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Why women shouldnt be in combat

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Why Women Should Not Be in Combat
Over the years, females support peaceful coexistence and cooperation among different communities around the world. Most women believe in transnational solidarity and female inclusion in combat to create a harmonious society. Notably, women and other gender activists argue that the American government should incorporate females in combats to assist their male counterparts battle the country`s enemies. Nonetheless, women in the military sector should not be allowed in combat. Alternatively, they should be assigned non-combat duties to protect most of them from dangerous criminals. Women lack the energy to survive in battlefields, they are a distraction to males, and may suffer sexual assaults in the battlefields.
Most women lack the strength to survive in battlefields for extended periods (Leppamen 89). The military sector is an important agency as it protects the United States of America from external attacks from terrorists and other enemies. Additionally, the American army ensures peace in different countries like Somalia, Iraq, and Syria among others. As a result, the sector requires dedicated individuals who can survive in combat for long periods. Women cannot survive in battles for long due to their menstrual cycle. Females experience monthly periods that affect their energy levels, thereby making them ineffective during some days of the month. Consequently, they cannot provide consistent military service on the battlefields.

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This renders them unsuitable for combats; hence, they should occupy non-combat positions that do not require high energy.
Additionally, women act as a distraction to their male counterparts during battles (Browne par. 2). Men and women have unpredictable feelings they express toward the opposite sex. People in the corporate world fall in love and marry, but still work in the same workplace. Likewise, the high possibility of formation of couples in battlefields limits the possibility of inclusion of women in combats. Their presence affects males` concentration, thereby interfering with their service delivery. For instance, men concentrate on women and forget about protecting the country or monitoring enemies during night hours. Likewise, females abandon their duties and concentrate on their male counterparts. As a result, terrorists exploit such weaknesses and invade the country. Equally important, inclusion of women in combat affects the unit cohesion since some men or women fight or hate each other because of love. Other females become pregnant and effect the unit composition; therefore, reducing the number of combat members.
What is more, women should not serve in combat since they are at a high risk of suffering sexual assault and discrimination from men. The bill of rights protects women from various forms of violation such as harassment and discrimination. According to Browne, the inclusion of women in combat exposes them to different types of violations such as sexual assault during wars (par. 2). Some men are heartless and harass women sexually in isolated areas. Battlefields are often remote regions that serve to favor irresponsible and cruel men. As a result, such men take advantage of the environment and assault their female counterparts sexually. Additionally, some men discriminate against women through verbal abuses or belittling them during wars. For instance, army commanders prefer men to women in front lines. Consequently, some females suffer mental stress because of the discrimination in the battlefields.
Military operations demand trust, commitment, and understanding of soldiers. Most men do not trust their female counterparts with vital information regarding enemies or wars. Some believe that women lack the courage to support them in the dangerous situation. Therefore, they prefer disclosing information to their male counterparts, thereby reducing unit cohesion. Additionally, most females join military as a career of choice (Browne par. 4). They see the army sector as well paying and influential in promoting their living standards. Their reasons to join the army limit their commitment and willingness to sacrifice their lives and protect the country from dangerous criminals. Further, their reasons impose unnecessary pressure on many females who are not ready to serve in combat roles.
Even though men appear suitable for combat positions, there are valid reasons why the government should consider women for similar tasks. Females have the capability of performing various roles such as flying planes in combat that promote the effectiveness of the military sector. The military soldiers require faster transport during operation. As a result, the sector should train and incorporate talented women to fly planes or drones in battlefields. These roles do not require much energy thereby suit females. For example, some women participated in combat through flying of planes in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2001. Their help and commitment ensured the United States army conquered the two states.

Evidently, females are not suitable for the combat roles in the military sectors. They lack the will and commitment to join their male counterparts in dangerous missions due to their reasons for joining the army. Most of them joined the military as a career; they are unwilling to commit to dangerous missions. Additionally, women lack adequate energy levels to participate actively in combat missions for extended periods due to their menstrual cycles and other gender-related reasons. Further, the inclusion of females in combats affects the concentration of males since some of them admire their female counterparts. Equally important, incorporation of women in battleground puts them at a high risk of sexual assault from their male counterparts in the secret areas. Apparently, females should be assigned non-combat roles to improve the effectiveness of the military.
Works Cited
Browne, Kingsley. Putting Women in Combat Is a Disastrous Decision. 2013. Web.6 Nov. 2015.
Leppanen, David. The Art of Business Warfare: Outmanoeuvring Your Competition with Military. Bloomington, United States of America: iUniverse, 2000. Print.


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