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Competition And Clients In Project Consulting

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Competition and clients in project consulting


In this work, a summary of the topic of competitors and clients in the consulting sector is prepared with the objective of recognizing the importance that it has in the implementation and development of a project consulting. This summary addresses the identification of competition, comparative evaluation and client’s profile in order to learn about these aspects and contemplate them as key points for business success.

Organizations that develop projects to achieve their objectives and that seek growth, positioning and efficiency in their businesses perceive the consultancy in projects as a strategic tool, since it offers them services that help them manage their projects efficiently by applying various methodologiesProject Management. Although there are many reasons why an organization hires project consulting, in an increasingly difficult and competitive context, it is extremely important to perform a complete analysis of the sector, which allows a clear vision of the current market situationIn order to define the possible strategies that must be applied to achieve business success.

Within this analysis it is a priority to know the competitors and study the way they work, identify who their clients are, what their marketing strategies are, where they are located, among other factors, that they help detect the strengths and opportunities of the business of their own businessRegarding the competition, establishing differences between what is offered, as well as having information that guides decision making.

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It is also pertinent to perform a comparative evaluation, known as benchmarking, which consists in evaluating and analyzing the services, products, processes and other aspects of other organizations to compare them and take them as a reference point for future strategies, all this with the intention of learning fromthe experience of others and discover innovative ideas applicable to the business that can improve their performance. In addition, the client’s profile must be defined considering geographical, demographic and sociocultural aspects because this helps to know and understand their needs with greater precision to create and implement strategies that allow reaching potential clients directly and safely. Finally, it should be mentioned that as Cibrian comments (2020) successful organizations are those that manage to define their clients, but they are also able to learn from their competitors.

Competitors and customers in the consulting sector

The main function of a project consulting is to help the client in the efficient management of projects, knowing how to identify the problems and opportunities that arise. In order to exercise this function, it is necessary.

Identification of direct and indirect competition

Quiroa (s.F.) points out that a competitor is an individual or legal person who competes within a given market, offering goods or services to obtain an economic benefit, therefore, the competition of a company corresponds to those businesses that focus on the same audienceobjective or that offer products and/or services that are in the same market line.

Within the strategic administration area, the analysis of competitive behavior is very relevant since it allows us to understand and try to predict rivalry. In order to initiate the consulting service, it is importantThey attend, what is the portfolio of services they offer, who their customers are, what are the reasons why their services are looking for, what are their prices, etc. It is also pertinent that the consulting company identifies the strong and weak aspects of each competitor because this can contribute to the creation of defensive strategies and if necessary, offensive strategies.

The following degrees of competition can be established according to the business area:

  • DIRECT COMPETITION: These are companies that operate in the same market, offer the same service or product, meet the same needs and address the same customers.
  • Indirect competition: These are companies that operate in the same market, focus on the same customers, can meet the same needs, but offer a different service or product.

It should be noted that the importance of identifying and analyzing direct and indirect competence lies in discovering new business niches, new services and products. This analysis is a way to test the business idea before putting it into practice, however it is an activity that must be carried out continuously, since it is the only way to renew and improve over time.

 Comparative evaluation with competition/benchmarking

In such a competitive world, project consulting companies must fight strongly to acquire a better market positioning, so the use of benchmarking is increasingly common.

Postedin (2018) defines benchmarking as a management tool that consists in improving the practices and procedures of the company itself, taking as reference the practices of direct competition or companies in another sector. With this tool the processes, products, services, errors, successes, among other aspects of the competitors of the same segment are evaluated and analyzed to compare them and take them as points of references and extract ideas to plan new strategies.

According to Komiya (2020), there are 3 benchmarking categories:

  • Internal Benchmarking: It is applied within a company taking as reference aspects or practices of another area or department of the same company that have generated good results.
  • Benchmarking Competitive: It is applied taking as reference aspects or practices of competing companies that have some competitive advantage in some aspect that wants to improve. This type of benchmarking is the most used but it is complicated because it is not easy to access the information of other companies.
  • Functional or generic benchmarking: it is applied taking as reference aspects or practices of companies that operate in a sector or market other than the company of their own company, but that have a great reputation in some particular aspect.

To apply benchmarking, the aspects that will be evaluated must be determined, Cibrian (2020) highlights the quality, productivity and time. Once these aspects have been determined, the companies are selected, the information to be gathered is identified, the sources of information are used, it is collected using the appropriate methods and analyzed carefully to finally adapt the best aspects or practices to the companyown.

It is important to point out that this analysis does not have as its objective to copy other companies, but, learn from the best that others do and apply it by making the relevant modifications according to the characteristics of the company.

 Profile and purchase process of the Customer Customer in Projects

The project consulting process is carried out between the consultant and the client. In this particular case, the client is a person or entity that hires the services offered by the consultancy in projects to successfully manage their projects. According to Cibrian (2020) so that the relationship between the consultant and the client is effective, the human, administrative, technical, etc., that influence the work that is done jointly, therefore, to develop the consulting business, the consultant has the obligation to investigate and analyze information about who their clients are, what do they expect from the service and what needs they have. With the information that meets, the market is segmenting the most attractive groups for consulting and the customer profile is built.

A customer profile is the description of a consumer that includes demographic, geographical and psychographic characteristics, as well as purchase patterns, solvency and purchasing history. (Cibrian, 2020) The client profile is a tool that allows consulting to direct efforts more effectively because it helps them to know, understand them and offer them the services they really require. Among these considerations, it is also pertinent to keep in mind that project consulting services can be offered both to private companies and public companies.

Once the potential customer is identified, its behavior must also be analyzed in the face of the purchase process, to select and apply the marketing strategy that guides the customer in the purchase decision. INBOUNDCYCLE (2019) points out that the purchase process is the phases through which a person passes since he realizes that he has a need until he acquires a product or service to solve it. The purchase process includes the following phases: recognition of the need, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post-Compra behavior.


The issue of competitors and customers in the consulting sector is of vital importance, since to implement and develop this business there are aspects that must be contemplated and applied to ensure their success. Among these aspects is the identification of competitors, as a consultant in pharmaceutical development projects I must keep in mind that I face an extremely demanding and changing globalized world, therefore, I have to know and study my competitors to have a global visionand complete business, in addition to using this information to plan strategies that focus on taking advantage of the weak aspects of others. Making a comparative evaluation would help me learn from other consultants its best practices in the management of this type of projects and to implement new ideas that always keep my consulting at the forefront. On the other hand, the biggest challenge to grow in the market is to meet the expectations of the pharmaceutical industry, for this I must know their needs, their motivations, their demands and use them in favor to create effective relationships with my client. Finally, I want to highlight that one of the most important competitive advantages today for a company is its ability to react and adapt, therefore the mentioned tools are very useful.


  1. Cibrian, s. (2020). Benchmarking. Mexico: Unitec.
  2. Cibrian, s. (2020). Competition identification. Mexico: Unitec.
  3. Cibrian, s. (2020). Customer Customer Purchase Process. Mexico: Unitec.
  4. Inbounchle. (2019). Purchase process: what is it, how it works and phases. Retrieved on July 21, 2020, from https: //
  5. Komiya, a. (2020). What is benchmarking? Retrieved on July 21, 2020, from https: //
  6. Postedin. (2018). What is Benchmarking? Retrieved on July 21, 2020, from https: // = 11 & v = 7g6uumfi8mc & feature = emb_ogue
  7. Quiroa, m. (s.F.). Competitor. Retrieved on July 20, 2020, from https: //

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