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Free Abortion Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Volunteer and involuntary abortions in the adolescence stage Lucía, a young woman who was attending the fifth year of secondary level in one of the most prestigious schools in the...

Violation of Nasciturus rights in the Colombian legal system Introduction DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM: The future of nascituros, considered as beings conceived and not born, alive a...

Use and abuse of paracetamol type analgesics Paracetamol is an analgesic that helps to reduce all types of pains such as;Muscle pains, headaches, arthritis, neuralgia, blows, pains...

Truths of abortion and why it is practiced The objective of this work is to inform people about the issue of aborting and that is not how certain people from......

Transhumanism and Eugenics: The future of Medicine The future of biomedical sciences As we see these sciences are currently under a revolution process and for example, we even reth...

Transhumanism and Eugenics proposals After having analyzed Ortega's philosophy and his supposed vision of transhumanism, I will expose, on the one hand, which I think is consistent...

Transgenic foods and their impact on human health The use of biotechnology has allowed developing more food, and has the advantage of reducing the use of chemical pesticides and pr...

The world of Sofia and the letters in your name In this book it is a teenager who received letters in his name and to his exact address at the......

The woman and the way in search of rights for a more just society This essay deals with one of the most relevant social problems today, gender violence, and how......

The woman and the meaning of the Chicano Movement The issue of which we are going to talk about is about the woman and what the Chicano movement for them......

The socialization process Introduction The term socialization can be defined or interpreted as the process by which the human or individual being begins to enter society to adapt a...

The social impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous population that occupied the territory of what is today Colombia In the Spanish conquest of the territory that today is....

The risks of suffering posttraumatic stress Introduction The vast majority of women can be at risk of suffering some post -traumatic stress disorder after suffering a spontaneous a...

THE RIGHT TO LIVE AND DIE Introduction We have the right to live, but what is life?, What is living? I understand how our own existence, at first it is......

The representation of women as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War He leads by Francisco Franco, the Spanish Civil War was a military revolt between the Republicans and the......

The real need to prohibit euthanasia in Latin America Introduction According to Bonete Perales in his book “Free to die?”We can define euthanasia as the act of a doctor or......

The prejudices of homoparental families There are currently several family models, although it is true that the imposition of the heterosexual nuclear family predominates as the on...

Theory of the conspiracy of white genocide White genocide is a neo -Nazi conspiracy theory, white and supremacist nationalist that maintains that activities such as mass immigratio...

Theories and approaches of current international relations in Spain Throughout history, there have been various efforts to interpret and analyze the phenomena of international real...

The mission of the Church in front of the antivalores of society Introduction The Church is, by its nature, missionary, since it prolongs the mission of Christ, who was sent......

The life of Frida Kahlo and her influence on women today Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City and died on July......

The life and paintings of Mexican Frida Kahlo Introduction Frida Kahlo was a very famous Mexican painter, and was born in Coyoacán Mexico on July 6, 1907. Frida Kahlo's paintings....

The institutionalization of abortion as a mechanism of oppression of women's rights We consider that one of the most important current problems that directly affect us in our statu...

The influence of religion in the educational process To talk about religion and the influence that it has in the educational process, the concept of religion must be understood fir...

The influence of drugs in Ecuadorian citizens INTRODUCTION The intervention of drugs in the world has a long career during which its history has changed totally since it not only.....

The importance of transvaginal ultrasound in pregnancy Transvaginal ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy between week number 1...

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The importance of decriminalization of abortion and possible objections INTRODUCTION This research refers to the issue of abortion as we know well today in the time in which we fin...

THE HISTORY OF WOMEN AND THE VOTE IN SPAIN In this article we historically analyze the social, economic and political situation of women in Spain. Throughout history, women in Spai...

THE HISTORY OF THE REFORM AND PROTECTOR ACCOUNTING During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church was guided with seven sacraments, one of them allowed us8,7), for this the Church prov...

The decriminalization of abortion produced by rape Introduction It is clear that the right to life composes an absolute, specific right, and is established in international human r...

The decriminalization of abortion in Ecuador for victims of rape Introduction In ancient times, the concept of abortion had different positions throughout history, where it was acc...

The culture of rape, feminism, abortion Today the voice has been raised, they have tried to impose limits, many women who do not want to shut up anymore have been......

The controversy of abortion and its effects Introduction Abortion is one of the most divided problems facing our country today. The supporters and critics of abortion will generall...

The Catholic Church on Adolescents Abortion As Pope Francis (2015) said: abortion is never a solution. We must listen, accompany and understand from our place in order to save the....

The branch of bioethics in the right to euthanasia Bioethics is a branch of ethics that is dedicated to providing the principles for correct human behavior regarding life, both of....

THE APPLICABILITY OF CHRISTIAN MORAL > Christian morality is based on the evangelical proposal of Jesus and immerses us in his mercy showing us that the purpose of moral norms.....

Systemic lupus erythematosus, pregnancy and reproduction Introduction Systemic lupus erythematosus (LAS) is an autoimmune multisystemic disease that mainly affects young women of r...

Susan b. Anthony: Feminism Introduction The second wave of feminism covers the second half of the nineteenth and twentieth century, until World War II. If the first wave brought th...

Street children, the reality of many countries Starting with something too important like food, street children eat what they find either rummaging in garbage tachos because money ...

Society and its vision of gender performativity Introduction: Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and be...

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