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Essay And Criticism About The Middle Class

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Essay and criticism about the middle class

The data of this article to be analyzed were obtained from the saved program belonging to La Sexta the same one that is presented by the communicator Jordi Évole with the theme "Long live the middle classes" published on November 20, 2015. In the report we can witness the intervention of the UCM teacher Carlos Peláez, his students and as the protagonist the author of the book "Chavz" Owen Jones published in 2011.

The main axis of the article talks about the parameters that people must comply with as members belonging to a society to define which social class belongs, the objective of this work is to determine what factors define the middle class taking into account theviews of different authors analyzing their experiences.

Social classes are linked to the customs and interests of certain groups of individuals of the same economic and social level. Social stratification is divided into three parts in its beginning, the upper class, the middle class and the lower class.

The middle class is usually associated with consumption and comfort is seen as a way in which the individual remains economical and socially static.

When talking about consumption and middle classes as a result of modernization, as symbols of social transformations related to the capitalist modernization process, two different aspects can be determined but interrelated in which we can place the debate on consumption as a determining factor in a social structureor a class system The first of these factors is the debate around urban sociology that is based on the so -called collective consumption associated with different sectors such as housing, education, health concern the behavior and attitude of the people of the class of the class of the classaverage even to vote behavior.

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Voting behavior is directly related to the middle classes since the main objective of politicians is to meet their needs, since this social group will depend the success or failure of local political systems, which does not happen in the lower classessince in these the vote is decreasing, taking as an example Britain and as Owen Jones refers to the lower class vote and its importance at the political level “the poorer one is in this country the less probability you have to vote sincePoor people can be punished as much as they want but since they are not going to vote then there is no punishment ”, that is why this minority goes unnoticed between the middle class and the upper class is simply there as a complement to society asWhat should not be, as in what should not be fallen, the image of the tangible example of failure in society that we live.

This currency of current use that became the middle class theme in the discursive repertoire of politicians, journalists and analyst often adjective as emerging and aspirational frequently appears as target of politicians in campaign, public government policies, marketing campaigns of companies. The middle classes are constituted in the protagonists of the modernization of the population. The expansion of consumption is generally indicated as the main indicator of markets in social life.


We can conclude that the middle class is mostly defined by its capacity for consumption and political importance is a social class protected by political and economic powers by its consumerist nature, it is a social class that revolves around its benefits and limitations sinceThroughout the times it has been one of its main characteristics its apparent comfort its static state “There will be no abundance but neither need“ what defines this social class, we all want to stay in the middle of everything since it is easier to appearWith preparation a person can be considered as a middle class but also play an important role unfortunately consumption is the one who technically determines social classes.


  • Castillo, d. (2010). The problem of consumption. Central Journal of Sociology, 5-101-119.
  • Catalá, v. B. (2017). Books and magazines. Obtained from https: //
  • Mouin, t. (1997). Current anatomy of a myth. LOM, Santiago, 23-25 Saved Program. (23 of 11 of 2015). Middle class. Spain.
  • Ucha, f. (March 2011). Definition ab obtainhttps: //

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