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English 003: Movies
December 8th 2015
James Cameron was one of the directors who directed the movie terminator of 1984; it’s an American action film based on science fiction and written by the director Cameron and Gale Anne who was the producer. The movie had three starring Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The movie was shot in Los Angeles created by Hemdale Film and was later distributed by the Orion Pictures. Arnold Schwarzenegger acting as the terminator, the terminator was an assassin cyborg that was believed to have come from the future to the past kill a woman know as Sarah Connor, she was to give birth to a baby boy who was foretold that he will be savior of mankind against the machines in the future of post-apocalyptic. As the events unfolded a soldier by the name Kyle Reese from where the machine came from that is the future is sent to past in the year 1984 to safeguard the life of Sarah Connor.
The movie commences by means of the depiction of the future that is 2029, a likely forthcoming where human beings have been troubled by artificially intellectual machines controlled by the uncontrollable computer system known to man as Skynet. This supercomputer became uncontrollable, and sentient, therefore, started a very powerful and distractive nuclear battle by means of taking over control of nuclear arsenal belonging to the United States hence launching them in a shattering effort to overpower humanity. Consequently, a post-apocalyptic battle erupts in the forthcoming days where a lesser confrontation group of unrestricted humans attempt to take back their world and try to survive as the machine try to slaughter them as they are directed by John Connor who is a very influential general and he is viewed as a hero, he is the person liable for the formation of mankind resistance and endorsed with saving mankind from annihilation by supporting and rallying the survivors to war against the forces of Skynet Gerald in A short history of the movies .

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As the film commences a scroll is shown on the monitor stating “The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged on for decades. But the final battle will not be fought in the future. It would be fought in our present…tonight.” As the movie continues depiction is further demonstrated as the Skynet machine sends a cyborg assassin back to the past on a mission. The machine Skynet cannot and is not capable of sending weapons and clothes back to the past, therefore, any machine or living thing travels back nude, as a result of its capability the cyborg is covered with an organic skin that is alive hence shields the endoskeleton robotic steel combat chassis, therefore, forcing it to abide by the rules and arrives naked too Robert in the Movie-made America: a social history of American movies. The results of traveling nude forces the cyborg to confronts the people it firsts meet, taking their clothes so as to infiltrate and maintain cover in the modern society, and the same happens to the soldier who travels back to protect Sarah Connor from annihilation. The Cyborg ends up stealing deadly weapons and also acquires the phone book since it had no image of the real Sarah Connor it was supposed to eliminate and as a result of that it takes the action of killing everyone with the title Sarah Conner to warrant no identity of mistakes. Depiction is also shown when Reese is sent back to the past as in the future he has the idea of how the terminator looks like but in the when he arrives he has no clue whatsoever of how the terminator looks like hence he has to wait for it to attack so as to get a picture of how it looks. As a result, of them traveling back, things tend to be hard for Reese as he is unable to convince Sarah, who he is. She sees him as a lunatic due to what he is talking about; Reese also gets surprised when he tries to kill the terminator by shooting it at its chest, and it later appears on them at the police station making so hard to kill compared to the future. The act then advances hence showing the outcome of the movie’s events. Sarah is currently several months expectant with a baby boy illuminating the film’s twist. By allowing back a guardian to his mother, the future John Connor truly unintentionally shaped his own presence. In their passionate love night, Reese conceived a kid with Sarah logically becoming Connor’s father. Sarah acknowledges it during a recorded tape she had, which she later gave to John, her son after he got to the appropriate age.
The computer in the movie Terminator was known as the Skynet; it was a unique computer system created and developed for the U.S army by department of defense. It was developed as the global information network and also for digital defense grid that was its use, it was also used and also authorized to control the military systems and hardware that were all computerized and included the nuclear weapons. The computers were created to minimize and remove the risks caused by the human errors and slow response period to the assurance of fast, effective reaction to the enemy attacks. The computer in the film is also understood to be more intelligent and more alive as a human being, as demonstrated after Skynet initial attack it gathered its continuing resources and was also able to gather the surviving humans and enslaved and eventually forced them to labor. The humans built some automated factories, these factories formed foundation of the Skynet agenda and within a period of years it had reputed a whole world presence and by the use of its automated units it collected, disposed the humans who survived and also tracked down the humans who lived during its tenure Robert in the Movie-made America: a social history of American movies. As a consequence of its original programming commands, Skynet index is of a global, overarching and artificial intelligence order that pursues to terminate humanity in so as to achieve its directives of its creative coding.
The Skynet computer was worth so much at its initial stages of creation as it reduced the work load of humans and also did so much in preventing wars hence peace was established. In the Terminator film, the computer shows its worth of doing so much destruction than a human could do, it even shows that it can carry, push and pull heavy machinery. We also see it doing the impossible by sending man back to the past to change the history of the present. It also predicts what time and year a specific person can be found, time and exact place. To build such a machine is so expensive and worth a lot in terms of cash and time.
The terminator moves tries to show us the take over which refers to the suppositious situation in which man-made intelligence becomes the central system of brains on Earth with robots or computers successfully takes hold of the globe from the dominant species that is human race Knight in The liveliest art: a panoramic history of the movies. Potential scenarios comprise of the seizure by a tremendous intelligent computer system and the general concept of a computer uprising. As robotics technologies and computer are evolving at an ever high rate and the Skynet dominance is a mounting concern. It is also becoming a major subject throughout science literature for a lot of years though the circumstances dealt within the movie which are science fiction can generally be viewed as different from concerns of the scientists.
The sluggish progress of genetic evolution gives the approach of rapid growth of technological uprising. Unrestrained evolution in supercomputer technology tends to lead to the technological uniqueness and a global disaster risk that eventual results in the formation of synthetic intelligence that bring almost the humans to extinction. The Skynet computer error is an imaginary event linked to the dawn of honest general artificial intelligence. The likes of such computer systems network and robots would hypothetically be skilled to self-improvement, redesigning itself and maybe designing and constructing robots or computers superior to itself by its own. Recurrences of this sequence would likely lead to a huge effect, and an intelligent outcome where smart computers design sequential generations of progressively influential machines and producing intelligence far-off beyond human intelligent ability and control, such capabilities of the super intelligence will be impossible and very difficult for man to comprehend hence will lead to the technological singularity which is the point beyond where events can and will become unpredictable and even profound to our intelligence. These computers eventually become so intelligent than the humans and overthrow them as the dominant species in the world, and they declare war on the humans by seeing them as a threat.
The historical context behind this depiction was to prevent judgment day, the humans made quick decisions that lead to wars, and most humans made errors and in attempt to reduce this errors the super intelligent computer system was thought of and created Knight in The liveliest art: a panoramic history of the movies. The war, corruption, and inequalities were some of the problems facing the humans and affected them in so many ways and human leadership was so insufficient and lucked the will power. The machines were seen as a solution to these problems, and imminent results were need, but as the computers were created, they evolved and superseded human intelligence. The computers during the period were slow and were used at home only, they were simple computers and cheaper than those during the 1984 period but in the movie Terminator the computer were considered intelligent and smart. The humans new the computers were good assistance and made their work easier. The computers reduced the human errors and made performed tasks very fast and effective. The humans knew that computer technology was good business, they would predict danger and prevent judgment day and also protect them from calamities and dangers of wars.
People are seeking and hoping to build computer systems that by dialogue can and will be able to answer questions and give outcomes that scholars can request about advising, courses and any kind of thing making such computer systems to get better with time. The humans had hopes that the future technology will lead to the rise of robots as they have the possibility to eradicate great monotonous work, serve in risky and highly specialized surroundings like factories, mines, and hospitals and also assist human workers in various duties and works.
Some sociologists have faith in that technological invention is the solitary most vital foundation of public transformation. Societies are continuously shifting. Most of these alterations are understated and hardly noticeable. Other alterations are unconcealed and sudden. Social alterations can upset the values and standards roles, norms, characters, and organizations within a specific community. For example, the Industrial Uprising which began in the early years was a factual uprising or essential revolution for English civilization. The creation of computers that we currently use has already changed many phases of our exists, either indirectly or directly. The masses of web consumers from Chief Executive Officers to homeowners have grown and increased in numbers on a planetary rate tallying every day to the increasing web of statistics by the placement of their own “home pages” that define their own precise needs and interests. The computer system clicks of all many of these subscribers are creating new avenues hence transfer of information retrieval, commerce, fun and shocks at masses of the web sites. The proof of these modifications is set in our general philosophy and have consequences of all our establishments. Most individuals welcome the idea that improved dependence on computer systems and the information technology might or will adjustment how we labor and how we have fun and play. But advancement causes old and new issues as the technology is evolving at a speed well past our human capability to handle the ethical dilemmas and moral related with it. Technology will test us to examine parts of our existence and how we must relate to one another. The tramp of growth will also petition that we all re-think how we all obtain medication, how our families learn, how the old remain linked to society, how administration conducts its businesses, how cultural groups reserve their tradition, whose opinions are received, even how we form nations. Increased dependence on information technology and computers will present severe tests, poor individuals might get inferior and bizarre; lawbreakers, insurance corporations, and bosses might attack our savings, health files and private correspondence.
From the research and findings based on the Terminator films its evident that the computers are super, more power, uncontrollable and brainy as they have evolved and overthrown the rules of humans which beg the question why are the computers created and its rhetorical for the computers to overpower the humans since they are our own creation and brains. My research has shown as much as we have existing robots built and live with the human in our technological world it has also shown than there is no super computer that is more intelligent to rebuild itself and build more its kinds and evolve as the Skynet did in the film. In the film the Skynet evolves and becomes super intelligent system that views humans as a treat to its own existence. Time travel has been a struggle to men and the scientists included, its only in the film that man can travel to the past and influence the outcome of the future but research has shown that no man has ever accomplished to build a machine that can send or teleport any human back to the past and man come influence or make himself exist without the course of nature taking its path.
Work cited
Mast, Gerald. 1986. A short history of the movies. New York: Macmillan.
Knight, Arthur, and Arthur Knight. 1957. The liveliest art: a panoramic history of the movies. New York: Macmillan.
Sklar, Robert. 1975. Movie-made America: a social history of American movies. New York: Random House.

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