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New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
Induction and mentoring programs provide significant support to the development and growth of teachers and enables them to make a remarkable impact on students. Additionally these programs present an opportunity for the district to identify an effective teacher who can perform leadership roles as mentors in their schools or district. Induction and mentoring programs are also key in supporting a school culture that is built on shared responsibilities and constant professional development for the benefit of all students.
Teacher induction and mentoring programs are largely meant to provide new educators with a local guide. However, the particulars and approach of these programs varies from school to school. The approaches may vary regarding duration and intensity. In some schools, they approach these programs as a single meeting between a mentor and the educator at the beginning of the year. Whereas in others it is a highly structured approach involving regular meetings over some years between the educator and the mentor and in this case time is provided away from their normal teaching schedule for such meetings (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2015).
Approaches can also vary according to the number of new educators that are there to serve a particular school. In some schools, the program includes any new educator, including those with prior teaching experience, whereas others focus exclusively on newly recruited teachers.

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Other induction and mentoring approaches vary according to their purpose. In some schools, for instance, these programs, are mainly developmental and are intended to foster growth on the part of a new educator. In other instances, these programs are intended to assess and may be sort out those deemed to be unsuitable for the job. In other schools, they approach these programs by their ability to incorporate mentors training and how keen they are to match a mentee to a suitable mentor. In other cases, some schools strives to make sure that new secondary math educator is provided with mentors who have experience in teaching mathematics at secondary level while in others they do not consider this (Mutchler, 2000).
Investing in new teacher induction and mentoring programs
Induction and mentoring program present a platform in which new teacher ability to learn in a classroom context is maximized and fully integrate a new teacher into the school community. Through this program, a new teacher learns from an effective and experienced teacher, therefore, providing an opportunity for increased possibility of retaining well trained and strong teachers, and most important improved student learning.
We all acknowledge that teaching profession is highly complex and demanding, newly graduated educators need a well structured and quality induction and mentoring to enable the educator to become accomplished and effective in their teaching career so as to improve the learning outcome in the schools. Schools should, therefore, invest in the induction and mentoring programs since it can be a useful tool that ensures that the teachers have attained the registered teachers criteria. The programs are also good for the teachers since they enable them to contribute fresh approaches and ideas that rejuvenate teaching workplace. Schools should also invest in this programs since it creates a firm foundation for self-reflection and continuous professional learning. More so schools should invest in these programs since it enables a new teacher to enjoy the teaching job and remain a positive member of the teaching profession (Mutchler, 2000).
Features of induction and mentoring programs
When a school is developing an induction and mentoring program, there has to be a plan. The plan should include goals, responsibilities and roles, orientation and training programs for mentors and teachers. The program should also include the process of selecting and matching teachers and mentors, confidentiality policy and mentors recognition and rewarding process. The program should have a well-developed policies that are founded on the best practice and well financed to produce a high quality and result yielding teacher induction and mentoring. The program should also have set-aside funds to remunerate mentors as well as providing off-duty time for mentors and those being mentored to have a meeting on a regular basis. The program should also be flexible and tailored to best fit the schools and district needs and which gives room for a genuine relationship to build up between the teachers and mentors (PSEA, 2014).
The fore mentioned feature are vital for any school induction and mentoring program since as huge numbers of new educators enters the profession there is a need for a strong mentoring and induction program with an aim of retaining quality teachers in the profession. High quality and inclusive teachers induction and mentoring programs have are associated with increased teachers retention and a possibility of the new teacher having the opportunity of developing the required skills for improving students achievement. The program support gives room for rising professionals to remain in the teaching profession and fully exploit their expertise.
In conclusion, it is evident that a well-developed induction and mentoring program for new teachers can have a great contribution to the quality of their practice as well as their retention in the profession. Moreover a school which has committed itself to induction and mentoring program goes along way in achieving the broader potential of this program of building instructional leadership of veteran teachers who serves as mentors therefore enabling them to enhance their purpose in their career while engaging all educators in continuous professional development and program innovation with an ultimate aim of improved school performance.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, (2015) Guidelines for
Induction & Mentoring Programs Providing comprehensive supports to prepare and retain effective educators and to develop leaders. Retrieved from
Mutchler, S. E., (2000) Lessons from Research on Teacher Mentoring: Review of the
Literature. South west education development laboratory. Retrieved from
PSEA, (2014) Improve new teacher induction and mentoring. Solutions that works. Retrieved

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