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Porfiriato, Decisive And Complicated Time In Mexico

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Porfiriato, decisive and complicated time in Mexico

In the pages of this essay, a decisive and complicated era in the history of Mexico is addressed, full of great economic, political and social changes that sought to establish a better country of order and progress, this through the modernization of several sectors of the nation.

Porfiriato has established itself with one of the most important and difficult stages in the history of Mexico, this because during this period, General Porfirio Díaz was consolidated for more than 30 years in the presidency of Mexico, beginning in 1877 afterHe proclaimed the Tuxtepec Plan, dismissing Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada of the Presidency and with which according to Díaz he sought to establish the principle of “non -re -election” and ‘rejected the excessive power of the President of the Republic against the legislative and judicial powers and frontTo state governments’ (Speckman, 2008, P. 337), after more than three decades, finally this regime was overthrown through an armed struggle that emerged in 1910 with armed uprisings from several states of the country, this movement was led by Francisco I. Log.

Before obtaining a critical position regarding the Porfiriato, it is necessaryHe kept so many years in power to the point of becoming a dictator.

José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori, ‘born in Oaxaca in 1830, from a young age he opted for the career of weapons’ (Serrano, 2012, P. 7), probably because his father is also part of the army, participating in several decisive battles for the country becoming an experienced military, according to Serrano (2012), Díaz would begin his military career on July 1, 1846 thanks to theInfluence of one of his teachers, because of this, he lists within the Army in order to defend the country of North American invasion, although it does not become part of the armed struggle.

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Some time later in 1850, he began studying laws at the Institute of Sciences and Arts of Oaxaca, in order to later join the Marcos Pérez law firm. Little by little, work is made in the world to work, starting as a librarian at the Institute of Sciences and Arts of Oaxac.16).

Díaz participated in various armed struggles, but the main one who marked a before and after in his participation within the Armed Forces and with which he totally entered the military world was the Ayutla revolution, in order to overthrow the dictator Antonio Lópezof Santa Anna, to whom "declares her hostility, and in the elections of 1854 she votes in favor of Juan Álvarez and against her government" (Serrano, 2012, P. 16). Successively Diaz would gradually climb from ranges, going from being a simple soldier until he became general due to the victories he obtained.

In 1860, at 30, he first leaves Oaxaca. He had already fought 12 battles -fieras although not always victorious- against the conservative forces, enough so that from Veracruz President Juárez exclaims: "Díaz is the man of Oaxaca" (Krauze, 1987, P. fifteen).

Then, obtaining support from President Juárez as Krauze (1987) suggests in the previous event, Díaz was considered a hero within the land that saw him born, consequently he participated in the war of reform, some time later he would fight against the invading troops French in the Battle of Puebla, he also proclaimed himself against the rise of Maximilian de Habsburg as an emperor and finally in his search to obtain the presidency establishes the Plan of the Noria trying to avoid the re -election of Benito Juárez, failing in the attempt and for This, subsequently ascends victorious with president of Mexico through the Tuxtepec Plan, overthrowing Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada.

It is interesting to compare how at the beginning through the Tuxtepec Plan and particularly in the first years in the presidency Díaz opposes re -election, in addition to completely disqualifying that power would concentrate on a single person (president), likewise previously contrasts radically with its more than 30 years in government and how all the power falls on it, thus consolidating its tyranny. Gradually the desire to be corrupted, as observed on different occasions throughout the history of Mexico, the application of the ideals that he defended before accessing this.

Díaz occupies the presidency in 1877 and with it:

All the political and military and administrative experience that accumulates in more than 20 years of warrior wanderings, and all the wisdom inherited from their ancestored theocratics would put them at the service of an idea: embark to the nation and strengthen their personal power, establish the kingdom of the kingdom of order and peace. (Krauze, 1987, P.31).

Undoubtedly, he was determined to forge a new country, but he was aware that he could not fulfill his ideals in his short period as president (four years), despite this’ in his first period he respected the antirelectionist flag: in 1878 he promoted a reform constitutional that prohibited immediate re -election ‘(Speckman, 2008, p. 338).

Díaz would not let his opportunity to govern the country, he had enjoyed power and certainly fascinated him, at this point his principles changed dramatically, self-conventing that he was the only person who could transform the country. With this in 1880 he gave power to his compadre, Manuel Gonzales, in order to increase his political flow, establishing new ties and alliances that would lead him to win the elections for a second term from 1884 to 1888 (Speckman, 2008 , p. 338).

According to Krauze (1987) the process to embark to the nation would last 12 years, from 1876 to 1888, and would require the simultaneous domain of twelve reins:

  • Repression or pacification
  • Divide and win with friends
  • Control and flexibility with cabinets and governors
  • Effective suffrage, yes reelection
  • Domestication of the Legislative Power
  • Domestication of the Judiciary
  • ‘Bread and stick’ with the army
  • Conciliation policy with the Church
  • Gallardía in foreign policy
  • Harassment to the press
  • Intellectual Dress
  • Personality cult

These twelve reins would be keys for the Porfiriato to prevail more than 30 years, although I manage to control and rebuke them to the country, it could never completely censor the press, which would be a key piece to end the dictatorship.

Then, after a brief analysis and chronology about life, ideals and doctrines that Porfirio Díaz adopted, the question about whether it was actually a complete villain in the history of Mexico, analyzing different perspectives, starting from the economy to Díaz, they gave himA country in crisis,

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