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Edition And Address Of Films

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Edition and address of films


Who has not happened to him that when he sees one of his favorite films, the scenarios, the special effects and everything that falls in love and captivates a person who has always dreamed of being a film director; He feels once again inspired to do what he likes so much, but he doesn’t know how. Keep reading this post and discover how to be a film director and what you need to start this dream. How to be a film director: steps to start. When it comes to learning how to be a film director, you don’t have to discourage if you can’t make an excellent short film, remember that this is your passion.


Yes, maybe you don’t have much experience and that the first one did not go as expected, but if you try and give up you can become a great film director. To start in the world that a film director is experiencing the following steps: to know how to be a film director, look and study movies. Look at the scenes of the movies you like most and look at those small aspects looking to get some mistake. If you have to look at the movie several times, do it.  Try to achieve even 15 errors regardless of what type are; If they are edition, acting errors and even continuity errors. 

Take note of each of them, because even if you do not believe, in this way you are learning how the movies make. And as they usually say in the world of cinema: errors reveals the secrets. Act. One of the best ways to learn to direct actors is to have experience in the field of performance, no matter if you work with others in a movie or like you are part of a drama group.

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The important thing is that you have experience. And if you have never done any performance in your life, it is time to start doing if you want to learn how to be a film director. Start making short films of a movie or create your own script and ask your friends to help you. 

Use any means you consider necessary to make the short film. Take a camera or get a borrow if you don’t have. And remember, as you are starting the quality of the camera is not so important. What really matters is the quality of the film you are to do. After having made several films, that you already have more experience and above all that you feel comfortable; You can decide what route you want to take. If you want, you can go to the movie school or you can try to get financing to film a movie; Once you have the movie ready, try to put it at a film festival

Even if you don’t believe it, you can be lucky and become a film director recognized as a step with the movie of Quentin Tarantino Dogs of the street, which was discovered in the Sundance Film Festival; or as Steven Spielberg that ran into an unknown film called paranormal activity also at a film festival. Another important point with which you can learn how to be a film director, is looking for a job in the film industry and study everything relevant to the subject. Do not limit yourself, work as a production assistant, as a lighting technician, as art director and even in the design/crafts. 

With this method you will have many benefits for example: you want money while you learn both good and bad things, you work on something you really like and you can also take advantage so that in the future you open the doors as a film director. Not that you are doing only short films, pursue your dreams and become a professional in the film industry. If you get work in this area a production company can give you the opportunity if you see that you are graduated and that you also have experience as a production assistant. TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: READ BOOKS LIKE: ADDRESS ACTORS.

Memorable creating performances for film and television by Judith Weston, can help you. Try to be very visual while you are as director and spend the time necessary when you make your short films. Once this stage is over and only when you really feel ready, you can try to make a feature film. To get the job in the film industry, try to make relationships or friendship with cinematographers, production managers, producers, production designers all important positions of the film industry, remember that without them you are nothing.


 This is a career is very difficult to achieve and can take a long time. However, be persistent and follow your dreams regardless of the time you have. If it is a goal and a dream you really want, you will achieve it. Be a gentle with everyone and you will achieve great things. The film industry is smaller than you think so do not guide yourself for what people think and say. Who has not happened to him that when he sees one of his favorite films, the scenarios, the special effects and everything that falls in love and captivates a person who has always dreamed of being a film director.

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