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How would the spirit of Manifest Destiny guide the destiny of hundreds of Native American cultures

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Manifest Destiny
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Manifest Destiny
The late 1840s marked a period of american expansion. The lection of James K with just a small margin, the annexation of Texas and incorporation of Oregon Territory showed a feeling of nationalism and vobrancy among the Americans. Manifest Destiny came as forced aimed at territorial expansion. It is a belief that God had given Amercan a devine role of expanding the territories in the name of Christianity and democracy.
There are two other seconday reasons to explain Manifest Destiny, as industrialisation increased in the Northeast; the ordinary white Americans embraced the opportunity to move Northwest and acquire land. Of course, different groups of Native Ameicans had inhabbited areas like Great Plains, the Southwest, and Pacific Coasts. In the mind of white American, the migratory lifetyle of the Indians made them anfit to own land.
The Anglo-Saxons believed to be the most righteous and superior to all races; this would permit them to enslave the consquired populations. As the national boundaries expanded, slavery increased Northwestaward to Native American land acquired by Manifest Destiny. To the Native American who lived in the west, the expansion undermined all that they stood for and cherished from free and voluntay labour to Anglo-Saxon dream of success though hard work, to the the social structures and the balance of power itself.
The Non-Indians destroyed the Native Indians culture, beliefs in natural harmony and led to confussion of native mythes, stereotyping and a history of misunderstaning.

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In retrospect, it is obvious that the problem began with the James Polk’s election, political disagreements on the element of slavery and the Mexican-American War and ended in irreconcilable sectional conflict and Civil War. The effects of Manifest Destiny continued long after the Civil War had ended; its quasi-religious and patriotic opinions continued to trigger presidential addresses, wars and call for interventions for generations.



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