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Drunk and consuming drugs Introduction After two years, thousands of surveys and a meeting of interested part. ‘This two -year project gave us a lot.  ‘Too many marijuana user...

Drug addiction and excessive abuse in young people Introduction  In most countries in the world for a long time, drug use and dependence on narcotics by young people have been......

Dr. Jekyll and Sr. Hyde, critical comment In this document I intend to explain and develop an approximate explanation, details, characteristics and main theme of the literary scien...

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Driving age vaping cannabis Introduction Drivers who vaporize a combination of THC and CBD or THC only show signs of ‘modest’ deterioration up to four hours later, found a stud...

Dr. Faustus from Christopher Marlowe and Fausto's myth Introduction Dr. Faustus from Christopher Marlowe and Fausto's myth in the Golden Age, by DR. Simon Brown Christopher Marlowe...

Don Quixote de la Mancha y Dulcinea   According to the unknown authorship thesis that I have guided to understand this figure, the following “Cervantes had an idealistic concept...

Do not despair in the search for a job Introduction The search for a job requires patience, since it is not an easy task to do. You need to deliver......

Donald Winnicott and his personal analysis Donald Winnicott was born on April 7, 1896 in Plymouth, Devon County City. He was a pediatrician, psychiatrist and English psychoanalyst....

Donald Trump's victory in the elections Introduction The case of President Donald Trump's election turned the world, arriving at each house. The electoral process was marked by the...

Documentary "Nothing is private" in Netflix Netflix brings us this new documentary that tells us about Cambridge Analytical, the political consultant that symbolizes the ...

Divergent thinking and creativity of different ideas The ability to use our creativity and be able to generate various different ideas and out of the common or the established to.....

Difficult times of Peruvian democracy Introduction. Today we live in a country that, despite its great wealth and a vast territory, still has many very marked shortcomings. We are ...

Different styles of modern architecture Modern architecture. In rationalist architecture, art has no more contemplative and playful function, but critical and positive cognitive, t...

Different scenes of the movie The Club of Dead Poets In this work we will analyze the different scenes of the film ‘’ The Club of the Dead Poets ’’......

Differences between Spanish and Latin American modernism Modernism is, in addition to a spiritual and artistic movement, a vital attitude and a way of seeing life. Rubén Darío is...

Difference between feminism and females For some time, the issue of feminism is well known in our elite, but now the female is added. Do you want to know if......

Determinants and personality measurements One of the ways to distinguish an individual from another, is through personality. Rodríguez states "that personality is the set of ...

Detention of species extinction on our planet The extinction of wildlife is a process that endangers different ecosystems, because among them there is a fragile balance due to depe...

Descartes's error: The reason for emotions Descartes's error The reason for emotions is written by Antonio Damasio who explores the relationship between the brain, reason and emoti...

Densidation of the density of a sodium chloride solution (NaCl) To be able to carry out an experiment effectively it is important to know some concepts that facilitate the understa...

Democracy in Mexico: Construction of an uncertain future   Democracy can be seen in different ways from the moment and the place where it is required or wisheshistorical processes...

DEFINITION OF SOCIOLOGY IN THE STUDY OF MAN The definition of sociology is not based on the unique study of man in community, or the problems or phenomena that arise......

Death Anthropology Introduction The anthropology of feminist death and anthropology were the two main theoretical positions used throughout the practice.It is the universal and unr...

Dark era of the Iberian Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula, located in the area that today covers Spain, Portugal and the passage of Gibraltar; It has been a scenario of different......

Dairy derivatives and their various benefits Introduction Villi is a type of mesophilic fermented milk that originated in Scandinavia;For the formation of this type of fermented mi...

Current social marketing INTRODUCTION. As part of modern society and as future merchants, we are familiar with the role of marketing in the growth of companies, thanks to the devel...

Current smoker psychology In this work we will talk about the different visions of tobacco both from the smoker, from those who are with the smoker somewhere and from a......

Current or Movement of Psychology: Behaviorism Behaviorism is a current or movement of psychology which was structured by philosophical and psychological movements which had a dire...

Curiosities of the mammal bird: the sparrow The curiosities of the sparrow are more than it might seem: on March 20 the World Gorrión Day is celebrated worldwide to remember......

Cultural and Ecological Socio -Ecological Reality of Ecuador Introduction This document shows as an essay a description of the geographical, historical and cultural landscape of Ec...

Cross elasticity of fuel Due to the situation of the pandemic situation in recent months in Peru, the fuel price has been unstable since it was affected by the scan......

Crohn's disease, intestinal tract pathology Crohn's disease is a pathology that is related to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract whose ethiopathogenesis is unknown, it is a...

Criticism about the story: Aldecoa The Republic praised the task of its teachers, the same ones that Franco would take care of repressing and vituperating. In the nationalist Spain...

Criminology, Evidence of Learning and Integration of Theories Introduction Criminality today is a complex phenomenon, where in order to explain or understand the way in which the m...

Crimea: The eternal struggle of national interest between Russia and Ukraine in the light of classical realism Introduction Before continuing with the study on the possible relatio...

Crime and punishment and the influence of the context of that time To understand the literature of this era, the fact that of his facts first must be understood the......

Creativity, characteristics of a creative personality   It is not true that people with greater creativity are better in what they do and in the different subjects of the school,....

COVID-19 How the preventive confinement is affecting couples Introduction In time where the enemy is invisible, and security measures are social distancing and preventive confineme...

Cost systems in production and decision making Introduction Costing systems are an elementary part for the registration of the production cost, because they contribute to the way o...

Cosmos and Dark Matter Introduction Cosmos: dark matter, dark energy. Dark matter. When calculating the total mass-energy of the universe, astrophysicists find that barionic matter...

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