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Julio Cortázar And Magic Realism

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Julio Cortázar and Magic Realism

Cortázar used fantasy a lot, the magical and connected reality with the fantastic, often making the character delirious and confuse the reader, carrying from one state the fantasies and delusions of the characters. It made us see the internal, emotional and often physical pain of the characters and on several occasions there was no such pain and much less they were aware of what was happening and in many cases the same character failed to distinguish if he was living a reality or simply They were dreams, in addition the characters in one way or another were suffering and because of this we could say that these fantasy events happened where they forgot their pain, their suffering and everything else to transport themselves to a world where they felt more comfortable or safe.

We see how his works are very loaded with surrealism, using a strong psychology that in many cases dislodges us. The characters always do in the daily life of life or say that life at that time, and that is why we can often observe how people feel more irrationality. The characters are not amazed or baffled from the supernatural but that they accept this supposed reality making these skills part of them and that makes us readers confuse more, because it is something that was obviously in that feeling to make us see the reading of Another very particular way to which he was accustomed, even he came to say the following:

“That feeling of the fantastic (…) accompanies me from the beginning of my life, from a very young age, before, long before I started writing, I refused to accept reality as they intended to impose and explain my parents and my teachers.

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I always saw the world in a different way, I always felt, that between two things that seem perfectly delimited and separated, there are interstices for which, for me at least, it passed, it was sneaking, an element, which could not be explained with laws, that could not be explained with logic, that it could not be explained with reasoning intelligence ”(Seva City).

This little text shows us that feeling for writing things of this genre not only appeared in his life in its beginnings in the literary world but that passion and that strange attitude towards the surreal came since he was little.

The characters abandon their neutral tone to consider their fears, their subjects and subjective observations, many times they reveal to us so much that they make us feel part of what they live, their pain, their dreams, what they want to do or not to do and in addition to everything we They always see things as they see it. Cortázar manages to create a text with multiple senses, full of symbolic things, with a rhythm studied and effective, some effective ambiguity and a narrator or character full of life. Cortázar wrote magical realism in such a surprising way that even today it costs many readers to decipher mysteries, understand things that happen and know why and so that they were done in such a way that it awakens in one the curiosity and intrigue of knowing in depth his thoughts and continue reading in order to understand the reason for those fables and letters that he tells us.

We can see in the story "Casa taken" how two brothers lived in a house and worry every day about keeping it clean until one day a mysterious entity began to move until they were left on the street:

“I went down the hall to face the awarded oak door, and turned the elbow that led to the kitchen when I heard something in the dining room or library. The sound came inaccurate and deaf, such as a chair turns on the carpet or a drowned conversation whisper. I also heard it, at the same time or a second later, at the bottom of the hall that brought from those pieces to the door. I threw myself against the wall before it was too late, I closed it suddenly supporting the body; Happily the key was set on our side and I also ran the big bolt for more security ” 

Here we see how Irene’s brother had to run and close the door immediately, let He is taking the house, even the story ends, it is not known who moved them to them of comfort. “The first days they felt sorry since they had left many things that they wanted in the part taken from the house but also saw advantages since clean time to look at his father’s stamps in addition to reading some books ". (

In my opinion I can perceive that it was something mental in them, perhaps loneliness had led them to such a point to flee from any noise, have hallucinations or perceive things that did not exist in the least for one, but for them it was so Real that made them leave their things and move with pain in the soul leaving everything behind to stay completely in the street. At no time in the story we could understand what or who was that made them flee, difficulty made the reader could not get to the bottom or rather to an accurate conclusion of the behavior of these two brothers, but something that I could notice is that, Although one does not know who the invaders are if they know and that is a point full of curiosity.

We can also see in the story "The night Boca" that Cortázar uses the fantasy and magical realism. We see how he talks about a man who goes on his motorcycle and almost collides with a woman, but he fainted, then wakes up in the hospital and they make a series of exams. But he had strange dreams:

“As a dream it was curious because he was full of smells and he never dreamed smells. First a smell of swamp, since on the left of the road the marshes began, the trebles where no one returned. But the smell ceased, and instead a compound and dark fragrance came like the night he moved fleeing from the Aztecs. And everything was so natural, he had to flee from the Aztecs who were hunting as a man, and his only probability was to hide in the densest of the jungle, taking care not to depart from the narrow road that only them, the Motecas, the Motecas, knew ”(Seva City).

These are one the kids he sees in his dreams, that is where many of the readers are confused due to the change in environment that the patient has constantly therefore not knowing which of the two versions he tells is the delirium And what is the reality until they reach the end of the story. We observe how Cortázar plays with the mind of that man making him believe that he is in a place when he is truly in another and not precisely the hospital because there is not where he is, but that he is really being persecuted by the Aztecs and in the end he sees As someone really approaches him with a knife in hand making us truly see where he was:

“For a second he believed that he would achieve it, because he was still motionless in bed, safe from the swing head down. But it smelled of death and when he opened his eyes he saw the bloody figure of the sacrifier who came to him with the stone knife in his hand. He managed to close the eyelids again, although now he knew he was not going to wake up, that he was awake, that the wonderful dream had been the other, absurd like all dreams; A dream in which he had walked by strange avenues of an amazing city, with green and red lights that burned without flame or smoke, with a huge metal insect that buzzed under his legs ”(Seva City).

Even so, in the midst of all the confusion caused by this reading by not knowing where man was really.

Another very important story where we can see again, as Cortázar plays with the reader’s mind and with the same character in the story "Continuity of the parks". There we can see how the main character reads a book that given the circumstance of what we can read we see how that story how motivated it has then becomes the reality of him, making him the victim of the wife and the lover. “The central theme of the story is the continuity that is established between two fiction worlds. The first world, which we could call primary fiction, and that corresponds to the reality of a man who is reading a novel, ends up communicating with a second fictional world ”( is); And it is very important to see how the main character remains so serene in the midst of reading and also see how he at no time identifies the scenario in which the story develops because we clearly observe that as Lee describes exactly where he is Find, it even describes it and in the end of the account did not identify the central scenario. Then we can observe how Cortázar transports us to the other world of that story, where lovers are gathered and not precisely to give loose reins to the pleasure they always look for, but are planning the death of the main character to achieve such freedom to have that always hiding. The first thing we notice when entering this second moment of the internal structure of the story is the change in the point of view of the narrator. "The events that are going to be telling are those that the reader is reading and we in turn as readers become" witnesses "of those images that alone have acquired color and movement" ( is). Once again we can witness this type of fantastic, magical history that make us analyze others each point of magical realism and as the events occur in this story we are realizing the key moments where we can verify that the two are mixed Stories in the same story:

“That afternoon, after writing a letter to his attorney and arguing with the butler a matter of parking lots, he returned to the book in the tranquility of the study he looked at the Parque de los Robles. Draeded in his favorite armchair, with his back to the door that would have bothered him as an irritating possibility of intrusions, he let his left hand caress again and again the green velvet and began to read the last chapters."…" high, two doors. No one in the first room, no one in the second. The living room door, and then the dagger in the hand, the light of the windows, the high support of a green velvet armchair, the man’s head in the armchair reading a novel ”(Seva City).

My central idea is to project in these lines the behavior and way of seeing the things of Cortázar in writing. Cortázar always wrote with the heart, used feelings and I want everyone to see for a moment the space as he raises it and that we can think that the world can always be seen in another way, that we can create in our imagination different types of scenarios, Although we scratch in madness. We can see as always in their stories we find some magical realism and we can see how this behavior in the characters makes the story interesting and always keep us in the expectation of what may happen or interested in things that we could not understand or understand Better, but to learn something new, see the stories not maybe as he saw them but similar, analyze them, appreciate and love them making them part of us.


  • "The feeling of the fantastic.”A reputation – Juan José Arreola – City Seva – Luis López Nieves,
  • "Taken house.”A reputation – Juan José Arreola – City Seva – Luis López Nieves,
  • Rodríguez, Elizabeth. "Julio Cortázar house essay.”Logic and philosophy (page 2) – Monographs.COM, Oct 5. 2011,
  • "Night backs.”A reputation – Juan José Arreola – City Seva – Luis López Nieves,
  • Chelle, Fernando. “Analysis of the story‘ Continuity of the Parks ’, by Julio Cortázar.”We culture, the Cultural Information Magazine, May 6, 2016, www.Culturamas.ES/BLOG/2016/05/06/ANALYSIS-DEL-CUENTO-CONCINUITY-DE-LOS-PARQUES-DE-JULIO-CORTAZAR/.

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