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Corporate Globalization

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Review of Verbeke, Coeurderoy, and Tanja’s Article on Corporate Globalization
The primary purpose or problem that led to the research contained in the article under review is that there has been a widespread misunderstanding about the whole idea of globalization. Some researchers argue that the entire concept of globalization creates conflicts with nature and that is why they are launching xenophobic attacks on it. According to the article by Verbeke, Coeurderoy, and Tanja (1), the idea of globalization triggers extensive and ongoing measurements of various parameters at the macro-level. In the past, researchers emerged to have missed the target on the concept of corporate globalization and this according to the authors under review have made the de-globalization forces to gain increasing momentum all-round the world (Verbeke, Coeurderoy, and Tanja 2).
The research questions set for writing includes the manner in which global as a term can be defined in the studies of globalization in actionable terms. It also entails knowing how the antecedents of the word can best be established as well as how to conduct the assessment of corporate globalization empirically regarding the consequences and content. The last research question is on the determination of how the global value links truly global (Verbeke, Coeurderoy, and Tanja 3). The hypotheses to help in the tackling of the research questions and involving it in the writing of the article revolves around urgent need to have better studies as this would enable a universal community to say in a duly knowledge fashion especially when it comes to the content, setting, along with the consequences of corporate globalization.

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For the case of the reported article under review, there is no clear type of sample used other than empirical data from various large databases of other scholars. Besides, this is why experimental manipulations were incorporated in the formulas with no determined numerical results. In the reported article, the results derived indicates that corporate globalization forms a core theme in IB studies and sound research in that particular realm needs accuracy in defining key concepts along with proper measuring tools. Furthermore, it includes a definition of access to reliable data. All these lead to the idea that bolstered internationalization ends up with net-efficiency benefits as this is one of the significant insights offered by several IB studies. Based on this, my opinion was that this article was designed to appear more of review research done by other authors or somehow a critic of the use large data presented in databases with varying indexes of accuracy and this is because of focusing greatly on the review of past scholarly works.
Work Cited
Verbeke, Alain, Régis Coeurderoy, and Tanja Matt. “The future of international business research on corporate globalization that never was….” (2018): 1-12.

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