutrition, and constructive relationships early in their stages of development. They should get exceptional early childhood development services, and that is what I aim to accomplish after completing my degree. Such children ultimately become healthy and ready to school, finish their education, get superior jobs, and contribute towards sustainable social growth. In a nutshell, I have an elaborate plan to invest in early childhood development programs for the most underprivileged individuals as this will prevent the transmission of poverty from one generation to another.
Anning, A., Cullen, J., & Fleer, M. (2009). Early childhood education: Society and culture. Los Angeles: SAGE.

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