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The British Referendum Around Brexit

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The British referendum around Brexit

In the Brexit process they highlighted misinformation, exaggeration and deception;However, we cannot limit ourselves to what happened in recent years, but there is a framework that goes back long before the 2016 referendum.

On many occasions, the political and media deterioration that was suffered in British democracy has been criticized, and not only in it, but in several neighboring countries although in these the consequences have not become as risky and aggressive as those that have finally supposedThe United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union.

A clarification to what Brexit was and what factors detonated him, they can be deduced through the words of Ignacio Molina for the Royal Elcano Institute: “It is necessaryPopulist, or headlines in the tabloids denouncing the plunder that apparently, Brussels perpetrated in the United Kingdom, such as the alleged submission of its citizens to rules decided by distant Eurocrats and the alleged invasion at the hands of workers arrived from the continent of the continent. If this exercise is done, it will be verified that British Euroscepticism and its false argument have reasons that, without becoming honorable or rational, are not trivial either ”.

This situation led to the United Kingdom, in all areas, was contaminated by falsehood, and cost to distinguish what was real from what was unreliable or absolutely false. A favorable message about the European Union and the multiple benefits derived from belonging to the institution were avoided;On the contrary, information about Brussels were disseminated aimed at distorting reality.

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Another important factors was not only a News fake campaign against the European Union, but a campaign of exaltation of the United Kingdom and what could get outside the EU without submitting to foreign political decisions, following its path separately. In fact, only the positive valuations and facilities of the United Kingdom and no, complications or problems could undoubtedly, as a consequence of the Brexit, occur in the future.

Sure example of how biased the information was given to us by the headlines of the newspapers one day after the referendum, such as: See you later European Union! Or we are out! However, the most notable case would be that of the newspaper The Sun, owned by the American magnat.

The Daily Mail, the most read newspaper in the country, accompanied its cover with an image of the Europhobus Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party and great defender that the country said goodbye to the EU. In this same newspaper, it was referred to that: "For the first time in 43 years the British were released from the Grilletes of the European Union", referring to the campaign they had carried out throughout the process that growth andProgress from the United Kingdom was limited by belonging to the union.

On the other hand after the resolution of the referendum the political leaders themselves have had to admit that they will not be able to achieve everything that was intended with the Brexit. At the beginning of the campaign, the newspapers and politicians related to the separation process emphasized the economic benefits that would bring their departure from the European Union without talking about what its departure would mean for the economy with tariffs or the difference in currency. This is one of the examples of news that were promoted during the campaign to distort reality for citizens.

This example allows us to see the importance of the misinformation of citizens, not only about the functioning of institutions but also of the advantages and disadvantages that can lead to political decisions if the whole truth is not known.  

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