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Resilience In World Conflict Situations

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Resilience in world conflict situations

In today’s world the planet earth goes through conflicting situations of all kinds, such as wars, poverty, hunger, disease, climate change, inequalities, violence, which tend to make life a complex space. Even the family space that was previously considered a safe place for love and solidarity, many times today does not offer individuals the necessary values for coexistence. Similarly, religious institutions that seek the approach of the human being with themselves and with their spirituality enters crisis for various reasons: divisions, fundamentalism and other aspects that make this world a place of uncertainty.

In this sense, the diversity of social sciences especially psychology studies mechanisms that allow the adaptation of the human being to such circumstances and lead him to look for tools to overcome their conflicts, between these tools we have resilience. In this article we will reflect on its origin and meaning, its general approaches and its relationship with the ability to face personal and collective conflicts.

Etymologically speaking the word resilience comes from Latin Resiliens;What does it mean again. For the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, from the Social Sciences it defines it as follows: “Ability to adapt a living being in front of a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation”. InThe environment, obtaining the best results for your own life in the adverse conditions that may arise.

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In this regard, Bernal and Medrano (2017), expose “this is an interdisciplinary category that explains how people are able to face conflicts, has been studied from different perspectives. Some have focused on the characteristics that subjects have to protect themselves from difficult situations (protective factors) and others on the provisions that subjects have to face traumatic situations and get successful of them ”(P. 3)

It is observed that according to the authors, the use and existence of resilience depends on internal factors that are brewing in the life of the human being through coexistence with problematic situations that lead him to give certain answers, which allow him to survivea positive way and that also allows your personal development. It is a quality that is not innate, but you learn.

Similarly, the aforementioned authors, generally refer to the factors and characteristics of the resilient subject: the positive attitude, perseverance, self-efficacy, orientations to goals, the sense of humor, optimism, spirituality, autonomy, problem solving, self – esteem, emotional intelligence, and motivation to achievement (ibiden, p.5)

It can be seen that these factors are often part of the personality of individuals and keeps a direct relationship with the way of facing personal conflicts, an issue that concerns us. This allows us to infer that they are fundamental requirements for the achievement of consolidating a resilient personality, which can be formed in the course of life. In this sense, according to Forés and Grané (2008) Resilience is a “song to freedom” in which the human being can display his free will to decide and build his own destiny, even in the midst of adversity, turning the negativeIn opportunities for growth and development. Let’s see the example that the authors cite: “I, Tim Guenard, son of alcoholic, abandoned child, I have made the coup of fatality err. I have made genetics lying. This is my pride ”(P. 4).

The story of Tim, aforeWith death, he became a full man who created a shelter for battered children. Another very important factor related to resilience is the issue of spirituality and religiosity. In this sense, Barbosa (2012) states that the support of religiosity / spirituality "allows the development of actions and behaviors to deal with serious situations", for example: diseases, traumas, losses, violence, to which people face each otherand that make them psychologically vulnerable. (p. 7) This by virtue, that one of the fundamental conditions to incorporate the resilience tool is self-knowledge and full spirituality, understanding by this the way in which the human being approaches his own nature and is related to theor divinities.

To end, as Bernal, T. and Melendro, M (2017) it is important. For example, the United Nations Organization (UN) on its 2030 Agendof humans and nations. Development linked to emotional, attitudinal and social dimensions that allow not only individual but collective development.

In conclusion, resilience is a psychological tool that allows human being both individual and collectiveof his life resolve personal and collective conflicts. 

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