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Love As An Art Or A Pleasant Sensation

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Love as an art or a pleasant sensation


Since I observed the title of the book I call my attention to the beginning I thought it was a self-help book or a manual, then when I began to read that it was neither of the two things, the author raises love with a psychoanalyst approach giving him creditto this as an entity of the personality and mental development of the person.

The author explains the different types of love with logical and easy ideas for understanding tries to argue his position;With the love of God, faith and maternal love.

In my posture I agree that love is a driving engine of the masses, creator of great things and a mentor to help this world do better, because we have become selfish, we do not consider the pain of others as our own and that leads toAn individuality and a total loss of human nature.


What is love an art or a pleasant sensation? Love has become a kind of ambition for the human being leaving behind feelings considering love as a trophy by putting it into the materialistic world.

Actually the human being is thirsty for love, he asks him at every moment of his life, it has become a necessity, but the human really knows: what is love or only idealizes it?

The idea of a romantic love has been extending, eliminating ancient beliefs where love was conceived after marriage, love is now looking for it is idealized since childhood either on television, movies etc. No one imposes it or so we believe.

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Our contemporary culture is based on the desire to buy, on the idea of a mutually favorable exchange. The happiness of both men and modern women consists in the purchase of objects to solve emotional needs, we are a society lacking emotions, we want to acquire in a departmental store either in installments or cash. And so we conceive the idea that people work the same.

A person must be "attractive" to fit with the characteristics of the time;That is popular, fashionable, behave in a certain way and thereLoving, trying to fit into an empty society.

The feeling of falling in love is seen as a business arises from the merchandise that each human offers within their economic possibilities. That we can expect if we live in a culture where commercial orientation prevails, in which success is based on acquiring goods and services, where feelings are the least, where more economic quality has more than moral quality, the moreattractive and colorful is the most monetary value couple, we can boast among our friends and acquaintances.

People lacking company also resort to false love, obtaining stormy and little durable relationships, only based on physical attraction.

The art to love can be compared as the art of living, or with something as gross as learning to play a guitar, perfect trades, studying a career, and could be learned with practice.

What would be the necessary steps to learn any art? In the processes to learn an art it is divided into two;

  1. The mastery of theory
  2. Domain of practice.

But in love;It will be the same? I do not believe it because in most arts there are tangible things and in love they are complicated abstract things to understand for the human being, and since it is not a being that dominates it, instinct fails to capture the feeling of loving.

On the other hand, animals are smarter in this regard since they still retain their sense of instinct, and therefore they know more of love than any human being. The human outand the others.

Adam and Eva’s story is a biblical fable that shows us that it is more than a victory of freedom, we overlooked the main point after the man and woman became aware of themselves and on the other they became aware that they areDifferent, but by recognizing their separatality they are still unknown because they fail to love each other, because in the myth Adam blames Eva that she took the forbidden fruit instead of trying to defend it, and if in relationships it is like that, it is easierto blame the foal of our mistakes to accept them, it is easy to leave the other as a executioner instead of accepting our faults, and so we remain as the victim exposed to the shame and compassion of others and that makes us feel loved and calm because before theWe continue to comply with being the most good person. Our hypocrisy is so much that we end up believing ourselves that if the other person was the one who did more harm.

What all this is that man needs is to overcome his individuality, his ignorance, his loneliness, this problem persists from primitive man to man of today, every year of evolution he has failed to advance in this aspect.

When he is a child he identifies more with what surrounds him, but this is changing with maturity because he seeks to solve less lacking needs and full of the materialistic world that surrounds us, in addition we want to be part of society and this to treat usto meet the standards imposed by the system and thus look for a couple in the market and not a sentimental couple that understands us and that helps us to be better.

Including a society is an achievement and thus the man is accepted acts and does what they ask him to cushion his loneliness.

In the current capitalist society the term equality has been transformed to identity before unit.

The equality between genres is made not individualized because humans are needed that are all identical to make them function gently without friction, all thus obey the same orders and thus all are convinced that they follow their own desires, so the process is complete and theeconomic and political purposes work on a regular basis.

The equality and proper functioning of the process leads us to conformism and routine, since childhood we are taught to fulfill the processes and without realizing we fulfill expectations of others believing that they are own, we make the system work completely without destroying the chain andPrisoners in the day -to -day routine, we do not have time to sit down to meditate that we are men, a unique individual, which only was given a life and is wasted in the routines, we are inmates of our ideas of our Vánales aspirations thatThey are only part of a capitalist system, seeking love and happiness with false ideas imposed by others.

Love like any art needs to be put into practice, not only with a couple but also with our fellow men, do not give importance to the physicist and material things, share with our peers beyond the tangible, feel them own to realize that they also feel;Fear, cry, laugh and are a cumulus of emotions.

The problem lies in us do not know how to love our being, we want others to love us, without knowing how to love the most important person of our lives, it is difficult to learn to love oursForget that we exist, only when we are sick or at the end of our life is when we reflect that we never knew what love was.

For everything we want user manual, recipes we want others to solve our conflicts, dilemmas but how can we make a manual to love? No, you can because each individual feels different, and it would not be easyhimself, with his family to perfect his art, most of us have had some love experience in a rudimentary way.

Any art requires discipline, nothing will be done well but is done in an energetic, orderly disciplined way, it has to be done with impetus, not only when it is in a good mood but also when we are as angry as an ogreYou can meet a work schedule in an orderly and disciplined manner because not fulfilling other aspects of life, but not modern man is only disciplined because he obtains any benefit in return, when he is not obtained, he does not do so or is willing to payso that others do. In addition to the fact that we are in a society lack of concentration, we wantLearn and improve it. It is difficult for us. Another factor is our little patience, we want everything quickly, but learning an art is not one day for another with efforts and taking calm to do it. To finish human values, they are determined by economic values.

In addition, the art of loving must indirectly learn;the practice of discipline, concentration and patience, take step by step and practice a lifetime or always be related to it. Our grandparents were disciplined people liked to get up early, arrive early everywhere, they concentrated on their goals, they took some time alone, they had patience, but today the speed of things, the lack of values, the bad customs ofyoung people to do things to the "rié" because if their self – esteem is demanded or traumified. We live in the era of indiscipline, where the sign of pesos is worth more than being honest, where the worst injustices for money are allowed, where love is based on “likes” or how many followers you can have on a social network, the concentration a lotLess there is only thought of how to make more money with silly ideas.


A highly recommended book addresses interesting topics, it is not a manual I am very clear is a kind of reflection on how humans are immersed in the current world system that we do not realize that we need to live and stop believing that we live.

Love for human being is a need that the human needs not to feel loneliness, workload, economic problems and to cushion the negative things of everyday life, it is necessary to love to know that we continue alive and that we still haveThat reasoning to understand this feeling to know that we are not a robot that only works and helps the system to make bigger. Understand love like that chain that can move the world that can make it a better place.

Also understand that love is an art and as such it is taking place step by step, that it should not be forced, but must be created to be reinforced and understood, mold it as a mud vase, polish like wood, watery like a plant, be patientTo flourish, understanding to rejuvenate. Without leaving our own individuality, we must give love to ourselves to give others, and so we will have to teach others to love, in order to transcend the soul of others.

Also select who to avoid avoiding destructive, vicious people, whose orbit is poisonous and depressing, these people will only generate bad ideas, heartbreak, conflicts that damage your way of seeing life, get away from them only serve to get you out of yourobjective are like the weed that grows near the vegetables, only remove energy, vitamins and remove you from your goals.

Consider the possibility of being sensitive to another human being, we find a very clear example of mother’s love for her children. A mother is able to notice the changes in her children, she is the only one capable of putting himself in the place of the other and can understand the feelings of her son. And so it must be with us just as our mother knows us knowing us so as not to fall into negative situations such as depression, anger frustration, also try to analyze and eliminate them.

The current life full of consumerism and love are something that is not carried, because the first only seeks purposes to benefit a few on the economic level, in the exchange, love seeks to harmonize all together together, and capitalism classifies us according to oursocioeconomic level. People who have the ability to love at this time are few since love is a marginalized activity because occupations do not allow a love attitude, we have no tempo to love or love each other.

If man wants to love looking for a way to place himself in a supreme place, the machines should serve it and not serve the machines.

Loving but loving maturity with a satisfactory wealth does not fall into the game of eroticism because that is not to love that is feeling desire, and desire is a craving that you want and pass, but loving is durable endures throughweather. Try to convince more people to try to dominate this art, try to raise awareness that we need to recover as people, to live as humanity.

In opinion I believe that the human has forgotten that it matters, and it always gives way to the material has become an object without feeling that only seeks to accumulate wealth, it does not look at the details of life omits them let them pass themHe prefers to see in a sideboard the new fashion phone model that a flower flourish.

Loving us for who we are, loving others for what they are, not for what they can have, love until it hurts, because you only live once and we have very little time to wear it, in so many routines, let’s take that little time fromLife for at least a few minutes to meditate on we really know how to love or we just get silly. Let’s give quality time or ourselves to our loved ones because the only thing that endures on earth are our actions.


  • Fromm, e. (2014). The art of Loving. Spain: Espasa Books.

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