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Crime Harms The Company

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Crime harms the company


The progressive development of crime in the world is increasingly fast, and our country does not escape this reality. It is evident as time goes by, new ways of committing crimes are presented, with new techniques and means that were previously seen in developed countries.

The referred economic progress implies an important capital movement, which are the reflection of national production, exports, imports and all the elements that make up the economic system of a country or a region. In turn, the countless activities and variants that operate in this economic and financial order, in which effective and truthful security measures need to be taken that guarantee in one hundred percent the economic development of our country free from criminal aggressions.

There are several types of economic crimes that can be raised within Ecuador of which the Integral Criminal Organic Code mentions in several articles the following: in article 307 to the economic panic, establishing a sanction of imprisonment of liberty of 5 to 7 years to whom this type of economic crime constitutes. Likewise, in article 308 the penalty is established for those who commit agiotage being this 1 to 3 years and in its article 309 it refers to the usury crime that has as a sanction a imprisonment of liberty of 5 to 7 years.

Economic crimes

Economic crimes are considered as criminal events that are carried out based on deception, to later seek their own benefit, without taking into account that these acts harm third parties.

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It is worth mentioning that different organizations are victims of these crimes, such as economic panic, agioje and usury.

Economic crimes are a punishable behavior that produces a break in the balance that must exist for the normal development of the stages of the economic event; or, the punishable behavior that threatens the integrity of public, private or mixed economic relations, and that, as a consequence, cause damage to the order that governs economic activity or causes a situation from which this damage may arise.

Therefore, we can state that economic crimes are those that have inappropriate behavior, and that harm the development of the financial stages of an organization is this public, private or mixed. This economic imbalance is totally negative for an entity, because economic activity is affected by the various crimes that are contained in the law and that harm a society in general.

Economic crimes do not have the characterization of being their own, on the contrary, these can be committed by anyone who endangers the economic order in danger and risk, which inevitably refers to the imposed state model, which will place the guidelines under which to be You will see what is tolerated or not in the economic system.  

Finally, we can indicate that economic crimes are made by anyone, at the time of not having characteristics of being their own, which is why the individual affects the economic order of a State and its economy model, which will allow measuring what are the guidelines that will benefit the best development of an economic system.

Economic panic

The crime of economic panic is known as a restriction towards freedom of expression, because it will limit the accessibility that a person has towards the information. For this reason, the individual who is outside or within the country and who is dedicated to publishing, spreading or disseminating false news in order to harm the economy of a State will be sanctioned with a deprivation of liberty penalty.

According to him (Organic Integral Code, 2018), states that:

Art. 307. – Economic panic: the person who publishes, disseminates or disseminates false news that causes damage to the national economy to alter the prices of goods or services in order to benefit a specific sector, market or product, will be sanctioned with a deprivation of liberty penalty five to seven years.

In other words, economic panic is a crime that is stipulated in our current Integral Criminal Organic Code, where it makes us known the characteristics by which an individual will be deprived of liberty, so that the person who is speculating information and that before The authorities of a State are considered false in order to cause harm to the economy of the nation, will be sanctioned with a deprivation of five to seven years.

It is worth mentioning that this crime is considered economic panic at the time that the person is responsible for disseminating, disseminating or publishing false news with the aim of harming the country’s economy, that is, speculating the alteration of prices of certain goods or services and thus benefiting in same or a specific sector. A clear example of economic panic is when one can forecast what happens in the country’s economy, but that can be interpreted as false news.


Another of the most usual economic crimes is agioThery or better known as the price oscillations of things. It is characterized by excessive speculation and aims.

According to him (Organic Integral Code, 2018), states that:

"Art. 308.- Agiota: It will be sanctioned with imprisonment of one to three years ”.

Therefore, we can indicate that the sanction that will be imposed to the person who performs this crime will be the imprisonment of one to three years.

It should be emphasized that agixture will be considered when the person by fraud at a meeting or coalition with the main holders of a merchandise alce or lower the price of the merchandise with the aim of not selling it but for a certain price, to benefit also or to a group specific.

Así mismo, el agiotaje es evidenciado cuando la persona que no paga el precio mínimo establecido en la sustentación por el Estado, para ciertos productos como, por ejemplo, el maíz, el arroz, el banano y otros productos agrícola, y cuya finalidad es la comercialización nacional e internacional en el mercado.

Finalmente, otra de las formas de agiotaje es la que ofrece fondos públicos o acciones u obligaciones de una sociedad o por medio de personas jurídicas, con el propósito de afirmar o entrever los hechos o circunstancias falsas.


La usura es considerada como parte de la economía informal que un país pueda poseer, es decir cuando un individuo otorga préstamos y cuyos intereses son excesivos, abusando de la situación y de la necesidad económica de la persona que recurre a este delito económico. Es importante conocer que en la actualidad este negocio ha ido en crecimiento debido a las diversas personas que caen en estas prestaciones con el objetivo de poder salir de la situación en la que se encuentran y por la que los prestamistas se aprovechan para incrementar valores en sus intereses y que no está tipificado en la ley.

De acuerdo al (Código Orgánico Integral Penal, 2018) manifiesta que:

"Art. 309.- Usura: La persona que otorgue préstamo directa o indirectamente y estipule un interés mayor que el permitido por la ley, será sancionado con pena privativa de libertad de cinco a siete años”.

Es importante conocer que la pena privativa de libertad varía dependiendo si el perjuicio se extiende a más de cinco personas, es decir en este caso la sanción será de cinco a siete años de prisión.

En los casos que una persona aparente la existencia de un negocio jurídico y este ocultando un préstamo usuario, será sancionada con pena privativa de libertad de cinco a siete años similar al inciso anterior.

Finalmente, en todos estos casos que sea evidenciado de usura, se procederá a ordenar la devolución de lo prendado o hipotecado a la víctima más todo lo pagado de manera ilegal.


The different types of crimes already mentioned can cause economic damage nationwide as to a small part of the population to a single person as is the case of usury. It is important that at present, within the Organic Integral Code of Criminal Ecuadorian Society as for example in case someone makes an erroneous diffusion about the country’s economy.


  • As citizens we must always remain informed of official sources, either by the Government, the Central Bank of Ecuador, of the Superintendence of Ecuadorian Banks or any other entity that is designated by the Government as an official informant of the economic situation of our country, thus avoiding causing economic panic.
  • It should be avoided by maintaining business with people dedicated to usury or as a common mind we call in our society the "churqueros", trying to handle our economy in such a way that it allows us to survive with our income, thus avoiding resorting to These types of people, who take advantage of the situation of a third party to be able to look, regardless of the crime he is committing. In turn, as a citizen, he has the necessary and verifiable evidence to make the respective complaint.


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