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Organizational Culture In Society

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Organizational culture in society


These aspects of an affective and social type are shown that being part of the working group also manifests that they need to be recognized for their achievements by their employers, this characterizes the emotional and social aspects to recognition and being heard.

Meanwhile, supervision is of great importance, since it helps to seek to be efficient, as well as the solidarity becauseNot only is incentives and labor relations related.


Let us understand then a change of perspective to man engineering machine to man who deserves fair and dignified treatment, through this approach improves the concept and humanizes it in the nature of the administration, erasing obstacles such as prioritizing the products obtained in favor ofThe fact that many is what it can be stated that the achievements are together and all this the search for the comfort of employees and the humanity of the employer.

In the previous paragraph, it has contributed to the administration must focus more on ethical and ideological aspects respecting the dignity of man demonstrating the need to improve human relationships through the application of science, especially administrative behavior of psychology being the objective being the objective beingmain to understand to ensure that through the worker’s efforts and the satisfaction of their needs both psychological and group, also using motivation the best results are achieved because we must also add the comfort to work by employees where they can show their skillsout of pressures.

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The disadvantages of this current are taken through idealism to the relationships that are condemning to be unpopular in a too practical field such as the company, since the technical aspect is neglected on several occasions obtaining very poor results. The company that does not take into account the human material, or neglect it, is called and condemned to failure, because the contribution to the administration is too large, they are the most essential part of every institution and it is always good to work in unity and for the struggle ofthe objectives.

Organizational climate dimensions

The organizational climate can be analyzed from several contexts or characteristics depending on the organization and behaviors of those who integrate it. Reasons why, in order to make a diagnosis of the organizational climate, it is necessary to know the different dimensions that have been carried by different researchers interested in defining the elements that affect the environment in organizations:

  1. Leadership: Leadership is defined as the influence that an individual exerts on the behavior of other people in the search, efficient and effective, of previously determined objectives, through the ability to guide and convince others to enthusiastically execute the assigned activities the assigned activities. For its part, the leadership concept contains the following characteristics:
  2. Address: provides the sense of guidance of the activities of a work unit, establishing the objectives pursued and clearly identifying the goals that must be achieved and the means to achieve this.
  3. Stimulus to Excellence: It means putting a great emphasis on the search to constantly improve, through the incorporation of new knowledge and technical instruments, the work of all workers in the organization, in addition the Headquarters demonstrates a genuine concern about the development of people.
  4. Stimulus to teamwork: it implies recognition, by senior management, that organizational management is based on teamwork, seeking the achievement of common objectives, leadership must guarantee a mutual support environment, where it is propitiatedthe organized participation of the members of the organization, in the achievement of the objectives of this.
  5. Conflict resolution: it is part of the daily life of every organization, while conflict is an inherent part of institutional life. Conflicts originate from various causes, although they definitely have a common point: they are differences in perceptions and interests, which compete, about the same reality.

Motivation: It can be understood as a set of natural reactions and attitudes, typical of people, which manifest when certain stimuli of the surrounding environment are present. 

In this regard, two aspects can be deduced:

  • Motivation is an autonomous reaction of people, part of the natural impulse seeking media to subsist and develop.
  • The evolutionary characteristic of the needs satisfaction process is identified.


The true sources of motivation, then, at work are the need for profitable interpersonal relationships, opportunities to demonstrate a contribution capacity, and projects that imply a challenge and promote personal development. To the extent that human talent can find in their work qualities that allow and foster their higher level needs – those that meet the need to develop a good concept of himself – will tend to be motivated and satisfied in the labor framework. Organizations that highlight the highest level needs, help create motivation seekers and at the same time provide opportunities for the motivated behavior of individuals who are developing at those high levels. 

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