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Overcoming Depression
The Journal of American psychological association is on how to overcome depression. The principal aim of the journal is to explain how psychologists help many people faced with the problem of depression and other disorders associated with them. The journal also aids in understanding depression in detail that is its causes symptoms and treatment. The journal also campaigns on the importance of seeing a psychologist when in the state of depression (American Psychological Association, 2015). Depression is an abnormal condition that is defined as extreme despair that lasts for many days and can lead to pain that is physical or which is emotional. Depression is treatable, and psychologists have played a vital role in the treatment. Both adults, children, and adolescents are faced with depression according to the article.
The author states that it is prevalent in the US, and it is the most common disorder that is diagnosed by a psychiatrist. In 2014, a population of 15.7 million adults, 6.7 million of the number had experienced depression at one time in their life. In the same statistics research, 2.8 million of the population of children, more than 11 percent of the children aged 12-17 years had experienced significant depression episodes (American Psychological Association, 2015). Statistics were led by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). The findings were that different people are faced with depression differently, but most people are faced with a recession in symptoms combination.

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For example, anger and irritability, prolonged sadness and feeling empty and guilt together with worthlessness.
Trained and licensed psychologists have experiences in aiding patients with depression to recover and return to a healthy life. Psychiatrists have different approaches to help patients improve from depression. Psychotherapy has assisted most people who have mild to moderate depression cases recover. Therapy of the psychologists has helped the victims of depression to speak out the events in their life that have led them depressed, and through their confessions, strategies are set to benefit them change and adapt to the situations.
Setting realistic goals by the psychiatrist with the help of the patient has brought a quick recovery of depression. Thoughts that are leading to depression and negative views of the feel of less worth and helplessness are identified and distorted. Skills to cope and aid the patient from relapse is provided by the caring therapy psychiatrists. Psychotherapies are based in two forms the cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT). Both treatments are crucial, and no right approach is for the cures to work, the therapists and patients work hand in hand to make it efficient (De Raedt, Rudi, and Ernst 61).
In conclusion to the findings is that depression is caused by various factors which include: genetics, social, biological and to some extent environmental. People at risk to get depressed are those who have chronic diseases such as cancer and also those who are of families with cases of depression. Depression is treatable through care from professional psychotherapy (De Raedt, Rudi, and Ernst 61). In severe cases of depression, anti-depressants are given to the patients to help induce the depression state. Treatment of depression is gradual and no expectations of a rapid cure for depression.
Personal Conclusions
Strengths and Reasons for Considering Them Strengths
1. Depression is treatable
Treatment and recovery of depression is a strength because reduced cases of depression and also decreased instances of death and risks to severe depression are reduced. Through cognitive behavior therapy, the patients with help from psychiatrist identify negative thoughts, they manage and cope the negative feelings and behavior patterns contributing to depression are cut off. Through this therapy, the patients can have positive thoughts and also can interact with other people and the society at large to get the feeling of being worth and belonging.
Interpersonal therapy is also a treatment therapy used to induce therapy where the patients interact with others and express themselves and are aided in solving their problems positively. Depression treatment is a strength since the patients gain the confidence to build social skills and increase support to help them cope with symptoms of depression.
2. Through therapies, depression can be recovered
Help from psychiatrists has played an enormous impact on patients recovering from depression. Through the cognitive behavior therapy and the interpersonal therapy, a wide range of patients have improved. Coordination of help from the pharmacy has also aided in severe cases of depression where patients are administered anti-depressants that help them recover. Mild and moderate cases of depression are retrieved from the therapies.
3. Most of the children recover from depression
Depression affecting kids is not encouraging because the kids are the future of our tomorrow. Seeing kids recover from depression is hopeful. Both the CBT and IPT have helped kids recover from depression and have helped parents recognize episodes of depression. Children recovering is a strength to fight depression cases in the society especially for children.
Weaknesses and Reasons for Considering Them Weaknesses
1. Depression affects everyone
Depression is affecting everyone, children, adolescents, and adults. The state of sadness is leading to both physical and emotional pain and this if not detected and treated may result in severe cases of depression and some cases leading to the death of the victims of depression.
2. Side effects of anti-depressants.
Antidepressants used to treat severe cases of depression have side effects that affect patients later after the use of the medicines. Antidepressants can lead to side effects that are not pleasing such as nausea, weight gain related to increased appetite, insomnia and blurred vision among many most cases the side effects caused by antidepressants does not go away and becomes a new problem to the patient recovered from depression
I do agree with the author that depression can be retrieved and treated. The reason to coincide with the author is that a personal incidence has occurred to myself of being depressed and through therapy, my mild depression was coped with and treated. The therapy effectiveness has to be a combined effort from the patient and therapist.
Personal Suggestions to Improve the Article
I. Anger management is vital in dealing with depressed patients. Anger has contributed significantly to the development of depression. During treatment, anger can lead to a severe depression state instead of suppressing it. Therapists should get to find a strategy to manage anger.
II. Physical activity and exercise help in suppressing depression and also prevent the risk of getting depressed. Practices such as walking strolling and skipping will make the mind out of negative thoughts.
III. Differentiate between anger and depression. Being angry is normal and is part of the day-to-day activities. Being depressed is a mental disorder and knowing to differentiate the two will help depressed patients get help earlier before it advances to severe.
What to Be Done to Make the Article More Convincing
The report should have relevant examples of how patients have undergone the therapies and have made it out of depression. It will aid most readers and any patient who may be looking online on how to overcome depression. It would convince them that it did indeed work.
Citations from other researched sources to convenience the reader that the research had been done before. It will prove that what the article was written about had been done and more studies are done to proof depression is treatable.
Tell a story to show proof. The article can include real confessions from victims of depression. It will aid a reader to have the feel of a real situation. The article will also be interesting. Readers get emotional when learning from a real-life situation.
Reference to information. When making points on depression and how to overcome it, the article should refer to where the support information is based. Sources can be from facts, studies or even statistics.
Why My Suggestions Make It Convincing
Through referencing the reader can confirm whether the information produced on depression is correct. The reader will be convinced when he or she reads articles from different authors and have the same information. The article will also be simple and detailed making the reader agree on the author’s point of view.
Good repetition of the same point would give the reader an understanding of what the article is all about. Different ways of explaining your idea may be informed of a story then later in the article from another author or famous person, and once more you repeat it in the summary section.
Works Cited
American Psychological Association. “Understanding depression and effective treatment.” Retrieved January 2 (2010): 2015.
De Raedt, Rudi, and Ernst HW Koster. “Understanding vulnerability for depression from a cognitive neuroscience perspective: A reappraisal of attentional factors and a new conceptual framework.” Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 10.1 (2010): 50-70.

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