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In gaining knowledge, each area of knowledge uses a network of ways of knowing. Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of Knowledge.

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Gaining Knowledge
The various areas of knowledge include Mathematics, Human Sciences, Natural Sciences, History, Ethics, the Arts, the Religious Knowledge Systems, and the Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Every area of knowledge solves a problem in life. Knowledge results from the interaction of many ways of knowing.
There are eight different ways of knowing. They include language, sense perception, faith, intuition, reason, emotion, memory, and imagination. For example, languages are the reason we understand the knowledge and more also languages helps in the passing of knowledge from the past to the present. Sense perception includes sight, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting. These various senses increase our understanding of knowledge.
Every area of knowledge has its various ways of gaining knowledge. The different areas of knowledge are a result of historical development from the past. For example, mathematical concepts result from the past comparisons and how they have been applied and how they have helped to solve problems from the past. History is study of the past and how it relates to the present. History for example relies on the memory and language for its advancement. Ethics as study of norms relies mostly on the reasons and intuition.
In conclusion, the areas of knowledge are also as result of contributions from several individuals and shared knowledge between individuals over time. Lastly, these contributions have to have an impact in the people’s lives.

Wait! In gaining knowledge, each area of knowledge uses a network of ways of knowing. Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of Knowledge. paper is just an example!

In the light of the statement that each area of knowledge uses the combination of various ways of knowing to construct knowledge is true in the sense that various disciplines rely on various ways of knowing to gain knowledge. Mathematics is the study of shape, quantity and change. It is also the study of quantitative techniques based on certain theorems and assumptions. The discipline is a set of formulas used to solve problems. Mathematics is used to prove the reason the need to apply certain judgments in certain problems. Natural science is the science that deals with the analysis of the natural happenings, based on predictions from supported observations and experiments. Natural science has two branches i.e. Life science is that science branch that deals with biological issues and physical science is that branch that deals with the physical phenomenon i.e. physics, chemistry. Life science is the study of the living things and their interaction. These two areas of knowledge are as the result of the interaction of various ways of knowledgeCITATION Ibp15 l 1033 (Brian King) It is true that each area of knowledge uses a network or a combination of ways of knowing to gain knowledge. For example, religious knowledge systems rely on faith to explain the reason for human existence and their reconnection of past beliefs to the present life. What differentiates the areas of knowledge mostly are the methodologies they use. For example, natural sciences depend largely on of hypothesis carrying experiments in laboratories to see what happens and the result helps to explain and determine what happens in the rest of the world. Mathematics on the other hand relies on shapes, formulas and mathematical models. Different areas of knowledge support different facts and some matters are important to some while the other areas are meaningless. For example, in science the earth is because of geological processes that occurred in the past while in religious systems it was created by a supreme beingCITATION Way10 l 1033 (Steir)Language in mathematics assists in the interpretations of mathematical techniques, formulas, explaining the procedures and the reasons why to use certain techniques. Language assists in explain the solution of a certain problem where mathematics has been applied. In natural science, we use language to describe the predictions of natural happenings. More so, we use language to explain the results of experiments and to extract the meanings of certain observations. In mathematics, language assists us in the communication of mathematical deductions and passing the outcomes to the intended parties. It plays the role of helping the people deduct the meanings of mathematical fields and procedures. In natural science like biology, language assists in the idea formulation when maybe undertaking research on a certain disease. It assists in posting the questions on why it is necessary to undertake such research on interested parties. A language is a tool for storage and passing of knowledge from one generation to another generationCITATION Way10 l 1033 (Steir).
Sense perception as a way of knowledge enables us to get a more feel of natural experiences maybe through the touch of water and understand the physical truth of water behavior. In laboratory experiments sometimes, there is need of smell to understand why a certain natural happening has to be. In biology, sense of touch is important to access the changes of body movements and meaning of life. We need to hear the voice of animal and calculate the extent of loudness of an animal. In addition, sense perception through chemistry we need to see the results of measurements of an experiment and use mathematics in trying to pass the new idea from the experiment. Measurements appear in numbers and we need the sense of sight to see the measurementsCITATION Way10 l 1033 (Steir)The natural evidence of changes in natural phenomena has to rely on the reason on the human side. Reason differentiates the fact from science. Mathematical theorems and procedures have to be logic. In a physics field of mechanics on how the pressure decreases with speed has to be supported by reason as a way of knowledge. How the physics statement is applicable in the real life situation has to be reliable. Mathematical skills have to have an application in the real life situations, not just mathematics. Pure mathematics assists in the reasoning of daily-to-daily life problems and the carrying of researches. Every side of knowledge has to have an impact or change in the existence of human beingsCITATION Way10 l 1033 (Steir).

Imagination in natural sciences assists in maybe making new possibilities of cure of diseases in biological science. It helps to create new possibilities beyond the scientific truth. It brings new ideas that are tested. Imagination assists in always bringing new researchers that are fresh from the mind. Imagination in mathematics assists in the exploration of what the reality hides from the real life truth. Mathematics can prove how the imagination is in the minds of people and what the actual number of peoples it can affect is. Imagination helps in the formulation of new ideas. People form imaginations in their mind and it is from these imaginations that theories form. Mathematics shows that earth is one hundred and fifty kilometers far from the sun. Natural science explains that oxygen supports combustion and carbon dioxide does not support combustion. These were once theories, which over the years have through the sense of perception, through studies, and experiments have proved to be true in real lifeCITATION Way10 l 1033 (Steir).
People have faith in the science experiments. The faith of mathematical judgments and theorems are what makes people commit to those theories. The faith or otherwise trust of proven mathematical methodologies by others is what makes mathematics concept to have the reason. The commitment to natural science statements makes possibilities of exploration of new scientific conclusions. It enables people to base their outcomes with proven scientific researches. For example, people are tested for diseases based on how the have faith in the proven results of experiments. The experiments are trusted on the mathematical statements that show the validity or accuracy of the scientific results. A doctor commits on the results from laboratory experiments since he or she has faith on the scientific procedures and natural science facts.
In the construction of the area of knowledge, intuition, as the way of knowing is where someone relies on his or her inner thinking and experiences to make a decision without prior knowledge. It is where someone judges the happenings from her inner beliefs without the support of knowledge from another source. We believe different people have different intuitions depending on their circumstances of imagination. The intuition of some individuals makes them have solution of life science problems without prior knowledge. This is because they have maybe deep imagination or experiences. The natural science apart from making people believe in their intuition increases the chances of people gaining new understanding or knowledge from their intuition. The intuition of people creates new dimensions of seeing or feeling when the mathematical techniques are applicable. Through the intuition, people feel where other mathematical theories need to take certain designed or re-designedCITATION Ibp15 l 1033 (Brian King)Memory is the way we can recall past knowledge and how much one recalls shapes the way we can process new knowledge. People understand things depending on their mental ability to remember the past knowledge gained and relate to the present situation. Therefore, memory aids in the processing of present knowledge to come up with the new knowledge. In mathematics, how we memorize the already accumulated knowledge in mathematics will explain how we interpret the results of natural sciences. In natural science, how we can keep the sense of heat is how we will be able to form new ideas on the behavior of heat. How we can remember the procedures in the mathematical deductions will determine the action we take. In natural science, how well people remember the statements and proven facts is how more the people will be able to bring challenges to the store of knowledge. Knowledge is what people can be able to memorize
The history development of the area of knowledge will explain how the way of knowing contributes to the gaining of knowledge. Most of the mathematical assumptions are because of intuition, sense of perception; memory etc. Intuition makes people have certainty with the mathematical assumptions. People through their imagination over the years have led to thought mathematical theories and theorems to gain knowledge. The history of chemistry mostly was maybe from people’s imaginations. People through their imagination thought of what would happen if certain things mixed. The sense of perception through sight led to the idea that there is a possibility when people start to observe things. Physical science relies on imagination for example engineers have to have a high level of creativity and imagination to keep innovations happeningCITATION Ibp15 l 1033 (Brian King)The knowledge is a result of networks of shared knowledge between individuals. Individual’s contributions move through various procedures as required in every area of knowledge and validation checks for it to qualify as knowledge under that discipline. These broad disciplines are through shared knowledge over past generations and contributions from different people from different places. The disciplines rely on proven researches by different scholars to add on their subject matter. The new knowledge from scholars passes through the different validation checks and procedures for it to qualify under the relevant disciplineCITATION Ibp15 l 1033 (Brian King)In conclusion, the area of knowledge is an as result of contributions of different ways of knowing and there is none that relies on just one way of knowing. The various ways of knowledge do not operate in isolation; they are interdependent of each other to form an area of knowledge. There is no area of knowledge that is an as result of only one way of knowing. Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Brian King. Theory of Knowledge Guide. West Kingsdown: Logicworks Ltd, 2013. Print. 22 December 2015.
Steir, Daniel. Ways of Knowing. Dublin: Yes Editions, 2010. Electronic. 23 December 23.

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