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Censorship Hidden In The Ponetia Del Coronavirus

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Censorship hidden in the Ponetia del Coronavirus


The world is currently changing to the Coronavirus (called by the extensions that it carries above its nucleus that resemble the solar crown). Airlines and businesses have been closed, schools and universities have had to adapt to online education, if you want to use the bus you have to write your name on a sheet, if we queue in a supermarket you have to be two meters away from theAnother, if you want to go outside you have to use a mask;and return before the curfew. We are in a world quarantine. Something that had not been seen before on such a large scale. For that same reason it is important to know why it is happening;And how it started.

The coronavirus belonged to a virus family that usually affects only animals. Now Covid 19 has evolved and can be transmitted to people. It originated at the end of 2019 in the city of Wuhan, China. Its symptoms are: fever, dry cough, tiredness, nasal mucus and breathing difficulty . Currently most countries suffer from this pandemic that has caused thousands of deaths. Because of that different measures have been taken such as quarantine, but we will focus on another extent: "censorship". Lately the media and social networks have censored some users to prevent false information that can cause panic. But the measures have become increasingly legal and it is worth asking if these restrictions can violate our freedom of expression. Probably so.


The death of dr.

Wait! Censorship Hidden In The Ponetia Del Coronavirus paper is just an example!

Li Wenliang may be the first case where the manipulation of the media could be appreciated after this pandemic;more specifically the Chinese government. It all happened in early December. The doctor. Li had sent some messages to his colleagues. In them he warned that he had detected an atypical pneumonia that resembled SARS ("severe acute respiratory syndrome" for its acronym in English) in some 7 patients from the Wuhan hospital. Also warned them to wear gloves and masks . Three days later he received the visit of public security officials at home. On the sheet they made signed they accused him of disturbing the world order. At the end of the letter they told him: ‘We solemnly warn him: if he is still stubborn and impertinent, and continues with this illegal activity, he will be taken before justice. Is it understood?’.

In the first weeks of January, the authorities in Wuhan insisted that only those who came into contact with infected animals could contract the virus. Doctors did not instructions to protect themselves. And a week after he received the visit of the Police, Li had to treat a woman who suffered glaucoma. I didn’t know that she had contracted Coronavirus. Finally Li died from this disease. After his death Weibo was flooded with messages of indignation. When the BBC did a search on the social network, thousands of comments had been erased and few left. Shortly after the Chinese government apologized to dr. Li, but it was too late.

The previous case was one of many where it is confirmed that China concealed information that would have been useful to combat the pandemic. It was already confirmed that the number of the first -infected Coronavirus in Wuhan were incorrect. Actually the real amount duplicates. Confidence has been lost in the Chinese government. And at the same time they have earned offenders. One of the most controversial disseminators is the president of the United States: Donald Trump. Trump had already accused WHO of putting political correction over his task of saving lives and being on China’s side. But it is recently now where he has paid attention;especially when he announced that the US government. UU. It would stop financing WHO in April, until finding the role that this organization has in this pandemic.

Recently the consequences of saying your opinion on social networks can apparently get the weight of the law on you to fall. As what happened in Hungary, where two men were arrested and questioned for criticizing the mismanagement of the Covid 19 crisis. This arrest was achieved thanks to a new law that condemns with jail penalties the dissemination of alarmist information about the virus.

“They were arrested for‘ alarmism ’to mention on Facebook that a demonstration had been held against the Government and that the Gyula hospital had emptied 1.170 beds, within the government’s decision to release in 36.000 beds throughout the country, discharging newly operated patients or serious diseases."

The police acted in both cases under the suspicion that the detainees had violated the law that prohibits the dissemination of alarmist information. However, in both cases the Hungary Prosecutor’s Office has determined that no crime was committed, so the police promised to proceed in accordance with the fact by justice. According to official police data, the authorities are investigating 87 cases of possible alarmism.


The coronavirus is dangerous and you have to be cautious with what we know. But confidence in the government has been lost for their contradictions;Not to mention that some are taking advantage of this pandemic to apply laws in favor of censorship. That is why they have to try to prove that they will take care of us. And if the intention with which they say it is correct, censorship is not necessary. On the contrary, the use of this makes you confirm the rumor, or at least give it more importance. That is why I think the best thing to do is show evidence that refutes the rumor. And not simply delete a video or comment. Since if you are given the absolute power to handle the truth to these platforms and governments, we would be condemned to a future where everything that bothers the government is true or lies, it will be silenced and condemned.  

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