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How to WIre up a Three-Way and Four-Way Switch

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Electrical Wiring
Before beginning any process of electrical wiring, there is need to switch off power supply from the breaker box. After this, carry out some tests with a neon tester to be sure whether power is off, and if it is, then proceed. Meanwhile, residential wiring are either 12 or 14 gauges (Pethebridge and Neeson 32). On a typical note, when making an attachment to a wiring device, one needs to follow their color codes. In this regard, light switches as well will need the connection with a black wire that already exists within the system. Due to this reason, this paper will evaluate the process of wiring three and four-way switches.
Required Tools and Materials
Below implements will be needed before embarking on the process of wiring either a three-way or a four-way switch
A four in one screwdriver
An electrical tape
Wire stripper
Needle nose type of pliers
Either 14-4 or 12-3 cable
The process of wiring up a Three-Way Switch
Though it appears more complex when compared to the familiar single pole switch, through following the process as laid on diagrams, one can successfully perform the wiring up of a three-way switch (Pethebridge and Neeson 42). Having in place a pair three-way switches, one may proceed to make or even break the circuit connection with light. The project, in this case, looks achievable within a short period if one does not need to clean the walls or perform any other form of repair.

Figure 1: A three-way switch wiring diagram
As shown on the diagram in the above figure 1, the process of wiring a three-way switch will require the below steps (Pethebridge and Neeson 51);
First, ensure that the correct circuit within the electrical circuit is turned off
Proceed with the addition of an electrical box destined for the second three-way switch situated in the basement.

Wait! How to WIre up a Three-Way and Four-Way Switch paper is just an example!

Also, there is the need to have the replacement of the current switch box with a bigger one so that it may accommodate additional wires meant for the three way switch.
The third step involves feeding of a length of a 14-3 type of NM cable or 12-3 if the connection being done is 12 gauge type of wire with the two boxes. A 14-3 cable always has with it three conductors that are insulated; either black or red and another bare type of ground wire.
In the fourth step, carry out the connection of wires with the new three-way switches and ground screws as shown in the wiring diagram in figure 2 or 3 below. Meanwhile, on the switches, the identification of the common terminal will involve the use of a label or the terminal screw that will not be similar to the color of the other two.
The fifth and the last step outlines for wrapping of the black electrical tape all round the wire ends of white wires designated in the switch as travelers in between the three- switches. In any case, one ends up with set up, as shown in figure 2, then the wrapping should also cover the white wire that originates from the switch and then connecting with light. In this regard, it will enable the identification of “hot” wires and neutral wires

Figure 2: power to light type of fixture
In the above diagram in figure 2, it presents on wiring switches and light in cases where power originates from the light fixture. The source of power is what lights the switches.

Figure 3: Power to light switch
The diagram in figure 3 above spells on a process of wiring the switches and light where the source of power is from the light and then to switch.
How to Four-Way Switch
Normally, four-way switches each have four terminals and two travelers’ pairs; one set either black or the other with brass color. The configuration of a four-way switch will require two 3 three-way switches, where each of them will be at end points and two-way switch situated at the middle (Pethebridge and Neeson 56). From the diagram shown below, the first switch that it is a 3-way has a common terminal of connection with 120 volts. Also, the first switch (3-way) travelers and brass in color have a connection with a single pair of the second switch (4-way) travelers that is black or brass in color. Meanwhile, another second pair of switch (4-way) travelers has a connection with a single pair of the third switch (4-way) travelers. Likewise, the pair of the third switch (4-way) travelers has a connection with another pair of the fourth switch (3-way) travelers. Finally, the fourth switch (3-way) common type of terminal has its connection with the load or lights.
4-Way Switches

Figure 4: 4-Way Switch Diagram
Electrical wiring is as simple so long as proper procedures are followed in performing them. The same applies to the kind of switches as explained in this paper.
Pethebridge, K and I Neeson. Electrical Wiring Practice. 1st ed. North Ryde, N.S.W.: McGraw-Hill Education, 2009. Print.

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