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Spanish Franco And Civilization

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Spanish Franco and civilization


Spanish civilization: before Franco’s dictatorship was a civil war caused by a coup d’etat to take power and stop the new social evolutions. The civil war opposes Spanish citizens to the Spanish army that is led by Francisco Franco. He becomes the head of Spain, besieging the capital in 1939 that during the civil war was Barcelona. But then the Franco Civil War restored the capital to Madrid. The civil war led the Francoist government.


In the first place I will present which is Franco and the different rules, characteristics of this regime. On the other hand I will present the evolution of the regime with the different phases of the regime from 1939 to 1975. Francisco Franco was born on December 4, 1892 in Ferrol, Spain and has died on November 20, 1975 to Madrid. He is a military and statesman. During the Civil War (1936-1939), he becomes the head of the nationalist field. This field is faced with the Republican field.  

The nationalists are insurgent forces against the Spanish Republic, and the Republicans are the loyal forces of the Government of the Republic. The nationalists were called, “the Francoists. Francoism is the political system implemented in 1939 in Spain by General Franco and its supporters. Franco is against democracy, liberalism and Marxism. It is a dictatorship that aims;The restrictions of political freedoms with associations, meetings, and opinions. 

Franco is supported by most Spanish population.

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This regime was inspired by values such as conservatism, liberalism, corporatism, nationalism and authoritarianism. Franco’s regime was supported for the greatest institutions in Spain: the Army, and the Church and also of the Single Party the "National Movement". Francoist ideology is also founded on the Catholic religion. In the last years of the Civil War, Franco decides to exterminate the people who support the Republic. 

The intellectuals, the teachers, politicians, musicians, means all the people here had the floor … many were killed. The Franco regime has many characteristics;as Spanish nationalism that means the rejection of all political, linguistic or cultural rights to the regions such as Catalonia, Galicia and also the Basque Country).  The regime establishes different laws by Spanish population, and especially for women.

Families, because the birth rate was too low. And the regime wanted to change that. But there are fundamental laws that we are going to present. To begin with, the jurisdiction of the work of 1938;Employees do not have the right to change their working conditions. In employer he wants to do what he wants with contracts. It is a form of work protection. Then there is the constitutive law of the Cortes of 1942;It is the creation of the polite Francoists who must regulate the participation of Spanish population. 

The law of the national referendum of 1945;It is the direct participation of population to the legislative process, but it is only projects of laws written for the Cortes. Law of Succession to the Directorate of the State of 1947;Spain is considered a kingdom, and Franco is the head of the State by life. And his successor will be the king of a monarchy. All these laws and characteristics of the Franco regime show a traditional and non -liberal state. The slogan of Franco is: "Spain one, great and free", insists on the greatness of the country.

Franco’s regime has evaluated from 1939 to 1975 with different important phases to change during all these years. The first phase is the first Franco regime (1939-1959);During that period, Spain was later ruined World War. A large part of population have suffered from poverty and then from famine. To solve this problem, Franco’s regime has adopted the policy of Nazi Germany, or Mussolini’s dictatorship in Italy.

Which means a country in autarchy, in isolation and the construction of a new economy. During this period, Spain was allied with Nazi’s Germany of Hitler. The problem is that the country was poor to participate in the effort of World War II. Then in 1939, during the same period, Franco has participated in war thanks to propaganda in his country, in favor of Nazism. However, it was a very difficult period of uncertainty due to the evolution of the Franco regime. 

There was the opposition to the regime in 1944, with the Republican exiled groups in France. The situation in Spain begins to change when there was the cold war that has begun in 1947. In 1953, Franco signed a deal with the United States by calling the "pacts of Madrid" that gives Spain access to several Spanish military and naval bases in exchange for military and economic aid transforming Spain into a member of the Anti -Community Block. Mark the beginning of a new period for Spain. 

In 1953 the country signs a new deal with the Vatican, it means that the religious practical is mandatory throughout the country for all population. In 1955, Spain is accepted in the Organization of Nations Units (UN). Then we can see that the fifty years mark the end of the autarchy in Spain. And the country must have changed its political and economic system too. The second phase is the second Francoism (1959-1972);There is significant economic growth. 

But in parallel there are conditions of mediocre lives that favor social discomfort in the country. Because his economic system did not work, Franco finally decides to integrate a technocratic group by calling "Opus Dei" that come from the Vatican. And in 1959 the stabilization plan is created, this plan reduces protectionism and intervention of the State in the country’s economy too. Despite economic growth thanks to the new government ministers of Franco.

There are oppositions in the country that are characterized with: strikes, manifestations of students, Basques attacks. And during that period, there is one of more important transition by Franco’s regime, which is the fact that in 1970 the Church decides to meet with the opposition. Then Franco loses his ally the most powerful. The third phase is Tardofranchism (1972-1975);In June 1973, Franco gave power for the first time since he took power officially in 1936.


Carrero Blanco takes power, his goal was to preserve Francoism. But, in December 1973, there is an attack by calling the ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) and Carrero would die. It was a great bewildered by the Francoism that was very affected. His death has declared a great crisis within the dictatorship, this event marks the end of the possibility of Franco without Francisco Franco. From 1972 to 1975, it is the agony period of Franco’s dictatorship where he has lost all the possibilities of perpetuating himself under the reign of Juan Carlos.

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