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Strategic Management: Comprehensive Command Box

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Strategic Management: Comprehensive command box


Strategic management is a set of decisions and actions that determine the performance of a corporation. Includes environmental analysis (both external and internal), the formulation of the strategy (strategic or long -term planning), implementation of the strategy, as well as evaluation and control. It is necessary to have a guide model that guides us towards a better direction for our organization since a model is a theoretical scheme, of a system or a complex reality, which is made to facilitate its understanding and the study of its behavior.


Comprehensive Command Table

Kaplan and Norton see it as a management system that can channel the specific energies, skills and knowledge of all the organization’s collaborators, towards the achievement of long -term strategic objectives. In other words, if the primary function is the implementation and communication of the entire company.

The CMI measures the organization of the organization from four balanced perspectives:

The comprehensive command picture emphasizes that financial and non -financial indicators must be part of the employee information system at all levels of the organization. However, these financial indicators are inappropriate to guide and evaluate the trip that the companies of the information era must do to create a future value, through investments in customers, suppliers, employees, processes, technology and innovation.

Wait! Strategic Management: Comprehensive Command Box paper is just an example!

The Comprehensive Command Table complements the financial indicators of the past action with measures of the future action inductors. The objectives and indicators of the comprehensive command picture derive from the vision and strategy of an organization; and contemplate the organization of the organization from the four perspectives.

  1. Classification and translation of vision and strategy through consensus.
  2. Communication, referred to spreading and educating; to establish objectives; link rewards with action indicators.
  3. Planning and establishment of objectives, which includes the alignment of strategic initiatives; Resource allocation, setting of goals.
  4. Strategic formation and feedback, through the articulation of the shared vision; for strategic feedback; which facilitates the training and review of the strategy.


The first three phases are necessary to put into practice the strategy, while the last one is review and food. According to Kaplan and Norton, the comprehensive command box is a vertical model of command and control where the Director General determines the address while the leaders and first -line employees carry out the orders and put into practice the plan.

The applied strategic planning model of Goodstein, Nolan and Pfeiffer

It is especially useful for small and medium magnitude organizations. The application of the model implies nine sequential phases, which are described below:

  1. Planning: It is necessary to plan the organizational commitment to the process, identify the planning team and involve senior management continues.
  2. Search for values: It is the diagnosis of values-present and future-of members of the planning and organization team, work philosophy, organizational culture.
  3. Mission formulation: as a clear statement of the type of business where the company is located.
  4. Business strategy design: it requires establishing the quantified business objectives of the organization through the identification of business lines, establishment of critical success indicators, identification of strategic actions and the determination of the culture necessary to support these lines of business.
  5. Performance Audit: It is the concentrated effort required by the simultaneous study of the strengths and weaknesses of the company and of the external opportunities and threats. Clarification and translation of vision and strategy: clarify the vision Obtain the consensus Planning and establishment of objectives: Establish the objectives Align strategic initiatives to assign resources to establish the training goals and strategic feedback: articulate the shared vision to provide strategic feedback to facilitate Training and review of the Communication Strategy: Communicate and Educate Establish the objectives Link the rewards with the Action Indicators Comprehensive Command Table.
  6. Gap analysis: It is a comparison of the data generated during performance audit with those indispensable to execute the strategic plan. In addition, the development of specific strategies to close each identified gap is required.
  7. Integration of action plans: it requires gathering the pieces to determine how the general plan works and where the potential nerve points are found.
  8. Contingency planning: provides the organization with a variety of business design strategies that can be used in different scenarios.
  9. Implementation: It is the concurrent initiation of several tactical and operational plans. The authors express that deciding the future course of an organization is the task of senior management, which cannot or should be delegated.



The models are complex systems that help to understand the best functioning of an organization being clear about our objectives of the organization and thus be able to choose the model that brings us the most to our goals.


  • management. (s.F.). Retrieved on September 1, 2020, from https: // cmigestion.It is/of-mando-integral/
  • AGUERIRA, s. (June 1, 2018). Retrieved on September 1, 2020, from http: //

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