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Special Education Services

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Special Education Services
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Special Education Services
Describe at least three special education services for students with impairments in sight and hearing:
Such challenges often hinder normal learning in students. For this reason, there are special education services set aside for blind and deaf students (Algozzine & Ysseldyke, 2014). Blind students may be exposed to adaptive technology to enhance their learning. There are also various devices such as optical and assistive devices that may improve special education. In fact, using this technology, the students are dependent on their efforts. There are services such as Braille translation, enlargement of screens, speaking calculators and Braille printers, among others. They positively impact the progress of special education (Presley & D’Andrea, 2008).
Using the Braille translations, printed material is converted into Braille hence improves learning for blind students. Services that augment screens are used to increase the size of objects on the screen. As a result, the objects are more visible to blind students. Speaking calculators assist blind students in handling various calculations. The voice adaptation helps them to undertake calculations using the device without help from teachers. Similar to Braille translation, Braille printers are used to convert Braille to print form. These services may be used by teachers or instructors to improve the learning process.
Moreover, there are special services that assist deaf students.

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Some of them include; presence of auditory training instructors. They assist students in improving the learning process in deaf students. These services keenly facilitate normal learning among deaf students. During virtual learning, teachers may incorporate captions in the videos and films. This gesture improves their learning by displaying relevant words or speech on the screen. Furthermore, there is a great prevalence of amplification operators in special education. These operators help deaf students because they are used to increase certain sounds. They include loudspeakers that improve the learning experience for deaf students. Also, they decrease the physical distance between teachers and students due to amplification of the former’s voice (Algozzine & Ysseldyke, 2014).
Just like blind students, students with impaired hearing may also require adaptive technology. Such technology includes devices such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, computers and alert gadgets, among others. They are necessary for accelerating and accentuating distribution of sounds among deaf students. In point of fact, alert gadgets such as alarm clocks and bells are used to capture the students’ attention. As a last resort, deaf students may undergo a surgical process for the fitting of the cochlear implant (Algozzine & Ysseldyke, 2014).

Find and describe one professional organization dedicated to students with impairments in sight or hearing:
There are numerous organizations that have been initiated to assist blind and deaf students. Each organization upholds distinct objectives to improve the living standards of these students.
In 1921, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) was founded to cater to individuals with visual impairment. In fact, it was started to help individuals that were visually affected during the First World War. The organization managed to improve comprehension of Braille during its early stages (Presley & D’Andrea, 2008).
The main office of the organization, situated in Washington D.C, greatly improves the work of AFB. It is well governed hence focuses on positively impacting the visually impaired. Also, it advocates for the provision of the freedoms and rights of blind or visually challenged people.
The organization aims to provide blind students with necessary information, relevant technology and useful material, among others. Consequently, they improve the living standards of blind students.
Furthermore, the organization helps individuals diagnosed with eye problems. AFB is among the American organizations that tackle problems of public health (Presley & D’Andrea, 2008).
Algozzine, B., & Ysseldyke, J. (2014). The Fundamentals of Special Education: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.
Presley, I., & D’Andrea, F. M. (2008). Assistive technology for students who are blind or visually impaired: A guide to assessment. New York, NY: AFB Press.

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