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Possible Mental Disease of Macbeth

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Possible Mental Disease of Macbeth
Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare in about the Scottish heroes. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is portrayed as a hero. Seen as the ideal knight, one who follows the rules respects the king and his lady. The play begins a brief appearance of a set of various witches then it moves to a military camp where Banquo and Macbeth are termed to have defeated two separate armies that are invading their countries, one army from Norway and the other one from Ireland. Through the battle, the two heroes encounters witches in the progress of their battle as they pass a moor. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will be made a king of Scotland. Banquo was prophesied to become a lineage of the Scotland’s king but will never become a king in the country. The two kept the witches prophesies skeptically till the men of the king of Scotland that time who was King Duncan came to thank them for their success in the battle and also to give Macbeth a name of Thane of Cawdor. This is because the one who was a thane before had betrayed them to the Norwegians hence the king condemning that and arguing him to be killed for that (Highley 53-66). This made Macbeth believe the witches prophesy and believe that soon he will become a crowned king. This essay addresses why Macbeth has a possible mental disease of paranoia.
Macbeth meets with King Duncan where they share a diner together at the Macbeths castle and from them Macbeth informs his wife about all what has happened.

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What made her proud is Macbeth becoming a king hence wishes that his husband could murder King Duncan and become a king. During the night that they invited King Duncan for the supper, they planned with his wife how they will murder the king on the chamberlains, and that will be defenseless. In the night, they performed the murderer, and when the death of the king was declared next morning, Macbeth kills the Chamberlains; the sons of the king flew away to Ireland in the fear that who has killed their father will follow them also (Ehses 53-63). Macbeth gets fears of the Witches prophesies which Banquo heirs will come to end the throne hence Macbeth hires a group of murders who murdered Banquo in his way to the feast and failed to murder his son Fleance who escaped in the darkness in that night.
In the feast, a ghost of Banquo came to the Macbeth his wife tries to neutralize that but she is unable making this end up going to the witches. In the witches, he was shown a sequence of several spirits and demons which presented him in further prophesy. He was told that Macduff does not want him to access the throne and when Macduff came in the realization that Macbeth has discovered that he flew to England. Macbeth ordered the family of Macduff to be murdered and when the he got the news about his family execution he plans a revenge using the England army. The war kicked off with Macduff using the English forces (Highley 53-66). The war ended up Macduff killing Macbeth and the kingship of Scotland being taken by the Malcolm.
In this play, the ambitions of the characters collude them with unconsecrated forces that encourage them to engage in evil acts. It is this deeds that turn against them causing fear, onus, and terrible crimes. Lady Macbeth, who is a character in this play, responds to the psychological drain brought about by their sins. Across the play, Macbeth time and again is caught misinterpreting the guilt that he is suffering and claims it’s just a stock fear in him. In dealing with his guiltiness, he ends up creating more misleads of his character. A situation that creates more madness in him his deeds. Ironically, Lady Macbeth has full information of how guilt and fear differ and openly tries to preclude stitches of guiltiness by fully refuting her sense of morality and completely focuses her attention on the controlling the guiltiness of Macbeth. For example in the subsequent scene after the death of Duncan, Lady Macbeth confidently forces her husband to use water then wash the dirty witness away from his hands. The husband immediately denies the order by asking “what hands are here. Ha! They pluck out my eyes! Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood, clean from my hands?” Lady Macbeth insists that their signs of the crime will not be seen since “a little water clears us of this deed.” Down the play, Lady Macbeth ends up losing her influence and ability to suppress her conscience (Knight 125-153). At the point where her husband leaves to fight against the forces of Macduff, she is left on her own at home. At this point, she starts to think of the guiltiness manifested in her husbands such as illusions and insomnia.
The main motive behind the guiltiness is the quest for power of which it doesn’t demand Macbeth clinch the bizarre sisters’ thoughts of Macbeth as the leader of Scotland. Although Macbeth is ambitious of power, his wife Lady Macbeth is the kingpin behind the bloody quest for the throne in Scotland. Past the kind of evil that ambitions of humans can make, Macbeth himself possess an extreme dimension as far as that is concerned. Therefore, this play clearly starts openly with the witches who help to spearhead the plot of the play (Muslin 357). It is clear that before the encounter of these witches of fear, guilt and crimes, Macbeth was in his world founded by “foul and fair” struggle. Here things turn against him and soon after his first encounter with witches, he remains unable to establish whether prophecy witches divines “ill” or “good.” He, therefore, starts to doubt reality.
Works cited
Ehses, Hanno HJ. “Representing Macbeth: A case study in visual rhetoric.”Design Issues (1984): 53-63.
Highley, Christopher. “The place of Scots in the Scottish play: Macbeth and the politics of language.” Shakespeare and Scotland (2004): 53-66.
Knight,G Wilson. “The milk of Concord: Life- themes in Macbeth.” Shakespeare. Macbeth. A Casebook (1968): 125-153.
Muslin, Hyman L. “Macbeth: The self evil.” Psychoanalytic psychology 5.4 (1988): 357.

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