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Pervasive development disorder

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Case Formulation PDD-NOS
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Alvin is five years of age and in is in nursery school. He has both his parents Agnes and Dan who love him so much and always pays attention to his demands and needs. Alvin has problems with interacting and socializing with the other children both in school and even at home after being dropped from school. Moreover, he has developed a high tendency of poor communication when interacting with his parents. Alvin has a younger sister and strangely he does not seem to get along with her. He always separates himself from his sibling and does not have an interest in playing with here. His peer interaction is very poor characterized by poor communication habits and having unusual sensitivities to many aspects of his surrounding environment. The behavioral disparities showed by Alvin clearly point out to him suffering from pervasive development disorder, PDD-NOS. This condition has made his parents worried and has sort counseling on the best way on how to help their child have appropriate cognitive behavior both at home and with his peers.
Alvin is five years of age and is enrolled in nursery school by his parents. The child has both his parents who have provided him with the necessary parental support and guidance. Moreover, Alvin has a younger sister who likes playing games with him. However, Alvin appears less interested in her sister and pretends to be participating in such kind of games. Both his parents are employed in the government departments, but all of them devote time to their children.

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Alvin leaves in a gated community with his family and is taken care of by his nanny employed by the parents. His parents create time to talk to him on most occasions. Alvin, however, has developed poor communication habits. Alvin on many incidences experiences difficulty in interacting with other people especially his peers hence he separates himself from them. On many occasions, he is overstimulated by the teachers to interact with others. Also, Alvin has developed unusual sensitiveness to many aspects of his surrounding environment and shows habits of hand flapping during excitement. Both his parents have time-consuming jobs hence much of their daily hours are in their workplaces. Alvin though well provided for by his parents seems to have been neglected by them owing to their occupational requirements. He hardly has enough time to engage with parents who mostly arrive home late when he is asleep and only weekends is when he can have the opportunity to interact with them.
The social behavior of Alvin can be said to be normal. His social development displays common social, tendencies. As such Alvin cannot be said to have Autism. Alvin appears to be less interested in many objects that children especially boys of his age like. On many occasions, he pretends to be playing with his sister, but from observation, it’s clear that he pretends to like the game. Off late his, parents have noticed that Alvin has problems with sleep where his losses sleep most of the time. Also, the level of fatigue shown by Alvin is very unusual about kids. During his class work and activities his teachers have noted the unusual cognitive behaviour displayed by Alvin. The level at which he has been giving unrelated answers to asked questions has been alarming. Both his parents have become worried about this routine and repetitive behaviour. They have approached me for counseling on how effectively to help Alvin. The parents want to know the remedies and if there is a specific treatment for Alvin. From my observation and having listened to his parents, it’s clear that Alvin might be suffering from Pervasive Development Disorder, PDD-NOS (“PDD-NOS,” 2016). The disorder is most common in kids, and it’s not a reason to discriminate against such kids.
Biological, psychological, family, social, and environmental factors assessment
Alvin was born a healthy baby boy with no medical complications. He was well taken care of by his parents both at the maternity hospital and after returning home. However, the level of which his parents went to work giving him little time made him keep much to himself. Only the maid had time for him and that his parents constantly neglected him due to the long hours of working. Although Alvin has shown the symptoms and signs of PDD-NOS, there is no biological basis for this kind of disorder in his family. Both his parents’ medical records show that they are healthy and have never had any episodes of psychological, behavioral disorders. This condition is because of his brain psychological development. The cognitive and sociological inappropriate behaviors were shown by Alvin have no genetic basis and are mainly individual based disorder that can easily be remedied through the implementation of the appropriate measures and help from specialists. Alvin’s signs and symptoms of PDD-NOS are as a result of psychological development characterized by poor social, communication and interaction.
Alvin was born in a closed social surrounding where he mainly engaged with people older than him. His parents have constantly been moving from place to place due to their ever demanding civil jobs. As such Alvin has had to move from different schools from time to time because of his parents. Moreover, although his parents say that they have spared time to devote to their children, Alvin’s behavior clearly suggests otherwise. His parents hardly engage with him and have little time to take good care of him living all the responsibilities to the employed nanny. The moving in and out of new schools has made him unable to engage more with other children as it’s hard to make new friends from time to time. Alvin has no one to himself that he can learn to engage with and thus why he keeps to himself. This psychological disorder can be generated from his inability to interact with others as the constant moving by his parents has made it impossible. Even at home, his parents have little time for him and his sister who is younger.
While in school he rarely interacts with other students. His social cognition and routines have been impaired due to PDD-NOS… His environmental setup has greatly contributed to his poor communication and interactive habits. The family set up does not allow him time to interact with others due to the negligence he is experiencing from his family. The fact the neighborhood where he lives is gated means that he has almost no friends that he can interact with. Moreover, his parent’s occupation is contributing to Alvin’s disorder in that all of them are hardly involved in his personal development. Her younger sister wants to play with him but because of the upbringing and the level of disintegration from normal socialization, he finds it hard to play with her and even when he plays games with her, it’s only out of pretense. Alvin clearly has a major psychological disorder that needs a remedy. Mostly he verbally communicates when his parents or teachers speak to him after which he again keeps to himself. His conversations in most occasions lack coherence, and he appears to be having difficulties, in turn, taking when conversing with someone. Alvin appears to be more interested in cars and has a sophisticate vocabulary about the toy cars, but from his speech, there is a lack of inflection showing how the disorder has impacted his speech. In school, the play activities initiated by the teachers have proved to be of less interest to Alvin who on most occasions is not willing to participate in them. At his age, his use of noun –verbal communication has been inappropriate and thus the need for evaluation of his behavior. It’s only through evaluation of his behavior and examination of his character that effective remedy can be obtained.
PDD-NOS Diagnosis
I diagnosed Alvin with PDD- NOS because of his impairment in social interaction. Alvin has depicted various symptoms through observation that show the disorder. Alvin has difficulties in his verbal communication where he has numerous challenges in understanding and comprehending language. Moreover, his non-verbal communication has been impaired with an unusual use of gestures and his facial expression (Hotfelder, 2016). Also, his social interaction through observation. Alvin does properly relate to people in his immediate surrounding and even with his parents. His difficulties in sleeping and high temper tantrums has made the disorder even worse. The behaviour if not checked will result in another form PDD-NOMS called Autism. The behaviour includes mental collapse, depletion, and a high level of depression. Moreover, he has a poor sleep and high fatigue. Lastly, his high pervasive sense of hypersensitivity to his surrounding is a diagnosis for this disorder (“Help for PDD-NOS | Help for Children with PDD-NOS,” 2016).
Alvin has many psychological impairments that need to be solved. There are ways through which his PDD-NOS problem can be intervened and solved. The solving of his issues should come from both cognitive, emotional and mental development through proper support on his social area of life. Alvin should be subjected to an early intervention program that can ensure the disorder does not affect him in his adult life. The introduction of Individual Educational Program should be enhanced to ensure that specialists take care of his learning and social interaction personally. Alvin should be taken to a children hospital so as to undergo cognitive, neurological and human communicative evaluation to determine the extent of his disorder. Alvin should be taken to a therapist who can solve and address his specific needs. The school should adopt a one – on – one classroom basis where specialized classrooms can be used to cater for the individual child needs. The treatment plan should involve the cooperation of both parents, teachers and the specialists. Alvin should be subjected to special education to meet his needs. Moreover, strategies should be adopted to ensure his behaviour is modified. Therapy can be done basing on his speech so as to enhance his functional abilities. The lack of sleep can be addressed through medication. There is no specific or particular cure for PDD-NOS, but the treatment of the particular symptoms can be effective (“Pervasive Development Disorders Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, 2016). The treatment plan developed together with the goals set to achieve should be able to help Boron get out of PDD-NOS as per the scheduled time. The collective participation of all those mentioned in the program will help her soon enough though it’s a gradual process.
The treatment progress.
After subjecting Alvin to the treatment plan and steps set out that included the use of special classroom and education on a one on one basis, behavioral therapist, co-operation and support from parents and direct medicine intervention, there were significant changes in the life of Alvin. After eight months he could easily engage with others where he was happy with his family and peers. The family learned to support and understand him, and he developed emotional control and low anxiety levels. With continued treatment and evaluation, his condition will be efficiently solved. The continued counseling of the parents on the best ways to handle his situation will be effective in ensuring support for him both socially and psychologically. Moreover, the treatment plan will be able to solve his future psychological issues where he will be more accustomed to.
Help for PDD-NOS | Help for Children with PDD-NOS. (2016). Brain Balance Achievement Centers. Retrieved 1 December 2016, from, A. (2016). Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) and Disability Benefits | Disability Secrets. Disability Secrets. Retrieved 1 December 2016, from
PDD-NOS. (2016). Autism Speaks. Retrieved 1 December 2016, from Development Disorders Symptoms, Treatment, Causes – How Are Pervasive Development Disorders Treated? – MedicineNet. (2016). MedicineNet. Retrieved 1 December 2016, from

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