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Shadow a dentist

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Shadowing Experience with a Dental Surgeon
Shadowing is an essential and useful skill for developing professional competence. Shadowing experience is an essential prerequisite for following the practical experiences of a professional. I had been interested in the “Shadowing” session as I thought it would help me as a future professional. The concerned dentist had been practicing dentistry for quite some time. The present article portrayed my shadowing experience with a dentist. I was interested in learning the professional steps for managing clinical exigencies.
The dental surgeon cordially greeted me as I entered his chamber. He inquired me regarding my academics and interest in dentistry. He too shared that he was extremely satisfied with the practice of dentistry and dental surgery. I expressed my desire and passion for learning dentistry. I shared my intentions with the dentist and asked him how does he perform complex extractions in individuals suffering from pain and infection? He proactively briefed me regarding his next surgical intervention and asked me to join him.
The surgeon planned to extract an impacted third molar in the right mandible of a patient. The extraction was planned as because the patient was suffering from recurrent infections. He shared that surgical extraction of a deeply impacted 3rd molar is quite challenging. This is because such surgical extractions are often associated different complications. The different complications include alveolar osteitis, secondary infection, neuropathy, and hemorrhage.

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Hence, he advised me to weigh the risk-benefit ratio before undertaking such decisions.
The surgical intervention was planned in a 42-year-old female. She presented with excruciating pain at the right mandibular angle. However, there was no external swelling on the impacted side. The radiographic findings indicated a mesioangular and deeply impacted 3rd molar at the right mandible. Moreover, severe radiolucency was observed around the impacted molar. Although extraction is not preferred in the United States, the dentist planned the extraction for alleviating the pain and for preventing the risk of recurrent infections. The dentist was accompanied by his peer (another dentist).
I noted that the patient was administered local anesthesia by his peer. A flap was reflected under local anesthesia to reveal the bony buccal plate. The bony buccal plate was revealed till the apical extent of the root canal. A round burr was used for penetrating the cortical bony plate. This intervention was performed under constant cooling with cold saline. The bony plate was penetrated from the cement-enamel junction till the apex of the tooth. The external oblique ridge was flattened (with the round burr) for ensuring appropriate visibility. A panoramic radiography was immediately performed. A green-rod like fracture line was noted from the alveolar margin till the lower mandibular border. There was no bone fragment mobility. The patient was briefed regarding the planned surgical intervention (closed reduction with intermaxillary fixation). I shadowed the dentist three times in three weeks for following up the management and outcome of the patient. The fracture was treated with 3 weeks of semi-rigid fixation. The semi-rigid fixation was administered by placing orthodontic brackets on the molars and premolars. The patient was advised oral antibiotics for 5 days along with NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Antimicrobial mouthwash was also prescribed to the concerned individual. I noted that the patient underwent a good recovery with a significant reduction in pain and radiolucency (as evident from the panoramic radiograph) at the end of week 3.
I learned that it is important to remain composed and abide by evidence-based guidelines while managing patients in clinical settings. Clinical and interpersonal skills are equally essential in assuring and managing a patient during critical exigencies. I also learned the importance of collaboration between two professionals ( between the two dentists) while performing surgical interventions.

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