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Influence Of The Peace Agreement With The Farc-Ep

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Influence of the Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP


Illicit crops are a criminal activity related to drug trafficking, which have social, cultural and environmental effects. However, it is necessary to mention that from the signing of the Peace Agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People’s Army in 2016, the growth of these effects has had great impact on the country, and therefore, it is pertinent to recognize Through these areas, what has been the main cause of this increase. So, one of the main causes is that illicit crops in Colombia are more profitable and better payments than many other national products, taking into account that the risk of production is much higher the peasants must charge more for this work and, Likewise, they are given greater facilities and means for transport and marketing.


In addition, the emergence of new bands or criminal groups is recognized that would be disputing the drug trafficking business, and that in an attempt to become part of the government benefits for coca growers, they would be growing. Another of the big causes that this problem explains is the need that the population has to have some income to subsist, so the activity that is easier is the production of coca crops, since it spends less time and has more income than any agrarian activity.

The consequences for the population when choosing this life option and recognizing that, these activities are not payable by the State, the armed groups do not remunerate the money necessary for subsistence, so that the population does not meet the basic needs and therefore , the number of displaced and poverty in Colombia increases.

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What consequence did the peace agreement have with the FARC-EP in the increase in illicit crops in the South Pacific in the 2014-2017 period?


After the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC-E, which was carried out under the presidency of Juan Manuel Santos, statistics have been made that establish an imminent increase in illicit crops in Colombia. The purpose of this project is to investigate from a political-social approach the development of illicit crops as well as the direct and indirect effects on the population of the territory of South Pacific after the peace agreement with the FARC-EP.

In the same way, reference is reference and will respond to the particular needs of the territories affected by illegal crops.

The statement was made after the Office of the National Policy for Drug Control of the White House delivered a new report on illicit crops and cocaine production in Colombia, showing an increase in 2017 with respect to previous editions. In the report it indicates that there was an increase of 11% crops compared to 2016 and that it reached the figure of 209.000 hectares cultivated. In 2016 it was estimated that the number of hectares was 188.000.

Thus, according to the United Nations, the country is the third largest producer worldwide, after Afghanistan and Myanmar (where promotions were also recorded). According to the Ministry of National Defense, in 2017 the military reported the discovery of 28,221 hectares sown with poppy, a rebound compared to the 22,235 hectares of 2016. This growth has been given to the rise in the levels of violence in crop areas and the competition of multiple criminal structures for business control. During the development of this project we will carry out a strategy that minimizes illegal crops in Colombia and building a development program that demonstrates the Colombian population that, there are other possible alternate activities for obtaining the same income as illicit crops.

The peace agreement with the FARC-EP establishes a solution to the problem of illicit drugs, in which it decrees that, in order to lay the bases of the construction of peace, it is necessary to find a definitive solution to the drug problem illegal. In addition, a differentiated treatment is required in which the appropriate strategies are developed for the voluntary substitution of illegal crops and the transformation of the affected territories, giving the priority required by the consumption of illicit drugs under a public health approach and strengthening the fight against drug trafficking.


The agreement analyzes the illegal crops from a rural development approach, which activates a National Integral Program for Alternative Substitution and Development, in which its main objective is, to activate the participation of the communities which will play a performance role and generate new Alternatives to end illicit crops.

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