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If You Do Not Move Will Not Sound Your Chains

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If you do not move will not sound your chains

Feminism has the main idea to seek to society that women are people who deserve equality, it is important to have knowledge about this movement especially when it has been increasing today. Many people support, criticize or simply are not attentive about this movement, which is valid, since each person has different ways of seeing and thinking about a specific topic, however at the time you talk about this, try to uselawful and concrete foundations. Throughout this essay, some questions about this movement will be being solved, what is feminism is to be clarified?, How and when feminism arose?, The currents with which this movement is divided, specify the four waves that this movement presents and finally clarify what and not feminism?

Initially you have to be clear, what is feminism?

Feminism is a heterogeneous set of economic, social, cultural and political movements that formally begins from the 18 , denomination and exploitation of what they have been and are objects by the group of men within the patriarchy under their different historical phases, which moves us to the action for the liberation of our sex. Feminism is an ethical-political option that seeks equality and equity between men and women.

How and when did feminism arise?

There are different ideas raised by people about how and when feminism arose, some place it when the philosopher and religious Guillerme de Bohemia, at the end of the 13th century, try to create a Church of Women, arguing that in the churches they were not respected And valued by everything they did, he also said that the patriarchy was the maximum leader that the church had like that the people who were part of them said otherwise.

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Others say that it is beginning in the course of the French Revolution and in the other revolutions such as liberal-bourgeois, which aimed to achieve legal equality and political rights. 

It is also said that by the end of the year 1789 the first struggle that marked feminism emerged, this sought the freedom of rights that had marked previous wars. The most recent idea occurs in the nineteenth century when an organized struggle begins, where women participated leading historical events such as Renaissance and socialist revolutions.


  1. Feminism of equality: it is also known as illustrated feminism. This is a movement that initiates the historical claims of women in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This movement has the main objective. The feminist representative of this current are: the professor of Political Science and Political Philosophy Seyla Benhabib and the writer Simone de Beauvoir, this current was initially developed in the United Kingdom and the United States.
  2. Feminism of difference: refers to a current that supports the non -control of the duality of one gender to the other and the development of the different of genres. Born in the United States and in France in the seventies, I highlight a motto that gave a lot to talk about, which was "being a woman is beautiful". This current argues that we should not allow us to tell us that the place we occupy in the world is only familiar. His greatest representatives are the French psychoanlists Luce Irigaray, Luisa Murano and the writer Virginia Wolf.
  3. Socialist feminism: the main objective of this current is the request to which the class society and the genres institution are eliminated and thus women can determine the conditions of their own life; Both capitalism and patriarchy are causes of the non -authority of women, so it works for the abolition of these. His greatest exponents are the German feminist Clara Zetkin and the Russian Alexandra Kollontai.
  4. Liberal feminism: This current is characterized by defining the situation of women as an inequality and achieving gender equality, in this same way it has as its main objective the democratic participation of women in the liberal state. Is in favor of legalized porn.
  5. Radical feminism: This current was defended in 1969 by the writer Kate Millet in her sexual policy, in this Kate highlighted the role of sexuality in the respect of women, she thought that lesbianism was the only way to develop female sexuality. This current is born in the seventies, it argues that patriarchy is the fundamental characteristic of society.
  6. Philosophical feminism: This is that philosophizing women give their point of view about feminism.
  7. Cyberfeminism: This term began used in 1992 by Sadie Plant, which is an English theory and by vns matrix, which is a group of Australian artists. Sadie Plant associates this term with feminism for the connection of women with the Internet, according to them this platform allows facilitation in the communication of information.


Historically feminism was divided into four waves, which consist of:

First wave of feminism: it appears in the middle of the 18 possibility that women could clearly have power in their homes instead of being simple administrators of the domestic economy. The feminism of this era is solidly liberal, which is based on the principles of illustration. It was a movement that initiated the idea that there was no reason admitted to tear the principle of equality defended by the sages of the Enlightenment and thus be able to discriminate against women.

Second wave of feminism: it occurred between the sixties and the 1990s, all philosophical influence and also from liberal feminism moved away. The feminism that occurred between those years was called radical feminism, which sought to totally remove the problem of inequality, here two main branches appear, the first was the feminism of difference and the second the feminism of equality. These are grouped by giving way to the name of radical feminism, where it is interpreted that the nature of discrimination towards women does not depend legally but on the part of the historical system that insisted that the woman was always located last in the economic spheres in the economic fields , cultural and political.

Third wave of feminism: it occurred since the sixties, many say it is still valid, while others say that it ended in the eighties. This consists of putting the patriarchy end, in this movement several issues were announced that unleashed a great impact on society, such as:

  • The use of contraceptives without the need for medical recipe book, which granted the power of birth control to women.
  • Divorce was made law in different countries.
  • Women begin to position themselves in the political world.


Fourth wave of feminism: This is what we live today, which projects the end of gender privileges established by history towards man, rejects gender violence established in any field of life, fights for lawTo the interruption of pregnancy to avoid deaths, anti -stereotypes also appear, which gives rise to decolonial feminism, which consists of the influence of the white race as a social success guide, fat feminism, which opposes the thinness thatapplied the fashion world and also gives rise to a greater alliance with the LGBTTTIQ movement+.

Women who helped the appearance of feminism:

  1. Juana de Arco or Cristina Pizán: she was the first professional writer in history, in this same way she was the first woman to raise her voice so as not to be tied to any man, as she was previously seen in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  2. Wu Ze Tian: She was the only woman who reigned sovereignly in China.
  3. Virginia Woolf: she was considered a writer of feminism, she wrote about the experiences of women as ever nobody had done it and was also the first to criticize patriarchy. She said that a "feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life".
  4. Marie Curie: She was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in two different categories, Chemistry and Physics. It was one of the first people to suggest radiation to treat cancer.


Phrases that summarize feminism:

  • Want the equality of gender.
  • Eliminate stereotypes that not only damage women, also the man.
  • Raise strong, independent and safe girls.
  • Value women as individuals and not as the property of someone.


What is (and is not) feminism?

No: women are better than men.

Yes: No one is better than anyone: women and men are different but in equity.

No: we hate men:

Yes: We want men. We do not want a system that favors or discriminates them.

No: I’m feminist because I’m resentful.

Yes: I’m feminist because I want a more fair world.

No: I’m against life and family.

Yes: I am in favor of being able to decide freely about my body, my life and my sexuality.

It is important to know what the most common violence classes deal with:

  1. Domestic violence: it is the violence that occurs at home, it can exercise it and suffer any of the members who are part of the family nucleus, that is, a mother about her children or a grandson about her grandfather.
  2. Gender Violence: It is one that occurs against women, for the simple fact of being, both inside and outside their home, at work or in any other area of life.
  3. Sexual violence: This consists of aggressions that are presented with forces either physical or moral, so that the attacked is considered inferior to the aggressor and to be able to implement sexual behavior against their will.


I will finally give my view about this movement:

Personally, I consider feminism as something Ramé, which means that it is something chaotic and beautiful at the same time, I consider it chaotic, since women had two options established by society, which were to keep quiet or simply speak and die, Fortunately we knew how to handle this and raise our voices and in this way we decided to speak, it is something beautiful because we position our place in society, although we still have many things to achieve we have advanced in several areas, such as for example, in the field political, which is one of our greatest struggles, we still do not have enough voice in politics, however many women have managed to position themselves in different positions, in this enters Margaret Thatcher who was the first woman minister of the United Kingdom who managed to last for 10 years Before retiring, she marked an important event such as the achievement of entering a world dominated by men and becoming an icon of the international policy. These and many more women have fought with their lives so that our rights are fair and respected. I quote a small phrase that seems important to keep in mind, said the famous designer Coco Chanel, who says that "a woman should be two things: who wants and whatever she wants".

In conclusion, it is not about machismo or feminism, it is about equality. Mary Wollstonecraft who was an English writer and philosophicalFor me it is something ineffable, and thus being able to fight for the rights that belong to us. Being clear two things that involved me in this great movement, the first is to understand that if you do not move you will not notice your chains and the second is to know that no quiet woman looks prettier.

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