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Segmenting Canadian Society

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Segmenting Canadian Society
The Canadian society or the Canadian market is demographically segmented depending on the population and the kind of jobs that are available in Canada (The Globe and Mail, 2018, np). According to the job market, the greater population represented in the job market are the middle age individuals. The demographic segmentation has made the seller to be prepared for the type of good that is highly purchased in the market. For example, the middle age individual is likely to use their products more often since they are the working class and therefore they can purchase these products as compared to the youths who are unemployed or those that have a low number of the employed population. The yearly birth rate of the population in the country is around 1% and that result to around three hundred and fifty thousand children being born yearly and therefore it makes the market to be aware of the products of the young ones to bring in the market on annual basis (The Globe and Mail, 2018, np). On the other hand, most of the youths in Canada are unemployed, and in most cases, they are involved in the use of the illicit drugs such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Similarly the same less fortunate groups are very energetic, but since there are limited jobs to help sustain them, they are mostly involved in the criminal cases such as robbery and theft to enable them to get their daily living income.
There are several advantages being experienced in the Canadian society due to the demographic segmentation.

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For instance, the employment of people from different races and cultures in a given marketing sector makes it easy to sell the products to different customers from different regions. It becomes very easy when a client wants a particular product, and s/he find an attendant of their ethnic group, the client will automatically buy the product because they are represented in the business. Similarly, the demographic segmentation enables the business to attract several customers from different regions and different religious groups (Gigli, 2003, np). On the same note, the demographic segmentation of the Canadian society has also brought unity among the Canadians, and this has encouraged the development of the country in social activities they do as well as encouraging the peace among the people from different religion and those from different racial and cultural backgrounds. The segmentation in the Canadian society has equally made it easier to carry out the advertisement of the products to attract several consumers since the advert is done in different languages because of the different employees that the organization have in their staff (Gigli, 2003, np). The togetherness of the Canadians has also resulted in the pulling together on critical issues of building the nation as well as the fighting of poverty among the people in Canada.
The demographic segmentation of the Canadian society makes it easy to market the products in the country. For instance, since there is complete involvement of the members in the society in the activities of marketing and the selling of their goods, it becomes very easy for the marketers to get the customers for the firm products that they market. The segmentation also gives the organization various ideas on how to deal with the problems that come their way since the employees have different ways of dealing with problems. The segment also makes it easier for the firm to decide on when, where and how to market their product because of the variety of sellers that are present in the firm as well the various pieces of advice that the firm gets from the employee that it has.
The use of demographic segmentation help in the prosperity of the firm since it consists of the employees with different educational standards and educational backgrounds, therefore, the prosperity is generated inwardly. Similarly, the employment that is done with the age consideration gives the mature age with the responsibility to be employed to take care of their family members. And also the children and the youthful age have the opportunity get their education, and for that matter the society is balanced. The employment is given to those with responsibility as well as those who are above the educational state.
In Canada, the people who are given the priority in the job market are the men and not women. According to the arguments made in most of the places of employment, women are considered to be weak however much they might be qualified for the particular job. On the contrary, because women are considered to be weak creatures, most of the jobs are given to the men, and therefore the men have upper hand on any job interview that they might go for than women (Sessoms, 2018, np). The jobs that are given to the men in Canada have also resulted in a greater profit and a high rate of work done in the country thereby causing a greater achievement to the country at large. The employment discrimination has rendered most of the women in Canada to be less fortunate when it comes to job seeking or the earning for the daily income to support their families. The less fortunate individuals in the job market are the widowed since they have the full responsibility to take care of the families however much they face the challenges of job seeking in the country.
The fact that most of the working class in Canada is middle age individuals, they normally have family responsibility of upbringing their young ones or the elderly parents, and this has made most of the healthcare be predominated by children and the elderly who are normally taken care of by the working class and this has made the health sector to have an overview of the materials that are highly used in the health sector and the age groups that are likely to seek medication (Sessoms, 2018, np). The trend has enhanced the life expectancy of most of the elderly to increase since they are well taken care of, and also it has ensured that these elderly have a better living due to the earnings got by their sons and daughters who are employed.
On the other hand, most of the working class tend to own cars to reach their working place in time, and this has also resulted in the increased rate of purchasing the cars in the country thereby making the vehicle industry to experience an increase in the sales (Sessoms, 2018, np). And also the sales of fuel are also remarkable since for these vehicles to be on the road they have to consume fuel. This, therefore, has resulted in the creation of jobs as well as good sales realized in the country. The only side effect of these sales is level of carbon that is released into the atmosphere that is likely to destroy the ozone layer thereby resulting in the global warming in the country in the near future. Similarly, the pollution of the atmosphere results in the production of acid rain and the acidic rain cause the killing of the microorganisms in the soil that normally help in the decomposition of waste materials as well as soil aeration. In one way or the other, this factor leads to the destruction of the soil in the country.
From the reviews done in the in the above trend, it is of great importance to the Canadian society to practice the demographic segmentation since it has a positive impact on the growth of the society with limited side effects. The demographic segmentation has been found to bring unity to the society at large and also it reduces the level of tribalism and racism in the country since it involves the employment of people regardless of their places of origin or the race to which the individual belong. On the same note, the segmentation ensures that the people with different educational levels are represented in the firm or the market to ensure that there is equality and the work are also distributed according to the level of educational standard. The differences in educational standard also give the firms the opportunity to use the knowledge of the learned individual in making decisions that help in the running of the firm as well obtaining better profit at the end of the day. On the contrary, there should be a regulation of the vehicles used by the employed class since the cars cause pollution of the environment that in turn destroy the ozone layer as well as leaving the land barren since they also cause the killing of the microorganisms that live in the soil. In the near future, however, the employment done to the people with limited knowledge or those that have a limited education will result in the losses being experienced in the market since they will be assigned some duties that are above their standards and they will not be in a position to tackle them hence causing the loss. On the same note, the female gender is deprived of their rights to work in the pretense that there is equality in the Canadian society that ensures that both genders are considered for employment.
Some of the assumptions made in the current trend are that the employment is done to the people of different gender and the equality is observed in the work distribution of the people in the society. The assumption will interfere with the gender rule used in employment in the future. The other assumption that is made is that those that have a limited education are through with their studies and for that matter, they are not students anymore, and they deserve employment. This trend will make most of the students to drop out of school since they are sure of employment even if they are not well educated. It is also assumed that that employment of people from different origin brings unity among the people in the society, and also its result in the availability of the market for the products that are sold. Finally, it is also assumed that all the individuals that are middle-aged have the responsibility to take care of their families.
Gigli, M. (2003). Advantages of Demographic Segmentation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].
Sessoms, G. (2018). The Importance of Demographics to Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].
The Globe and Mail. (2018). The Globe and Mail – Our Time to Lead. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].

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