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Management And Quality Tools In The Hotel And Tourist Organization

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Management and quality tools in the hotel and tourist organization


In this work it is about demonstrating the importance of quality management and tools in general that are commonly used for its management, here we will be able to find the most relevant points about management because it will occur in thisTo know aspects that companies usually use to improve each of their processes basically based on the study of demand to be able to know in this way what customers are currently looking for and overcoming competition, generating through the use of this toolthat the company acquires prestige on the quality of the services offered by the same.


The quality has been implemented by a series of tourism companies thus becoming one of the main strategies in these establishments so that in this way it is recognized as one of the differentiating elements within what corresponds to the competitive sector, as we can see withOver the years, these companies have been found in constant changes making quality become a precious element for organizations as to each of the tourists that is why it occupies the first place transforming into a competition factor for both companies for both companiessmall as medium, all this through a series of tools that allow guaranteeing it as well as its management.

It is important to take into account that quality management in accommodation processes is aimed at achieving customer satisfaction, needs and expectations, which arrive in search of new sensations, expectations and purely personal experiences that is whyIt should be taken into account that customers over time have become more demanding people especially related to the place where you will spend the night.

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It should be noted that due to the level of demand that is now on the part of the clients and each of the new technological innovations that are related to the quality of the services, it is important to know that in order for the management to develop correctly, the management is going toneed a constant effort for this to develop in an organized way and that in turn is oriented to customers in view of the quality of services, thus increasing the image of the company against demandachieving the increase in results.

That is why, when generating a prestige or an image in the face of demand in relation to the management of services, the same thing that will be taken as the most precious achievement of the accommodation in which the Human Resources Department will be the first responsible for ensuring thatThis can be given. In this way we are going to take into account that there are experts dedicated to the management of the quality of the accommodations, which indicate that a series of guidelines must be taken into account that will help the management be carried out correctly and to throwPositive results, for this, the fundamental step is to perform an analysis of what the client is looking for, therefore, when determining each of these correctly, knowing their expectations and the factors that influence it, sothat the expected quality can be adapted together with the perceived quality making the enjoyment of the customer stay possible.

As can be seen, quality is of vital importance within the housing area, as well as that of human resources that are the key point that this develops correctly, this because they will be in charge of the company’s orientation towardsExcellence in service and satisfaction, because people are known as the most important aspect within a company since these are responsible for generating training in personnel that are part of this service directly guiding them at key points such asThe treatment of the client, the interpersonal relationships, the motivation that the personnel that are of the aspects that must be taken into account to be able to manage the organization must have in order to be able to manage the organization.

Taking into account the aforementioned we will know that the direct cause of quality since they are responsible for doing or stop doing this is due directly to human beings have two characteristics that we acquire them since we are born that they are the will that iscapable of making decisions be made to a commitment to we have oursaimed at optimization and not maximization. It is because of these aspects that it will be taken into account that in order to obtain quality, it must be kept in mind that this is not meaning that it should be worked more but rather to work with intelligence, so to have an agenda framework related to theStrategies and activities will achieve the objective to be achieved that is to direct and manage, thus helping the loyalty shown by the client improves according to their needs and expectations.

So we have been able to observe quality management is the implementation of a plan or process that allows a series of excellence to be achieved by perfecting quality to be able to achieve customer loyalty, as well as adding values and incentives forThe workers since all members of the company are responsible for quality all under work with intelligence to achieve each of the objectives, however not all this is necessary to achieve quality because there is also a seriesof tools that will help perfect this process and that is implemented in the best way.

In these tools we will be able to find a quality that develops in a technical way through techniques to control that the processes work properly. It should be noted that each quality management program uses a series of tools that, when introduced into an organization, are based on the techniques used for continuous improvement, as well as the internal quality of each of the services and goods that areThey provide, so the use of these methods or tools will allow companies to constantly change the same ones that allow recognizing the causes of the problems to prevent them.

Within this we find that by using certain tools according to Bamford and Greatbanks, it can be made or used to highlight data that are complex giving them a simpler form showing in this way the high visual content, the areas can be evaluated inThose that are caused or of those that come the problems prioritizing in this way showing the relationship between the different variables, these help us to establish the causes of the failures and show these reasons to be able to solve them.

There are a wide variety of tools used in quality management within accommodation, which is why it is very often mentioned that the best tools should be had to have advantage over the competition and thus generate more income for theCompany, we can observe among some of these techniques the following: we find the Channel Mangger is a fundamental tool for tourist organizations since this helps to keep prices and availability controlled since this can help expedite work, as well as avoidErrors besides that this tool can be used to keep the stock under control. We are also going to find the PMS whose acronym corresponds to Property Mangent System, which is used to maintain control of each of the accommodation departments, as well as a fairly important function in which actions with reference can be developedto the commercial ones that are aimed at getting a greater number of customers for the company.

As we have seen in the aforementioned information we can realbe evaluated, as well as the active participation of the personnel so that they can solve their own problems so that the mentality can improve as well as the transition to improve the quality in the activities that will be carried out.


In conclusion, I can say that it has been a job that has helped me a lot to be able to understand in a better way that quality management is developed within the hotel and tourist sector, as well as how the tools are very usefulthat are used for these processes to be implanted in the best way. The work has been very interesting to do because one would think that quality is not so complicated to do, but it is quite the opposite since many aspects are needed that should be taken into account since these will help them be done well and aboutAll of the motivation that exists in the staff since these are the fundamental part that the management develops correctly and that they help much to improve the accommodation day after day.


  • Álvarez García, J. F. (s.F.). Quality Management Tools. Degree of use in. Obtained from https: // aecit.orp/uploads/public/congres/16/communications/session%203/4.%20 tools%20de%20Gestion%20de%20la%20cality.PDF
  • Jose Alvarez Garcia, J. A. (January 29, 2012). Degree of use of quality tools in the Spanish tourist accommodation sector. Obtained from http: // www.STEPSONLINE.Org/Published/10512/PS0512_05.PDF

Soto, m. D. (July 18, 2011). Service quality in the hotel accommodation area. Obtained from https: // (November 8, 2017). Hotel Management: All Hotel Management Tools. Obtained from https: //

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