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Food Of Mexican Children

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Food of Mexican children


This work will talk about what is the current food of Mexican children and about how this type of unhealthy food accustomed in the country leads to a higher percentage of diseases such as obesity and even malnutrition and anorexia.

Some alternatives will also be announced that can help reduce such diseases leading a healthier life.

The poor diet that exists in all of Mexico is a problem that affects both children and adolescents in different ways. On the one hand there is malnutrition that causes low sizes and insufficient development of the immune system. On the other hand we have the overweight that has negative impacts throughout life since the generation of more complex diseases such as diabetes, circulatory problems, heart problems or kidneys among many other problems that affect the quality of life of the life of the life of the life of the life of the minor.



Obesity and overweight:

Obesity and overweight are a problem that is recognized worldwide in the 21st century.

1 in 20 years under 5 years and one in 3 3 3ntre 9 and 19 years suffer from overweight or obesity. This amount of minors places Mexico as one of the countries with the highest index of obesity or overweight worldwide These types of problems are usually presented to the north and in urban communities.

Obese children usually tend to continue being obese in adulthood which can generate conflicts in it.

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What are the causes of overweight or obesity?

  • The imbalance between caloric intake and caloric spending
  • Hypercaloric food intake with abundant fats and sugars
  • Decrease in physical activity
  • The environment in which they live



1 out of 8 girls and boys under 5 suffering from malnutrition. This disease is generally presented to southern Mexico and in rural communities rather than in urban ones, this type of problem is usually presented mostly in indigenous homes or homes.

What are the causes of malnutrition?

Many families do not have the necessary resources to acquire enough nutritious foods since, since these occur mostly in areas of urban communities, they cannot easily access due to their cost, foods that give the necessary and healthy nutrition for the child usually have greater monetary value And this leads to buying foods that are cheaper but that nevertheless are not healthy, thus causing obesity, that is why they commonly see these two types of diseases in a single area (obesity and malnutrition) .


In Mexico only 3 out of 10 children is fed only with breast milk during their first 6 months of life. Breast milk is road importance since thanks to it he drinks can acquire the necessary nutrients thus avoiding diseases and by acquiring all vital nutrients for their development, it will also avoid malnutrition.

What to do to avoid diseases?


  • Provide technical assistance.
  • Publicize information that helps mothers about the child’s food.
  • Create awareness through social networks.
  • Talks/Conferences on these diseases.



In conclusion, it can be said that it is important flavor about these issues since it is a worldwide social problem and is relevant to all to know some of the causes of obesity and malnutrition.

It can also be said that the food of the minor in Mexico is unhealthy since in some areas there is no monetary accessibility to buy these foods that favor the development and healthy growth of the child, this is also the possibility of suffering from malnutrition and that do not consume enough breast milk which helps to have better growth, development and healthy life.

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