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The Importance Of The Role Played By The Social Worker In Society

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The importance of the role played by the social worker in society


The importance of the role of the social worker in society, lies in the social intervention that is framed by controls and sanctions, of the impairment of the professional’s creativity to seek solutions, and to work together with people, families, groups and communities that facilitate their own self-dependence in the search for better well -being for all.

According to (García & Sotomayor, 2017) “The social worker promotes change, the solution of problems in human relationships, the ability and liberation of people to improve their well -being. Using theories of human behavior and social systems, social work intervenes where people interact with their environment. The principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental for social work ".

The purpose pursued by this work is to publicize the role played by the social worker with society, this professional provides his services, his support for situations that require help acts as an intermediary with people and many times influences decisions , he is a multidisciplinary professional, since he can develop in different fields his role also seeks to solve problems and the need to know, understand people’s environment to act and change that people continue to live in a situation of disadvantages.


The social worker is known as a help entity, since he has an essential role in humanitarian crises such as defending the right of people who are being violated and at risk.

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It acts as a mediator, supervisor gives control and monitoring of cases is an active professional who seeks just policies and gives solutions so that people can deal with their social problems, the social worker can also perform his knowledge in various work fields (Alarcon & Lai, 2007).

This professional is also an educational agent, learning is essential for community development, new generations in order to have a fairer democratic society that guarantees the integration of all with equality and equity education also has two purposes: that It is to form intelligence and prepare the citizen seeks systematic activities given by the formal framework to give certain types of learning to complete groups and subgroups of the population for both adults and children. (Hernandez, Gonzales, Juarez, & Perez., s.F)

Leonor Rodríguez, Loor and Anchundia (2017) The field of health is also one of the sectors where the social worker performs greater interventions in the area of ​​health is inclined to know about the health of the population through their research tools And exploring compliance with all social policies, coordinating actions with their interdisciplinary group as well as family members and organizations proposing actions to improve the quality of life either of a person, family or communities in general also seeks to eliminate everything that interposes or retards achievement to obtain objective health intervention and offers services knows their shortcomings and needs.

Pelegri, x. (s.F). He maintains that the social worker has a very broad professional field that facilitates work in almost all public administrations in the commercial sectors or in the tertiary sectors, pluralizes his intervention with organized protection systems such as education, health and work is A profession that has to see with joint work with society to investigate and intervene with society is a heterogeneous occupation enough and that contains most of the possibilities.

According to (Vargas, 2015) “The role of the social worker has a lot to do with favoring traffic from the exclusion and vulnerability areas to the integration zone and to avoid, as far as possible, that individuals and groups They slide in that slope in the opposite direction. To achieve these purposes, favor the strength of the social ties of these individuals and groups has undoubtedly been an important objective ”.


Collecting the role played by the social worker with society is very important, since the social worker has a great work that is to intervene either with an individual, families, groups, communities and society in general because he offers knowledge, skills and skills necessary to help people who are in risk and vulnerability problems, since it will give solutions to people’s problems.

The social worker has a very important role because in addition to research. He acts as a mediator and performs in deferens areas, since he has a profession that is very multidisciplinary 

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