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Contraceptive Methods And Reproductive Health

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Contraceptive methods and reproductive health


Our analysis of this research as Medicine students of Cesar Vallejo University will be to know that so much is known about contraceptive methods and its use in different circumstances, to lead a safe sex life and its use without prior evaluation by a specialist. We also want to know the students’ perspective in the use of a possible oral contraceptive method in male students, since we are a third world country in which there is still a significant percentage of machismo and violence against women.


Sexual health is understood as a continuous process of physical, psychological and sociocultural well -related to sexuality. It is evidenced in the free and responsible expressions of sexual capacities that lead to personal and social well -being enriching individual and social life. There is no relationship between the level of knowledge and the intention of use of the pill, since independent of the level of knowledge there was always a high intention of use of research and thus actively participate in family planning.

Vinueza-Moreano and collaborators in their work;Knowledge, attitudes and practices on contraceptive methods in Medicine students of the Central University of EcuadorStudents is high, having more relevance information about condom, vasectomy and ligation, being the most used contraceptive methods the condom, interrupted intercourse and oral contraceptives.

Olmas in his study;Level of knowledge and use of contraceptive methods that a group of first and fifth students of Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Córdoba;He presents research work is a transverse and descriptive study that was carried out with a sample of 577 university students from the National University of Córdoba, indicating the results that the knowledge that university students have is insufficient, knowing more the condom and oral hormones, being theSexually active first year, considering that the faculty must provide information on sexual and reproductive health.

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In relation to knowledge, a 90 was found.6% adequate knowledge regarding condoms, a 79.8% with respect to contraceptive pills;A 75.3% have proper knowledge of the rhythm method. The relationship found regarding the knowledge of a contraceptive method and the year of study was direct. 

As for the age of onset of sexual activity we find that the average was 18 years with a minimum age of 13 years;A 34.9% to be sexually active of which only 32% refuse to have used a contraceptive method in its first sexual relationship. 53% refuse that the attitude when receiving information from the University is very good. Of the students who said not to have initiated their active sexual life, the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive methods in medical students is good and is related to the year of study.

Sexual health is understood as a continuous process of physical, psychological and sociocultural well -related to sexuality. It is evidenced in the free and responsible expressions of sexual capacities that lead to personal and social well -being enriching individual and social life. First of all there is the recognition of sexual rights, implying autonomy, decision both to the practices and frequency of their sexual activity.

Reproductive health is defined by WHO as a general state of physical, mental and social well -being, and not only the absence of ailments or diseases in all aspects related to the reproductive system and its functions and processes. It implies that people are able to have a satisfactory and safe sex life, and that they have the ability to reproduce and the freedom to decide whether to do it, when and how. It implies the freedom to conceive or not a new being through necessary information, as well as access to health establishments that allow us a maternity without risk.


WHO defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social welfare related to sexuality;which is not the absence of disease, dysfunction or inability. In order for sexual health to be achieved and maintained, the sexual rights of all people must be respected, protected and exercised fully, having a positive approach to pleasant and safe sexual experiences, free of discrimination and violence.

The Minsa created the National Health Strategy of Sexual and Reproductive Health so that people have a safe sex life and can reproduce freely when they decide to do so being responsible, since there may be effects on the sexual and reproductive health of people on a personal level,family and community.

  • Barrier methods: barrier contraceptives hinder the access of sperm to the ovule here we have the condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap and contraceptive sponge.
  • Preservatives: It is used to avoid an STI in both men and women also blocks the entry of semen into the couple body, there are two types: female and masculine which should be placed before penetration and use a new one in each relationshipsexual, the first use in men and women the possibility of a pregnancy is 2% and 5% respectively if the use is perfect, 18% and 21% respectively if the use is constant.
  • Diaphragm: It is a flexible cup that is placed inside the vagina covering the cervix during sexual intercourse to avoid the entry of sperm, likewise use is recommended together with spermicide to increase its effectiveness.
  • Cervical cap: it is a glass of hat in the form of a hat that is placed in the vagina and on the uterine neck preventing sperm from entering, they are similar to diaphragm, but smaller, it must be used next to a spermicide, this method is leftAt least 6 hours after the sexual act and a maximum of 48 hours, its effectiveness is 12% if it is usually used.
  • Contraceptive sponge: In a polyurethane sponge, similar to a pillow, it is inserted moistened and folded in the deepest part of the vagina, it blocks the entrance of the sperm, 24h can be placed before the sexual act and its effectiveness does not vary,After the sexual act it is left for 6h and no more than 30.  


It is necessary to think of health promotion through lines of action that do not reduce information on the subject. It is important to think about strategies that increase risk perception. Sexual health conceived as a comprehensive component of general health and as a right of every human being. In other words, they are conceived as a human right that includes the right to sexual integrity, the sexual security of the body, privacy, equality, love, expression, the right to choose, education and access to access tohealth care.

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