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Influence Of Gender Stereotypes In Today’S Society

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Influence of gender stereotypes in today’s society


The opinion column of this written work is based on the topic "Gender". The objective of this work is to publicize and inform society about the influence caused by gender stereotypes in each of the people who are part of a nation, city or country, due to the beliefs instilled in the characteristics to the membersof a group.

I chose to perform an opinion column, since this is characterized by being a non -literary text. It is an article published periodically in magazines or newspapers that interprets, comments and/or values events or facts from the point of view of its author, who is responsible for the opinions that, in this delivery, since signing with its name the writing.

Gender stereotypes are a set of ideas used by society to explain each of the behaviors that women and men have. According to the ideas that have been implemented in society since the past times, which they have imposed as each of the genres should behave, what are their activities and roles in society, home, family and work, in addition to how they must relateand interact with each other.

Clarifying these two key concepts I can explain that my work is how they influence and what are the consequences of gender stereotypes in society.

The text to be done as I mentioned is an opinion column, since I will discuss the subject of gender stereotypes from my point of view and personal perspective, implying the arguments with greater clarity and depth, for which I have decided to discuss this issue thatIt is very controversial and that gives a lot to talk about today due to disagreement in today’s society for these stereotypes.

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Gender stereotypes are a very controversial issue that is still living today. This occurs due to the history that has been created since ancient times, in which society has labeled with different characteristics to each sex giving rise to gender stereotypes.

For this reason, various terms have been created that designate this concept, among the terms we find: sexual stereotypes, stereotypes gender role and stereotype of sexual role, although all these terms are related and have similarity are not equal for this reason they are used undifferentlyBecause when we talk about gender we refer to the psychosocial characteristics that differentiate the woman from the man, that is, they refer to the roles, features, behaviors, etc. , that each one must have these sexes. On the other hand, when referring to the term sex we refer to the biological characteristics associated with each sexual class, so it is necessary to have knowledge about the meaning of each of these terms so as not to confuse and be able to refer correctly when wanting to speak orGive some comment on gender stereotypes according to a behavior or a biological characteristic of women or man.

Gender stereotypes are a set of ideas, characteristics and prejudices that society has used to explain each of the behaviors of man and woman, which leads us to think how do gender stereotypes influence society in societycurrent? Because gender stereotypes have been created since the past generations, each of the social and public and public participations of men and women have been generalized and formalizing with the new generations believing in each of thesestereotypes because since we are born our parents are educating us and teaching what are the attitudes that we must take, from the clothes we wear to the activities we do.

These stereotypes of genres that have been building around the years have made us believe and taught us that women are fragile, submissive, tender and weak, and are those that have to stay in the house, cook and take care of theirsons. On the other hand, the characteristics of the man are that they are strong, of a rough, aggressive nature, athletes, etc., And they are those who go to work to keep their family and are the ones who can participate in politics, they can go out to do sports and are the ones who send at home. Which has measured that time is advancing and currently those thoughts that society have predominated for a longbehavior expected of men and women due to the teachings that our parents and that society has taught us.

These gender stereotypes have been decreasing more because campaigns, protests and talks have been carried out for young people and adults about gender stereotypes in which they explain the meaning of this very important issue and not because there is aWomen’s and woman behavior label means that we must limit ourselves and that we cannot break those stereotypes which all they do is believe a macho society and less prize for women.

At present we can realize that of every 10 families, in 2 families these stereotypes continue to predominate because they do not want to forget the roots they have improving in them or in certain cases for fear of women to express themselves or face the man due toThat gender stereotypes have taught us that women are submissive and weak and strong men and cannot tell them anything, since they are wishes give them protection and are the ones who keep the home, for this reason women prefer to remain rooted in theseStereotypes, on the other hand, the 8 other families have already left the stereotypes on the side and have realized that we are all equal and that the two sexes can be better working together and being free to do what they want without fear that what they aredoing is wrong and will be judged by society for wanting to neglect gender stereotypes built for a long time.


In conclusion, we can say that gender stereotypes will not be able to eliminate completely, but that they will not always predominate in our society, since the times and years change there all customs, ideologies and stereotypes can change or breakAnd in this way to be able to leave those labels, prejudices and discrimination on the side, which damage people by not letting them experience and demonstrate each of their skills and their potential.  

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