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Nationalism During The Spanish Civil War

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Words: 1939

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Nationalism during the Spanish Civil War


As in all wars, at least we find two sides or two opponents. In the case of civil wars, one of the main reasons for the conflict can be the desire for the nation for which they fight, and Spain is not far behind since in the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939) we find this struggle for the nation, who is more nationalist than who, or more Spanish (or more Catalan, Basque, Galician, …) and who are the best to govern citizens so that Spain is a true nation.

Therefore, in this work I will analyze the role played by nationalism during the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939). But in Spain we not only find the Spanish feeling or that nationalism referring to the entire nation of Spain that defends the unity and integrity of the territory, but also play a very important role Catalan and Basque nationalism, among the most important, butWe can also find the Galician, the Valencian or the Canary among others, these nationalisms are also known as peripheral nationalisms. These peripheral nationalisms that defend is the composition of Spain through various nations.

Spanish nationalism is a social, political and ideological movement that appears in Spain as a "national identity" in the nineteenth century after the Spanish War of Independence (1808 – 1814). Unlike other nationalisms that are born with the Spanish War of Succession (1701 – 1714), after the victory of Felipe de Anjou, appointed as King Felipe V of Spain decides to take away the laws and privileges that he gives him in a certain privilege toThe Crown of Aragon, after it decided to support Archduke Carlos in the war.

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This is where Catalan nationalism would begin to some extent, although the Catalan territory itself still did not exist geographically is the same territory.

In contradiction with the definition of Spanish nationalism previously given, there are researchers, political, intellectuals and social scientists who prefer not to attribute a fixed definition, since for them there are different types of nationalisms, and here we could have the key to why two peoplenationalists face a war that struggles for the nation of a country, since depending on the person can see nationalism or the nation of one country in one way of another. The definition of the nation of Spain is not the same for a Republican as for a member of the rebel side.

War development

So my question is: what role did nationalism play during the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939)?.

As we know, in the middle of the Government of the Second Republic, a group of military decidesIt will begin a civil war and that will remain until April 1, 1939 when General Francisco Franco signs a part of the war in which the war ended and to him along with his side the victors of this. This last part of the Spanish Civil War says: “Today, the Red Army captive and disarmed, their last military objectives have reached the national troops. The war is over. Generalissimo Franco Burgos, April 1, 1939 ". (Francisco Franco, "last part of the Spanish Civil War", 1939)

But this is not the only speech where Francisco Franco uses the nationalist term, but we can observe it at different times or conferences, also in different ways, such as Francisco Franco alludes to the term nationalism and makes him his own, his side and his ideology. How this speech at the beginning of war. "You put Spain in my hands. My hand will be firm, my pulse will not tremble and I will try to raise Spain to the position that corresponds to its history and that I occupied in past times. A national revolution has changed the physiognomy of our country, and in national Spain a new regime has been established, which is based on traditional and patriotic principles, which are the nerve of our history […] we do not want an old and mullet Spain. We want a state where the pure tradition and substance of that Spanish ideal past is framed in the new, vigorous and heroic forms of the youth today and tomorrow contribute in this imperial dawn to our people. The desires of Spanish youth will be collected, and assisted by the organization of the traditionalist Spanish phalanx and the J.ON.S., We will correspond to the sacrifices of all forming the united, great and free Spain that we carry in our hearts […] ”. (Francisco Franco, "in Spain dawns", 1936).

As we can see in the aforementioned text, Franco’s nationalism were in a way the opposite of what the government of the Second Republic intended. As we already know, two sides faced the war, on the one hand the republican side or side of the governments and on the other side we find the rebel side or national side. As in some speeches or informative given by the rebel side we can see the use of the term nationalism, on the Republican side you can also see, but to a lesser extent. For example, we can see this phrase by Juan Negrín (president of the government of the Second Republic) in full war.

“I am doing war for Spain and for Spain. For its greatness. Those who suppose. There is nothing more than a nation: Spain!". (Juan Negrín, 1938). In this case, Juan Negrín uses this term referring to peripheral nationalisms, especially Catalan nationalism while the rebel side uses it to fight the red army and as a mode of traditionalist ideology, since for the rebels, national Spain wasThat with traditional and patriotic principles.

Therefore, the rebel side also called a national side since they considered that their ideals were more nationalists than the ideas of the Republicans. But at present, there are many researchers who consider this exclusive term since they leave out those citizens who had national ideas but were in favor of the Republic. Or they just didn’t share the ideals of that side. Therefore, these researchers believe that the use of the term underwater side is more correct (a.V., 2006, 1).

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda was in charge of attributing the term national, a term that was quickly accepted by the leaders of the rebel faction. This did to give the German press the necessary instructions on how they should inform about the war that was being carried out in the Spanish territory.

The Spanish Civil War had various reasons, not only the ideologies. In this war we can observe the class struggle (usually the working class supported the Republican side and the high classes supported the rebel side), religion (during the Second Republic the Catholic Church was punished and passed to the background so whatDuring the war he supported the rebel side and believed that one of the reasons for the war was this conflict for what they called the civil war as a "holy war" in defense of religion, when the war ends and the dictatorship begins

Franco, the Catholic Church will win a fundamental role), the struggle between day laborers and young ladies, left and right, communists and fascists, republican democracy and military dictatorship, … and a long etcetera. But in this work we have focused on the confrontation between opposite or different nationalisms.


Finally: What is the role played by nationalisms in the Spanish Civil War?. Well, both sides considered that they were more nationalists than the other or that the other was less Spanish than them or directly were not Spanish, so this conflict of whom Spanish erramás than who ended up being one of the main reasons for the warCivil and even, during the first years of democracy or transition it was a debate that tried to avoid so that this conflict did not resurface since a dictatorship had just been left out and the "wound was still open". Both rebel and republicans are seen in the war and the specimens of what each of them considers to better define nationalism against invaders to the one who removes the Spanish label for being less than them, this happens in the Spanish civil war to the Spanish war to the SpanishAs in almost all civil wars, in addition, this principle that the opponent is less than me is something fundamental in all wars, whether it is and does not matter the time or place of said war, is something that is whyThe general human beings have it quite internalized (Núñez, 2006, 15 – 16).

At present, it is a quite extensive debate that continues to be associated with the rebel side, and even, if a person considers himself a nationalist or takes out a flag of Spain is labeled as “a facha” since it is directly associated with the ideas of the national sideAnd with Francisco Franco’s ideals, that is, right -wing ideals and fascists. This is a ruling that commits a large part of the population since many of them do not have the knowledge that the members of the Republican side were also considered nationalists, they also fought and even some came to die for the nation of Spain. All this ruling and this association of the national term to the rebel side is due to the “propaganda” use that the rebels gave to the end since for them, while the “national troops”, that is, the troops of the rebel side fought for the nation ofSpain, the militiamen of the Republican side fought for the Republic but the nation, the tradition and history of the country did not care about anything.

Even if we risk a little, one could say that there are Spaniards who "embarrass" to get the flag of Spain in case they are associated with the ideals of the rebel side, while in Germany citizens can get a flag without fear ofthat Nazi is touched.

Already to end, and in general terms after all that read and exposed it is this work, it could be said that nationalisms were something main and very important in this war, since it could be said that without nationalisms, the Spanish civil war would be aWar based on ideologies. Today, these nationalisms and this war can be seen from the point of union of the country, for the horror and pain suffered but 40 years ago, it was an issue to avoid the hatred in the country after so much pain andspilled blood.


  1. A. V. (October 22, 2006), “rebels, rebels or Francoist;non -national ”, the country.
  2. González Calleja, and. (July 17, 2016), “The 48 hours that condemned Spain to the Civil War”, the world: 80 anniversary of the military uprising.
  3.  Rye, r. (July 10, 2017), “Negrín y Azaña: end at root with the separatists”, the confidential.
  4.  Morillo, J. (April 1, 2019). "The Spanish civil war ends in memory and books," ABC Cultura.
  5.  Núñez Seixas, Xosé Manoel (2006), was the invader! Nationalism and war mobilization during the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939). Madrid: Marcial Pons, History Editions.
  6.  Trinche, Rafael R. And Sánchez Biosca, Vicente (2011), the past is the destination: propaganda and cinema of the national side in the Civil War. Madrid: Chair.
  7.  Tuñón de Lara, Manuel;De La Granja Sainz, José Luis and Garitaonandia, Carmelo (1986), Guernika, 50 years later (1937 – 1987): Nationalism, Republic and Civil War. San Sebastián: Editorial Service, University of the Basque Country.

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