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From Maternal And Paternal Roles To Family Limits

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From maternal and paternal roles to family limits

The family is the center of everything, which is why it must have some type of organization which is unconsciously but existing, from birth we already belong to a family in which we will learn how to relate in society, which is whywhich is important to be surrounded by an environment where there is a good family dynamic, where there is a correct social support and the decisions made so that all this occurs in a correct way should there be a stable relationship between all the members whocompose this. We all fulfill 


The family is more than a variable number of united people by a certain type of links that range from genetic, marriage, adoption. It has basic functions such as affection, social support, good communication and adaptation, an economic livelihood, but they are also norms that must be respected so that everything is as peaceful as possible.   

It is important to demonstrate the relationship of domestic roles, with the results they will have in the future in the social and health development of the child. 

The family is considered a biopsychosocial interrelation system between the individual and society, which prepares it for the resolution of future problems and in addition to teaching a preparation for the future in an appropriate way to society (family dynamics and parenting styles). 

The teaching of parents in infants is of great importance for the welfare of the child, as well as consequences mainly in matters of diet or nutrition, exercise, game and parental behaviors (for example, reading, discipline).

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The family is a pillar of importance for the normal and correct development of an individual, whose impact is manifested in society, health and economy.

Family dynamics are mentioned as the cooperation, exchange, power and conflicts that are established within families and are fulfilled by both men and women in terms of the distribution of work and decision -making processes that are takenIn day to day. 

Each member has the representation of a role that is assigned both consciously and unconsciously among the members

In family matters, the mother can have several action roles, being a wife, a traditional mother who demonstrates more frequentsupplier in relevance with the current one when comparing with last times. The father in contrast can be a fellow, collaborator, or supplier being the most frequency process in man 

Type of paternal roles

In society, dynamics influences as a sample where children born in a family with adequate coexistence tend to have a better performance in future life, economy and health, than those compared to those who experienced some case of divorce (separation or divorce), as well as a possible recovery if people who experienced divorce meet again with a new life partner, although they can give conflicts of trust on occasion with the new member. 

The types of families are the result of changes in social relationship with respect to families, especially in family dynamics, where you can end up giving various types of families, each dependent on interaction with its members and society.

[Image:] This is of great importance because it is directly reflected in the development of the individual and in its impact on society, in the same way in its ability to relate to others and in the solution of problems and shotsdecisions in your future life.

Characteristics of the types of families

There are different types of educational style taught by parents who have different characteristics, and in each the son or daughter he has different behaviors. These styles are authoritarian parents, permissive parents and democratic parents. In each of these there is a different degree of support and control towards the children.

Authoritarian parents are characterized by having a high level of control over children and low support for these. They are very demanding and should always control children, however they usually give minimal support.

Permissive parents opposed to authoritarian parents have a fairly under the children, but they give extremely large support, they are very affective with children, so they are difficult to put rules and limits to these, as a consequence children tend to beimmature, very active and with some difficulty in carrying out projects.

Democratic parents are a balance between the previous two has a good control towards the children and support them a lot, the parents exercise control, they are firm in their decisions and demand that the children, but they are also sensitive and are always aware of them, tryingAlways give their help in all activity, the children of these families are sociable and have excellent self-control.

The relationships and dynamics that are established between nuclear families and their relatives must be known and identify not only the possible problems but the resources that make them up. Relationship patterns, among which the coalition of interests between love, family and personal freedom, highlighting the struggle of men and women for the compatibility between work and family, love and marriage, in a patriarchal system that, today, today, today, today, you must give way to relationships where gender equity is present. 

From the perspective of "the general theory of systems", the family is considered a living dynamic system that is subject to a continuous establishment of rules and limits;They are composed of the rules that establish who participates in it and how, they have the function of protecting the differentiation of the system. The limits of the family system must be defined (to avoid interference) and at the same time they must allow contact with other subsystems. Internal limits are identified between members of family subsystems, while external limits are recognized by the rules of interaction between family and the external environment. The definition of these system protectors is one of the primary tasks during the first phase of development in a family, but then disappears until this establishment is set aside in the mature stage.

Types of limits according to Minuchin

Clear ones: They can be defined precisely to allow system members to develop their functions without interference between subsystems, but allowing contact between the members of the different subsystems. 

Diffuses: They are not defined precisely;It is not clear who should participate, how and when, there is lack of autonomy among the members of the system, who are agglutinated showing invasion between subsystems;The stress of an individual member affects intensely on others.

Rigid: communication between its members becomes very difficult;Each one works autonomously with disproportionate sense of independence, the members lack feelings of loyalty and belonging. Only a high level of stress affecting a member can activate family support systems.

The types of family are established according to the link, the emotional ties and the proximity between their members, and with it, the union or separation of the same is given. 


In each stage of the life cycle, different demonstrations and demands can be presented for the development of a family members, who are related to certain rules that constitute the family structure, in these periods of development transformations to the system and aJump to a new and more complex stage. However, stagnation at some stage of the life cycle can lead to family dysfunctionality represented by various symptoms, symptomatic manifestations mainly affect children, as a manifestation of a family dynamic with mismatches or stagnations in subsystems that make up a problemIn common: the interference of families of origin of each of the couple’s members. In most family problems, limits tend to be diffuse and rigid and hierarchy is confusing, generating coalitions, rather than alliances. The life cycle is an extremely important frame of reference for clinical work and therefore it is a fertile field for family research. The therapist’s tasks are clarified by including, in their analysis, this referential framework that enables the identification of particular processes and definition of the problems that families present, as well as giving certain guidelines to outline the intervention.


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