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Find 4 program evaluations online and compare to categories of evaluations.

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Types of Evaluations
Most evaluations share a common purpose of informing a prior decision to a future program or project. The planned activity could be about development, delivery of services or planning. Different types of evaluation, however, differ depending on their coverage and the time they are done (Posavac, 2015). Below is a comparison table of program evaluations and categories of assessments.
Types of program evaluation Categories of Evaluation
Summative- this type of evaluation gives the relevance of the program. It is done on completing the program design. At this point, there is a need to decide whether to proceed or end the program. Other inclusions to the program are also discussed at this stage.
Product-Oriented Evaluation
This describes the continuous outcomes of the program. The stakeholders are defined at this stage as well as the agreed objectives.
Impact- all the results and the sustained changes are discussed which could either be positive or negative. All the factors that influenced the performance are also considered. This stage focusses on the long-term goals.
Project Assessment- the effects of the program, in the long run, are discussed. The participants have access to all the materials and supplies which help them in designing specific principle of the project. It helps the participants formulate plans to carry through the conclusion of the project.
Process- defines if indeed the set program goal were implemented as needed.

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It is a good determinant of the reasons for the change in the program over time. It also addresses incapability of the delivery of services in the program.
Process-Oriented Evaluation
This approach helps participants have access to information of gauging the progress of the project and its effectiveness in the long run.
Outcomes- the approach focusses on the changes that yield from the program ranging from attitudes, behavior, and comprehension. It also includes the results of the program. At this point, it can be decided if the activity has any influence or benefits to the participants.
Performance Assessment
Participants get the opportunity to manipulate objects and concepts and explain their understanding of the idea. The participants also participate practically in the project by performing experiments.

Posavac, E. J. (2015). Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge.

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