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Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behavior
The term organizational behavior refers to studying how humans behave in the settings of organizations. This aspect involves an interest in how the people carry themselves out as well as the contribution it has to the success of the organization. On the other hand organizational change denotes the transformation done in a bid to better the organization. The behavior of people in organizations may or may not necessitate change (Kavita 31-48). In cases where change is to get applied specific steps have to get followed.
The first step involves assessing the need for change. This aspect means that if there is an issue one has to recognize its existence then get to know where it emanates (Sofer 128-142). This knowledge results in the capability to determine the kind of change necessary.
Secondly, the step that follows involves deciding on the change to make. Once a problem is identified, the change to implement to rectify it gets selected. By doing this, the future state of the organization gets determined (Cummings 22-189). Moreover, this is the stage where underlying obstacles that need this change get identified.
Thirdly, the next stage is implementing the change. Here the type of change chosen gets introduced as well as managed (Dainty & Andrew 463-481). Equally, the decision on the direction this transformation takes gets decided whether its bottom up or top down.
Finally, implementation leads to change evaluation.

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In this stage, the effectiveness of the adopted gets to be known. This fact gets done when the previous performance gets compared to production after the transformation. Techniques like benchmarking come in handy during the evaluation process. Evidently, organizational change needs a commitment from all members for the achievement of the four critical stages it involves (Liu 234). Similarly, one ought to expect resistance as well as cooperation since change can get taken in any way.
Work cited
Cummings, Thomas. Organization development and change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009.
Dainty, Paul, and Andrew Kakabadse. “Organizational change: A strategy for successful implementation.” Journal of Business and psychology 4.4 (1990): 463-481.
Kavita, Singh. Organizational Change and Development. Place of publication not identified: Excel Books, 2005. Print.
Liu, Yuan. “Analysis and evaluation of organizational change approaches.” International Journal of Business and Management 4.12 (2009): 234.Sofer, Cyril. “The assessment of organizational change.” Journal of Management Studies 1.2 (1964): 128-142.

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