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The cervical spine is separated into two different regions Cervicoencephalic (C0 to C2) and Cervicobrachial (C3- C7). List 5 symptoms that are consistent with injuries to the C0- C2 region of the spine
Serious back pain
Loss of sensation in hands and fingers
Loss of bladder
Can an upper cervical spine injure C0- C2 cause cranial nerve dysfunctions? Yes/No
Yes. Cranial nerve dysfunction is caused by any nerves malfunction injuries, tumors, infections, inadequate blood supply and inflammation. Therefore it is evident that cervical spine injuries C0-C2can cause cranial nerve dysfunction
Compare and contrast characteristics of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae:
• All the vertebrae consists of a bone
• They have a function of supporting the body
• They protect the spinal cord
• They are separated by discs called intervertebral discs
• Cervical spine has smaller bones
• Thoracic spine has larger bones than cervical
• The lumbar has larger bones but only in the spine.
Cervical spine is made of smaller bones as compared to thoracic. The small bones help in supporting head weight. On the other hand, the thoracic spines have larger bones which provide a framework in protecting the inner organs.
What is a Vertebral Artery Sign and when would you perform this test? Include in your answer common symptoms of vertebral artery insufficiency.
A vertebral artery sign is a test used to determine blood floor in the vertebral artery.

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This test comes about normally when there reduced the level of blood flow. The symptoms may include a severe headache, posterior nacho pain due to the neck injury and ischemia or cerebellum.
Briefly explain why there are 8 cervical nerves but only 7 cervical vertebrae:
There are 8 cervical nerves but only 7 cervical vertebrae because the first and the last cervical nerves emerges out rostra to the first cervical vertebrae while the other one appears out caudal to the 7th cervical vertebrae
Define a Cervical Radiculopathy:
Cervical Radiculopathy is a disease which occurs at the root of a nerve a nerve ending which comes as a result of a pinch or tumor. It is sometimes referred to as irritation at the nerve in the neck. Scientists have gone ahead to explain it as a disease whose proves is marked by compression of nerve from arthritic bone spurs. This, in the long run, leads to pain in the neck and the arm and or at times numbness.
Describe how Disc Herniations in the Cervical Spine present:
Disc herniation is a back disorder resulting from displacement of disc materials beyond the required disc space. It usually begins with the rings then outward. The spine flexes for a long period due to the disc between the spinal bones.
Define Cervical Myelopathy:
Cervical Myelopathy is the condition where the spinal cord or in the neck is compressed. It is chronic and can even last for several years or even be the lifetime problem. Treatment may help save a situation, but from what is commonly known about the disease, it is so difficult to cure.
Why is C7 a common level of injury for the cervical spine?
The C7 plays a pivotal role in providing structural support to the neck hence been a defensive mechanism for the spinal cord. It is a terminus for several nerves which connect other parts of the body. Therefore, in case of any injuries, it is the most vulnerable.
Explain why above C4 nerve root injuries the symptoms do not go down the arm?
The C4 nerve root injuries symptoms do not go down the arm because the nerve does not connect the nerves in the arms. There are nerves which act as shock absorbers whose function is to trap any compressive force from the surrounding to prevent it from spreading.
Using the table on page 177 explain how nerve impingement at each level would impact functioning:
C5: The impingement of the C4 and C5 nerves leads to pinches on the disc material or the cervical triggering a lot of pain down the arm. The impingement of the C7 on the hand causes pain in the arms, numbness in the patches, especially during cord compression (Magee 177). C8 radiculopathy might occur if the nerve is so much irritated. T1 causes the muscles of the hand to relax, thus making the flexor policies to be more intrinsic
Define Scoliosis:
Scoliosis is a curvature occurring at the sideways of the spine; a health condition that might not be cured. It is also chronic just like cervical myelopathy and may also last forever. Still, treatment may help reduce the level of the condition, but curing is also impossible.
What is a structural scoliosis vs. a non-structural or functional Scoliosis
Structural scoliosis is a bit contradicting from non-structural scoliosis because this one has temporary changes in the curvature of the spine. This comes about due to a difference in the length of leg and the arm.
Why do some cause a rib hump? Discuss segment of the spine and anatomy that contributes to this:
It is a spinal cord compression. Tumorous lesions often cause the spinal cord to occur with the curve improvement of scoliosis.
Draw right thoracic Scoliosis curve and a left lumbar scoliosis curve.

Lumbar Spine – Define an Apophyseal Joint or Facet Joint: (include % of weight bearing for normal and abnormal lumbar posture):
Facet joints also known as apophyseal joints are synovial plane joints between the particular processes at two adjacent vertebrae. Each spinal motion segment has a pair of facet joints where meningeal nerves innervate each joint. These joints provide stability to the column of the spinal cord as it allows for free movement. They facilitate for bending and twisting more flexibly. The exit of nerves from the spinal cord is sited at these joints. They also allow for smooth movement of vertebrae against each other.
Define Spondylosis:
Spondylosis is a very sharp and painful condition of the spine as a result of intervertebral disc degeneration. It is sometimes referred to as the wear and tear of the spinal discs due to aging. It is chronic and may even last forever, there is treatment just to help the victim keep on living, but there is no permanent cure. The term also may be used to explain pain which results from the degenerative spinal conditions.
Define Spondylolisthesis:
Spondylolisthesis is a health condition where one vertebra slips forward over the other. It is mostly caused by a long-term experience of spondylosis. Spondylolisthesis can be categorized into types as either degenerative, traumatic, pathologic or dysplastic. The disorder is treatable by a health professional though requires diagnosis medically. The severe condition of this may lead to squeezing of the nerve roots.
What are the functions of the intervertebral disc?
. Acts as a shock absorber between vertebrae in spinal column
• Separates the vertebrae whenever there is activity effect
• Protects nerves that run down the spine and intervertebral discs
• Provides cushioning for the vertebrae
Discs are primarily avascular and aneural – what does that mean as far as their ability to heal?
The avascular and aneural aspects of discs make them very flexible to adjusting to any given injuries to facilitate faster healing. The coordination of muscles tasks by the discs is due to its neurological adaptations whereby avascular and aneural properties facilitate for quicker replacement of tissues in case there is an injury to a body organ. The discs have a positive adaptation especially the intervertebral discs.
Would an injury to the disc alone cause pain? YES/NO
Yes. An injury to the disc alone may cause pain. The body of a human being is all about interconnections of various small units of organs which do not work independently but through some network. This network, therefore, shows each small organ is connected to the one, and if one does not function then the whole system will be tampered with. Pain is usually a series of triggered feeling from the source to the nearest links.
Why do disc protrusions cause pain?
Disc protrusions cause pain because of the spine’s fatigued special property of interdependency hence causes a pinched nerve. This could also be due to natural aging. When one ages, the body organs get fatigued and cannot work competitively like before.
What happens to the intervertebral discs as they age?
As the age of the intervertebral disc, there may arise cases of chronic pain and debilitating health conditions hence spinal complications.
Pg. 553 green box “activity and percentage increase in disc pressure at L3”What is the least stressful activity for disc pressure at L3
Reading the numbers, when a practical has been well set and everything in place, reading the figures resulting from the reactions may not be a hard task.
List 2 of the most stressful activities for disc pressure at L3
• Explaining the concepts of volume, pressure volume and temperature. Each concept is independently and needs to be explained independently highlighting clear differences in case of necessity for correlation.
• Adjusting the tidal volume to a required level. Reaching exact figures in a lab experiment is hard. The aspect of accuracy has never been easy to achieve unless one works with some allowance or another benefit of the doubt.
Pg. 555. List 3 reasons that L5- S1 is the most common site of degeneration in the lumbar spine:
It is part of the disc heriniates
It is connected in the back of the sine by joints which allow abnormal movement (Magee 555).
They are isthmic spondylolisthesisRead the list of red flags for back pain located in table 9-6, pg. 566. Provide 10 history questions that would lead you to discover these red flags and report them to a Physician:
EXAMPLE: How did this pain begin? May indicate that the pain is constant, progressive, and nonmechanical. What is your history medical of a malignant tumor?
• Do you have any structural deformities?
• Have you been subjected to the prolonged use of corticosteroids?
• Have you experienced thoracic pain in recent past?
• Have been abusing drugs in the past?
• Do you occasionally experience the sudden loss of weight which you can’t account for?
• Do you have any neurological symptoms?
• What is the condition of your back when having a rest?
• Do you have signs of numbness around the genitals or your behinds?
• Have you been having difficulties when passing urine?
How could you determine whether a patient is experiencing intermittent claudication related to vascular compromise vs. neurological dysfunction?
The patient experiences campy leg pain. It usually occurs during exercise. Another experience is pain in the feet or in the toes. On the other hand, neurological dysfunction makes the patient to experience muscle weakness, decreased alertness and having a difficult to read and write.

Work Cited
Magee, David J. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 6th ed. London: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013.

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