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Defining Comparative Analysis

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Defining comparative analysis


To carry out an investigation there are varied methodologies that can be used, for which a series of fundamental elements such as the research question, the objectives, the approach and the design must be defined, so that the process ofthe investigation. In this order of ideas, for the realization of an investigation using the comparative method it is necessary to establish these main elements, according to the modalities, strategies and approaches that are handled in this type of studies.


As in the other research methods, the comparative method begins from a concern, which defines the investigation question that must be tentatively answered by formulating the hypothesis that will be made up of variables or categories that must beOperationally defined within the determination of a study population and the representative sample to observe.

Pliscoff and Monk, affirm that the comparative research method has a structuralist positivist character, which is associated with the study and comparison of social phenomena at different levels of the social structure, where the comparison allows to develop a more detailed analysis of whatIt is studied through a better description, the determination of similarities and differences of the same phenomenon between countries;and the exploration of existing patterns and regularities between social systems, so that the formulation of explanatory theories of phenomena can be reached.

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A comparative study can be defined as a systematic and continuous process to evaluate products, services and work processes of the institutions recognized for having the best practices, aiming to develop the appropriate organizational improvements;which can be analyzed from two perspectives: regulations, when comparisons are used to make classifications of social phenomena and determine whether they are given for the same causes in the event that there are similarities;and pragmatic, when comparative works are carried out based on the measurement of fundamental aspects of the institutions compared to those that stand out as the best.

To carry out a comparative investigation, it is necessary to have some essential elements such as having a theoretical structure that properly defines the main factors of the phenomena to compare;Make a correct classification of phenomena and select cases to study according to the research question. In comparative research, as well as in any other type of investigation, the elements of this are defined from what is stated in the research question, highlighting as one of the main elements the formulation of the theoretical framework, which will base and definethe aspects that are part of the object of the study.

As found in different social studies that have been carried out with the comparative method, there are three ways of using the comparison in these: historical analysis, statistical analysis and qualitative studies;and three ways to consider comparison: as a context of justification and hypothesis control;as a context of discovery and generation of new hypotheses and as a logical and systematic procedure.

With respect to the strategies used in comparative research, Pliscoff and Monkqualitative analysis of similarities and differences between them;and variable studies, which consists of the analysis of variables and their relationships through the statistical method that allows to verify hypotheses and raise generalizations.

On the other hand, Pérez states that for the selection of cases in comparative research, similarity and differences strategies are used, where the similarity strategy is aimed at the identification of paradigmatic cases of the phenomenon studied;and the difference strategy observe the change in the dependent variable by identifying the positive and negative cases.

Regarding the methods of comparison studies, Montero, performs the following classification:

  • Factorial method: Consider the factors inherent to the phenomenon, which according to Nicholas Han, can be natural, religious or national.
  • Analytical method: includes the use of factors and seeks to describe the facts from integral procedures that allow them to classify them.
  • Corrientes Method: Consider the participation of the different branches that are part of the social sciences, grouping the data obtained by categories.
  • According to Lloyd, in a more specific way, UNESCO points out five methodologies to compare in higher education institutions:
  • Ideal type standard: a model based on best practices is created, taking it as a basis for the assessment of institutions according to how they fit the model.
  • Activity -based comparison: a set of representative activities of the type and rank of the institution is selected and are analyzed and compared to similar activities carried out by the institutions under comparison.
  • Vertical comparison: seeks to quantify the main elements of a specific functional area, based on the performance of existing organizational structures.
  • Horizontal comparison: seeks to analyze the basic factors of transverse processes to one or more functional areas, so a review of the practices carried out in any particular area is achieved.
  • Use comparative performance indicators (rankings): Consider that under certain criteria and circumstances some of the indicators used in the rankings in comparative studies can be used. Comparison as a research methodology is a concept that is being analyzed by many sciences, which question its relevance as a research method, but that recognize their practicality to know in depth the elements that characterize phenomenon or situations by comparing with others thatThey can be similar or different, in consideration with the sociocultural context in which they develop. Comparative studies are highlighted in the social sciences, for the descriptions, explanations or interpretations of the reality they produce, and for their use as a tool for the diagnosis of social problems, public policy design, reference parameter and source of legitimation.


The comparative method can be defined from different perspectives, according to the objectives given to the study, which will determine the approach and modality that it will adopt, which have been defined by several authors based on the one that has been givenTo this method in multiple sciences. It should be noted that beyond the diversity of approaches and methods, which can be found in comparative studies, its objective will always aim to achieve an understanding of the different variables that you intervene in the processes of the participating institutions or organizations to proceed to proceedImplement an improvement in these. 

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