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International Security In Society

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International security in society


The conceptual theoretical framework on which this document will be framed within international security theories, especially on the concept of human security. The conceptual development and the use of the term human security dates from the year 1994 when the United Nations Development Program discussedthe military capacities of states, classical theory of international security;If not seeking to expand the term to other fundamental spheres for international security such as political stability.


Economic growth and development, or issues related to sustainable and sustainable development that included environmental issues, among others. The classical definition of human security was exposed within the framework of the Workshop: Measurement of Human Security Summary of Deliberations at the JFK School of Government of Harvard University, establishing that: “Human security can be understood as the task of humanizing security. Highlighting that priority should be given to values such as the protection and prevention of people in the framework of conflicts."

Human security then is a concept that seeks to connect the protection of people in a certain geographical space, seeking the individual development of human beings, as a path for the development of societies in peace. The creation of the Human Security Commission in 2000 and the “Human Security Now: Protecting and Empowering People,” report marked a new route in the definition and approach to human security emphasizing the need to print issues related to theSafety and sustainable development.

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In this way it is possible to define, under this conceptual framework, that construction.

The development of societies and countries and the achievement or maintenance of peace, must have as a principle the respect and guarantee for the fundamental rights of individuals, respect for the development of groups or population groups, especially those who have those who haveOr they are in situations of specific vulnerability and that require special attention or treatment, all this under the framework of sustainable development, which manages to establish as principles economic growth with the care of the environment and its environment. It is understood that, when these precepts are achieved, conflict situations can be overcome. 

But the concept of human security can go much further highlighting that to overcome conflict situations, special treatment must be repaired and given to those who have been victims or have been affected by confrontations. It can be said that human security is born as a new theoretical framework to understand security challenges in a globalized world, where the agenda is greater and threats are interrelated. The debate is also opened to include the gender category as a relevant analysis variable when designing civilian protection policies.

This also developed a series of principles enshrined in different international legal instruments that recognize individual and collective freedoms, normative frameworks that have been strengthening national and international security;It is recognized that the full exercise of rights is the beginning, in turn the objective, of a fundamental path for the construction of inclusive societies where the feeling of confidence in the State and its institutions should be much greater, if there are precepts of cohesion andrespect between people, especially the recognition of vulnerable populations rights. 

Hence the importance and the need to establish security strategies that take into account the human security approach, asInterior of the states. All these concept analysis appear in response to the absence of explanations and research by the most traditional currents of international relations, which have failed to explain sexual violence during armed conflicts. 

It is still an imperative for discipline to continue expanding these concepts of security and gender, because it is not secret that women are the greatest victims during armed conflicts, trapped in poverty dynamics that perpetuate and even accentuate gender roles and the activities that areHe hopes that women do as such within their family and community, especially during periods of war and confrontations. Therefore, the challenge for international relations is to delve into the formulation of a theoretical framework that recognizes the situation of subordination of the female gender in all branches of the discipline. 

Once the creation of this theoretical framework is satisfactory and the debate is extended and at once is kept in mind that sexual violence has been used as a war tactics. Sexual violence in armed conflicts is one of the issues that require gender as a category of analysis and feminism as the theoretical framework, as a strategy to make this phenomenon. It is necessary to continue advancing in the analysis of conflicts beyond the realistic theories of international relations, and this is where gender theories can contribute to understanding dynamics of confrontations, which together with empirical cases, such as the one proposed by this text.


They can give a critical and different vision of how much of armed conflicts are being addressed. In short, this separate one emphasizes that the concept of human security must continue to advocate so that within the security strategies of a State they are included as components of public policy, prevention and protection programs towards people in vulnerability situations, especially for victims victimsof sexual violence, an aspect that will be key in overcoming conflicts and will respond not only to the problems of the population, but will also be a tool to overcome the problems causing confrontations, especially if they are non -international nature.  

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